Country for PR: China
Contributor: Xinhua News Agency
Friday, August 04 2023 - 13:44
4th China Xizang Internet Photography&Video Festival opens for submissions
LHASA, China, Aug. 4, 2023 /Xinhua-AsiaNet/--

With the theme of "Tashi Delek," the 4th China Xizang Internet 
Photography&Video Festival invites you to show the world the beauty of Xizang 
with your original works including photos, short videos, animation, online 
songs and micro films.

I. Selection Process

The Organizing Committee will invite professional photo editors to preview all 
the submitted works, and internet users can cast their votes online for the 
Best Popularity Award. The reviews will be conducted by the Expert Review 
Committee composed of the Institute of Art Anthropology of the Chinese National 
Academy of Arts, Beijing Film Academy, China Photographers Association, School 
of Journalism and Communication of Tsinghua University, Communication 
University of China, Pingyao International Photography Festival, contracted 
photographers of VU Photo Agency of France, and Xizang Photographers 

II. Participants

Photographers, creators, art lovers and netizens all over the world

III. Content of submissions

i. You may find your inspiration from everyday events and ordinary stories for 
our collected works.

ii. Students who return to Xizang during the summer break may pick up the 
mobile phones or cameras to record the beautiful life where man and nature live 
in harmony;

iii. Magnificent and spectacular Xizang represented by various wild animals and 
plants are welcomed for our collected works.

iv. The topic of mothers on the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau is also an option for 
your work.

IV. Requirements for submitted works

1. Submitted works must be original ones, and have not been reviewed or 
received an award on any platform. Keep RAW files after submission for 
originality checks.

2. Please attach the title and description of the work, indicating the shooting 
time, location, content and subject.

3. Pictures:

Pictures must be high-resolution;

No limitations on black-and-white or colored photos;

Pixels no less than 800W;

Formats: mainstream formats such as JPG and PNG;

Pictures should not be smaller than 2 megabytes;

Set of pictures or animated gifs are also permitted for submission and the 
number of pictures per group should be between 4 and 12;

Participants may make appropriate post-processing of the pictures, such as 
brightness, contrast, white balance and saturation;

Techniques such as recomposition to change the original content of the work are 
not allowed;

Complete EXIF information should be retained.

Entries without original picture information will be deemed invalid.

4. Short videos:

Duration of video: less than 5 minutes;

Chinese and English subtitles are required for any dialogues or dubbings;

Video format: mainstream formats such as MP4 and MOV, encoded as H.264;

Video resolution: 1920*1080 or above;

Frame rate: no less than 25 frames;

The footage should be clear and stable, as well as having natural coloring and 
without any obvious noise or shaking. The sound and footage should be fully 
synchronized; Cartoons, vlogs, melodramas and other types of short videos are 
also permitted for submission.

5. Animation:

Animations must be designed around the themes of festival and in forms of 
portrait cartoons, poster illustrations, cartoons, animation short videos, etc.

Portrait cartoons can be both paper hand-painted and computer-drawn.

The minimum paper size is A4; the computer hand-painted file format is JPG; the 
color mode is CMYK; the resolution is 300dpi, and the size of a single picture 
is no more than 20M.

All works shall be submitted electronically scanned (paper manuscripts must be 
provided for winning works);

Poster illustration should be presented in posters, illustrations and other 

A series of 1-3 works is a group; the file format is JPG; the color mode is 
CMYK; the minimum specification is not less than A3 size, the resolution is 
300dpi, the size of a single picture is not more than 20M;

Comics require a complete story in the form of comics (no less than 12P); the 
file format is JPG; the color mode is CMYK, and the resolution is not less than 
300dpi; Animation short video requirements include video animation, short 
video, etc., encoding must be H.264; frame rate is no less than 25 frames; 
duration is no more than 5 minutes (including the beginning and the end); the 
width-to-height ratio of the frame is 16:9; resolution is no less than 
1920�1080; bit rate is no less than 4Mbps; format must be MP4, and 
Chinese subtitles shall be provided.

Production of 4K ultra HD format works is encouraged, with a resolution of 
3840*2160 (16:9), bit rate of not less than 15Mbps, format MP4.

6. Online songs: Online songs make Xizang's voice heard through lyrics and 

7. Micro films:

Video: less than 15 minutes;

Complete story with a beginning and an end is required;

Chinese and English subtitles are required for any dialogues or dubbings;

Video format: mainstream formats such as MP4 and MOV, encoded as H.264;

Video resolution: 1920*1080 or above;

Frame rate: no less than 25 frames;

The footage should be clear and stable, as well as having natural coloring and 
without any obvious noise or shaking. The sound and footage should be fully 

V. Ways to enter submissions

The works can be independently submitted by individuals or organizations. 
Pictures, short videos and micro films can be uploaded through the solicitation 
page of Vision China 500px Community. Creative design entries can be uploaded 
through the solicitation page of Visual China Love Visual Design Community; 
Online songs can be submitted to

VI. Duration of the event

1. Submission period: July 15, 2023 - December 31, 2023;

2. Review period: January 1, 2024 - February 15, 2024;

3. Awarding period: February 19, 2024 - February 25, 2024;

4. Awards ceremony: March 20, 2024;

5. Promotion period: July 12, 2023 - March 31, 2024.

VII. Awards and prizes

There are four awards for each of the five submission units, including first 
prize, second prize, third prize and Best Popularity Award. A separate Best 
Organization Award is also set up for organizational recommendations. The 
amount of prizes totals 709,000 yuan:

i. Pictures: 68,000 yuan

1 first prize with 12,000 yuan/piece, totaling 12,000 yuan

2 second prizes with 10,000 yuan/piece, totaling 20,000 yuan

3 third prizes with 8,000 yuan/piece, totaling 24,000 yuan

3 best popularity awards with 4,000 yuan/piece, totaling 12,000 yuan

ii. Short videos: 242,000 yuan

1 first prize with 40,000 yuan/piece, totaling 40,000 yuan

3 second prizes with 30,000 yuan/piece, totaling 90,000 yuan

5 third prizes with 20,000 yuan/piece, totaling 100,000 yuan

3 best popularity awards with 4,000 yuan/piece, totaling 12,000 yuan

iii. Animation: 112,000 yuan

1 first prize with 30,000 yuan/piece, totaling 30,000 yuan

2 second prizes with 20,000 yuan/piece, totaling 40,000 yuan

3 third prizes with 10,000 yuan/piece, totaling 30,000 yuan

3 best popularity awards with 4,000 yuan/piece, totaling 12,000 yuan

iv. Online songs: 112,000 yuan

1 first prize with 30,000 yuan/piece, totaling 30,000 yuan

2 second prizes with 20,000 yuan/piece, totaling 40,000 yuan

3 third prizes with 10,000 yuan/piece, totaling 30,000 yuan

3 best popularity awards with 4,000 yuan/piece, totaling 12,000 yuan

v. Micro films: 172,000 yuan

1 first prize with 40,000 yuan/piece, totaling 40,000 yuan

2 second prizes with 30,000 yuan/piece, totaling 60,000 yuan

3 third prizes with 20,000 yuan/piece, totaling 60,000 yuan

3 best popularity awards with 4,000 yuan/piece, totaling 12,000 yuan

vi. Best Organization Award: 3,000 yuan

3 best organization awards, each with a medal.

VIII. Statement

1. For the winning works, the organizer has the right to use the entries 
without compensation for relevant purposes in the form of reproduction, 
distribution, exhibition (online and offline), screening, information network 
dissemination, compilation, etc. The copyright of the winning works remains 
with the original authors.

2. The organizer has the right to use all submitted entries for publicity and 
promotion for the purpose of promoting this activity or public welfare 
activities, and use the entries through various channels (including but not 
limited to the Internet, press releases or other media, offline exhibition and 
promotion meetings, etc., and retaining the authorship right of photographers 
of the entries), and the use areas are not restricted.

3. Authors shall ensure that the works they submit do not infringe the lawful 
rights and interests of the third parties, including copyright, portrait 
rights, reputation rights, privacy rights, etc., and have independent, 
complete, clear and undisputed copyrights for the whole and any components of 
the works. All responsibilities arising from works or submission acts shall be 
borne by the authors themselves.

4. The final right of interpretation for this event belongs to its organizers. 
Any authors taking part in the activity shall be deemed to have agreed to all 
the provisions of the activity.

Source: Xinhuanet

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   Caption: 4th China Xizang Internet Photography&Video Festival opens for 
