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Thursday, March 07 2019 - 13:53
Redefining the Aussie Expat Woman in 2019
SYDNEY, March 7, 2019/PRNewswire-AsiaNet/--

--Australian expat women are smart, adventurous and hard working 
--One Australian resident leaves Australia to live overseas every 1 minute and 
49 seconds

As the world celebrates International Women's Day, Atlas Wealth Management 
takes a look at who an Australian expat woman is, where they live, and their 
motivations for moving overseas.

Logo - 

With one Australian resident leaving Australia to live overseas every 1 minute 
and 49 seconds[1] the Australian diaspora would fill Canberra, Wollongong, 
Hobart and Darwin.

The Face of a Female Australian Expat

Atlas Wealth Management's 2018 Expat Insights Survey shows that the previously 
conceived idea of who an Australian female living overseas was couldn't be 
further from the truth.

They are smart, hardworking and adventurous. This is far removed from the 
antiquated view that all expat women are trailing spouses. 

In fact, only 10% of respondents indicated that they have taken on the role as 
an expat housewife.


Australian women living overseas are highly educated. 

60% hold either a bachelor's degree (30% of respondents) or a post graduate 
degree (30% of respondents.


There is a myriad of reasons why people move overseas, and Australian women are 
no different. 

The most popular response was to find a new challenge (24%).

Relationships also played a deciding factor too with 19% responding that they 
moved overseas because their partner was a foreign citizen and 16% moved 
because their partner accepted a job overseas.


The United States is the most popular country for Australian women to live 
(25.84% of respondents). 

The remaining top 4 countries include the United Kingdom (16.47%), Canada 
(6.37%), France (4.21%) and the United Arab Emirates (3.97%).

Australian women are a well-travelled group as responses were received from 
expats in 57 countries.


Over 50% of Australian women overseas work in either a full-time capacity (45%) 
or are self employed (12%). 

When asked about their career prospects 23% of female respondents said that 
there was the potential to earn more than Australia and 15% said that it was 
easier to progress their career.

Job Sectors

The Education industry was the most popular sector for working expat women with 

This was followed by the Health sector (12%) and the Hospitality & Travel 
sector (9%).

Australia expat women work in a wide variety of jobs and responses were counted 
from 24 different sectors.

Financial Planning Tips for Australian Expat Women

With a relocation overseas comes the opportunity to earn and save more. In the 
2018 Expat Insights survey 41% of female respondents said that they were able 
to save more and 46% said that they had more disposable income. Here are the 
top 3 tips for expat women to make the most of the move:

1.Budget before moving -- when moving to a new country where people will have a 
higher disposal income than living in Australia make sure the lifestyle doesn't 
adjust to the new salary. 
2.Seek advice -- the rules and regulations surrounding expats are rapidly 
changing. Work out how a move overseas may affect oneself financially BEFORE 
jumping on a plane as changes cannot be made after the fact. 
3.Make sure to have something to show for the time away -- a lot of expats move 
overseas and have great photos and stories to tell about their adventures, but 
their bank balance is either the same or worse on their return. Ensure to save 
whilst away because more than likely people won't be receiving superannuation 
payments from the employer which means people aren't putting away 9.5% of their 

[1] Australian Bureau of Statistics Population Clock - 

Notes to Editors

About the Survey

The Atlas Wealth Management Expat Insights Survey is a study designed to learn 
more about the Australian diaspora.

In 2018, 1,774 Australian expats from 65 countries completed the survey making 
it the largest survey ever conducted specifically for Australian expats. To 
review the full report from the 2018 Atlas Wealth Management Expat Insights 
Survey please click here(

Atlas Wealth Management is currently running the 2019 Expat insights survey To 
view the Expat Insights survey( please click here(

About Atlas Wealth Management

Atlas Wealth Management is the leading provider of Australian expat financial 
advice and has been the recipient of numerous domestic and international awards 
for the financial services that we provide to the Australian expat community.

We have the privilege of working with Australian expats in over 28 countries 
and are the global financial adviser to Australian expats.

SOURCE  Atlas Wealth Management