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Contributor: Kyodo News JBN
Wednesday, February 13 2019 - 16:00
BBF Publishes International Standards Developed by NTT, Chunghwa Telecom to Achieve Modularization of Dynamic Bandwidth Assignment
TOKYO, Feb. 13, 2019 /Kyodo JBN - AsiaNet/ --

- Modularization Crucial to QoS in Optical Access System -

The Broadband Forum ("BBF (*1)"), which is an industry organization focusing on 
engineering smarter and faster broadband networks, approved standards about 
modularization of a dynamic bandwidth assignment (DBA (*2)) function on 
December 3, 2018, which represents a significant impact on quality of service 
(QoS) in an optical access system. These standards, developed jointly by Nippon 
Telegraph and Telephone Corporation (NTT) and Chunghwa Telecom Co., Ltd., 
specify an API (*3) (Application Programming Interface), which enables the 
replacement of the DBA software module, to realize future optical access 
systems that can quickly and cost-effectively provide the widest possible range 
of services.

NTT and Chunghwa Telecom have jointly proposed use cases of the DBA software 
module at BBF meetings, and developed the API specifications as the 
international standards. This advance enables carriers to use a common access 
system for a diverse range of services, including accommodation of base 
stations for mobile systems of the fifth generation (5G) and beyond, which 
strictly require low latency. 

NTT will promote the developed standards, and push forward its R&D activities 
which are even now contributing to the expansion of the application area of 
optical access systems in cooperation with other carriers, system vendors, 
standardization organizations (SDO), and open source software (OSS) development 

Figure 1 Replacement of softwarized DBA functions to meet each service 

Table 1 List of newly developed BBF standards

Looking forward
In addition to this international standard of API specifications, NTT will 
pursue to modularize the remaining access functions in cooperation with 
carriers, system vendors, SDOs, and OSS organizations in order to avoid the 
significant investment of redeveloping hardware-level equipment from scratch. 
This will result in cost-effective access systems that can quickly meet various 

(*1) BBF
A non-profit industry organization composed of the industry's leading broadband 
operators, vendors, and thought leaders, the BBF's work to date has been the 
foundation for global broadband proliferation and innovation. 
BBF home page:

(*2) DBA
Dynamic Bandwidth Assignment. This is a dynamic bandwidth control function for 
point-to-multi-point optical access networks. In order to avoid the collision 
of upstream data from multiple ONUs, the DBA function in an OLT assigns time to 
each ONU at which to start upstream transmission and the transmission duration. 

(*3) API
Application Programming Interface. This is an interface that specifies how 
components should interact.

(*4) FASA
Flexible Access System Architecture. "Introducing the New FASA Concept for 
Future Access Systems" -- NTT news release, Feb. 8, 2016
FASA home page:

(*5) BBF news release, June 20, 2018
"Broadband Forum hits 5G milestone"

(*6) NTT news release, Nov. 20, 2018
"World's First Demonstration of Modularization of Dynamic Bandwidth Assignment; 
A Crucial Function to QoS in Optical Access System"

Attachments / references
Figure 1: Replacement of softwarized DBA functions to meet each service 
Table 1: List of newly developed BBF standards

FASA is a registered trademark of NTT.

SOURCE: Nippon Telegraph and Telephone Corporation
        Broadband Forum
        Chunghwa Telecom