Country for PR: United Kingdom
Contributor: PR Newswire Europe
Wednesday, March 27 2019 - 11:35
Beijing: in the Framework of the 'New Silk Roads' Signed With Artron, Artprice Has Revealed Its New Chinese Brand Specially Adapted to the Chinese Art Market
PARIS, March 27, 2019, /PRNewswire-AsiaNet/--

As previously indicated in our March 18 press release (see link below), 
Artprice has today revealed the Chinese brand name it will use in Artron's 
launch of its official spring campaign with a new baseline in Chinese. 

The name is: [Follow the link to read the Chinese name: 

Decided after much discussion with art market professionals in China, this name 
evokes Chinese confidence in art and the "Dao of Art"... i.e. the path of 
wisdom to which knowledge of the Art Market leads.

The Chinese baseline "Master the Global Art Market".
[ Follow the link to read the Chinese baseline: 

As thierry Ehrmann says, "by becoming a Chinese brand for China - taking into 
account the specific tastes of Chinese art lovers, collectors and professionals 
- Artprice is blending into the history and daily life of China's 
thousand-year-old culture, thereby boosting its notoriety and its sales 
turnover more quickly".

At the end of this March, this new initiative will allow Artprice to achieve 
optimal exposure in China's colossal domestic market and to capture its 
economic potential with a 'permeability' that relates to China's 
multi-millennial history of art. Again, as Mr Ehrmann puts it "in order to 
conquer China you have to immerse yourself in a culture that goes back 4,000 
year, and you have to approach the country with both humility and constance. 

In collaboration with Artprice, Artron has strengthened Artprices's road-map by 
the creation and implementation of a payment structure in order to comply with 
the new Directives from the Chinese government announced in February 2019. The 
strategic moves prompted by these Directives have slightly postponed Artprice's 
initial targets, which otherwise remain unchanged (See Press Release of 18 
March 2019).

Artprice's strategy is therefore part of the framework for trade and 
partnerships defined during President Xi Jinping's visit to France and largely 
commented in Emmanuel Macron's speech on 25 March 2019 marking the 55th 
anniversary of China's diplomatic relations with France.

In his editorial for the 21st Global Art Market Annual Report co-published by 
Artprice and Artron last week, Mr Wan Jie, Chairman of Artron Group, Artprice's 
Chinese Institutional partner, stated: "This growth (of the art market) over 
time, like that of Artron's partnership with Artprice, will continue to 
accelerate as we integrate our resources, optimize our data, upgrade our 
Internet technology and diversify our business cooperation models. The result 
will be a New Silk Road connecting the different art worlds and the markets of 
the East and the West."

We are therefore talking about a 'New Silk Road for the Art Market' in the 
framework of China's "One Belt, One Road"(OBOR) or "Belt and Road Initiative" 
(BRI) as presented by President Xi Jinping this week in France.

Artprice is now accredited by the Chinese authorities as a major player 
alongside Artron in the project to construct an Art Market SiIk Road, thereby 
confirming at the highest level the agreements reached during the official 
visit of Artprice's management to Beijing in November 2018.

The Belt and Road Initiative covers approximately 65 countries in Asia and 
Europe, for a total estimated cost of 55% of global GDP. It involves 70% of the 
global population - 4.4 billion people - and 75% of the world's energy 
reserves, with the total estimated investment period spanning 30 to 35 years 
for all the projects to be completed.

The estimated value of the initial projects is around 900 billion dollars and 
China is apparently considering making loans for the completion of future 
infrastructures in the different countries along the new Silk Road that could 
amount to 8 trillion dollars.

Moreover, as the country's population gets richer - a phenomenon that is 
progressing at an astonishing pace - China's Art Market is expected to enjoy 
phenomenal growth. By 2020, Asia should account for roughly 70% of the global 
Art Market.

According to a study published by Bain & Company on 20 March 2019, China alone 
consumed 33% of the world's Luxury Goods in 2018. As the Art Market has very 
strong correlations with the Luxury Goods market, this figure corroborates 
Artprice's and Artron's forecasts for China's Art Market. In fact, according to 
the same study, China's consumption of Luxury Goods is already greater than 
that of Europe and the USA combined.

To build stronger institutional relations with China, Artprice has become a 
member of the New Franco-Chinese Institute of Lyons because the French city is 
one of the historical final destinations of Silk Roads since the Renaissance.
Lyons is in fact the most visited French city by Chinese leaders. 

Created at the initiative of the City of Lyons, the Lyons Chamber of Commerce 
and the ADERLY, the New Franco-Chinese Institute of Lyons has already brought 
together many institutional and private partners like Groupe SEB, Institut 
Mérieux, Huawei, Sanofi, EDF, Bank of China and Veolia. It defines itself, 
among other things, as a networking facilitator for contacts at the highest 
levels in France and China for over 80 years.

The Institute's mission is the international promotion of France and of the 
economic attractiveness of the Lyons region by advertising the economic 
advantages of Lyons in China and encouraging Chinese investment in the 
Rhône-Alpes region.

Moreover, after launching, in 2013, the project for an "Economic corridor 
traversing countries crossed by the old Silk Road", in 2014, President Xi 
Jinping made an official visit to the New Franco-Chinese Institute of Lyons in 
the framework of the 50th anniversary of diplomatic relations with France. 
Indeed, the New Franco-Chinese Institute of Lyons was revived precisely in this 
context, and it intends - with its historical connections (since 1921) - to 
give new impetus to the future of relations between Lyons and China.

On 25 March 2019, the New Franco-Chinese Institute of Lyons was the subject of 
a long article in the Figaro. Apparently China's President Xi Jinping is at the 
origin of the initiative to revive the New Franco-Chinese Institute of Lyons 
because a large section of China's historical elite has been educated in Lyon 
since 1921. No other place in Europe can boast this kind of historical link to 
the Middle Kingdom.

To boost its visibility in China, Artprice will be present (for the first time 
ever) at Asia's largest Contemporary Art fair... the 7th edition of Art Basel 
Hong Kong. Alongside Artron, the two groups will occupy a prestigious stand and 
will promote their exclusive Decision Support Tools. Likewise, Artprice will 
also be present with Artron at Art Beijing from 26 to 29 April 2019.

Lastly, Artprice's Facebook page has just reached 4 million followers 
worldwide. This represents an exceptional success on the world's leading social 
network, with a growing level of uptake at each publication, thereby spreading 
Artprice's databanks and services to new potential clients all over the world.

On 30 June 2017, Artprice informed its AGM that it had 345,000 followers 
worldwide and it promised to reach 1 million by end-2018. That promise has now 
been largely superseded with an additional 3,655,000 followers, equivalent to a 
1,061% increase in less than two years.

With its unequalled audience on social media, Artprice is now giving Artron 
Western exposure just as Artron, at the beginning of April, will open its 
numerous networks with several tens of millions of members for Artprice (with 
its new Chinese name) including notably WeChat, but alsoTencent, QQ, Sina 
Weibo, Baidu and Tieba, among others.

March 18 press release:

Copyright (C)2019 thierry Ehrmann -

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About Artprice: 

Artprice is listed on the Eurolist by Euronext Paris, SRD long only and 
Euroclear: 7478 - Bloomberg: PRC - Reuters: ARTF.

Founded by thierry Ehrmann (see Who's who certified Biography ) (c)

Dicover Artprice in video:

Artprice is the global leader in art price and art index databanks. It has over 
30 million indices and auction results covering more than 700,000 artists. 

Artprice Images(R) gives unlimited access to the largest Art Market resource in 
the world: a library of 126 million images or prints of artworks from the year 
1700 to the present day, along with comments by Artprice's art historians.

Artprice permanently enriches its databanks with information from 6,300 
auctioneers and it publishes a constant flow of art market trends for the 
world's principal news agencies and approximately 7,200 international press 

For its 4,500,000 members, Artprice gives access to the world's leading 
Standardised Marketplace for buying and selling art. Artprice is preparing its 
blockchain for the Art Market. It is BPI-labelled (scientific national French 
label) Artprice's Global Art Market Annual Report for 2018 published last March 
Artprice is associated with Artron Group the Chinese leader in the Art Market, 
its solid institutional partner.

About the Artron Group:

"Artron Art Group (Artron), a comprehensive cultural industrial group founded 
in 1993 by Wan jie, is committed to inheriting, enhancing and spreading art 
value. Based on abundant art data, Artron provides art industry and art fans 
with professional service and experience of quality products by integrated 
application of IT, advanced digital science and innovative crafts and 
Having produced more than 60,000 books and auction catalogues, Artron is the 
world's largest art book printer with a total print volume of 300 million a 
year. It has more than 3 million professional members in the arts sector and an 
average of 15 million daily visits, making it the world's leading art website."

Artron's Web:

Artprice's Contemporary Art Market Annual Report for 2018 - free access at:

Artprice's press releases:

Artmarket News: & 4 million subscribers

Discover the Alchemy and the universe of Artprice, which headquarters are the famous Museum of 
Contemporary Art, the Abode of Chaos:

The Contemporary Art Museum The Abode of Chaos  3.6 million 
Contact: thierry Ehrmann, 

