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Wednesday, April 17 2019 - 11:31
TUV Rheinland Enjoys Sustainable Growth
COLOGNE, Germany, April 17, 2019/PRNewswire-AsiaNet/--

2018 fiscal year: Healthy growth with revenue at EUR 2 billion 

TUV Rheinland continued its ongoing healthy growth in fiscal year 2018. 
Revenues of the global testing service provider increased by EUR 26.2 million, 
or 1.3%, to EUR 1.998 billion. Earnings (EBIT) reached EUR 137.5 million (up 
EUR 6.9 million or 5.3% against 2017). The EBIT margin rose from 6.6% to 6.9%. 
On average, TUV Rheinland employed 20,450 people around the globe in 2018, 
exceeding the 20,000 mark for the first time. Investments again topped EUR 90 

"Safety remains a basic need of humanity, even in today's digitalized world. 
Our employees apply their expertise and specialist knowledge to ensure quality 
and safety. We are continuing to grow, which shows that our business model is 
proving successful, especially now that we are experiencing increased 
political, economic and technology uncertainty around the world," said Dr. 
Michael Fubi, CEO of TUV Rheinland AG. "We expect demand for our independent 
tests and certifications to continue to pick up in the next few years. In light 
of increasing digitalization and networking, the question that always emerges 
is whether technology is safe and therefore trustworthy, no matter whether we 
are talking about simple household products, autonomous driving or networked 
industrial systems and infrastructure." 

TUV Rheinland is preparing specifically for this digital future. For example, 
the Group invested around EUR 32 million in the three areas of cyber security, 
wireless technologies and autonomous vehicles in 2018 alone. In the long-term, 
TUV Rheinland is also strategically gearing its business towards these upcoming 
developments. "Our aim is to support and ensure technical progress in the long 
run," said Michael Fubi.

Significant Growth for Germany, China and Western Europe

Business at TUV Rheinland performed well in 2018, especially in Germany. 
Revenue in Germany grew by EUR 32 million or 2.9% to currently EUR 1.1 billion, 
while revenue outside Germany saw a slight 0.6% decline to EUR 889 million, due 
primarily to exchange rate differences.

On a constant currency basis, TUV Rheinland's revenue would have totaled EUR 
2.037 billion in 2018, representing growth of 3.3%. TUV Rheinland generated 
44.5% of its revenue outside Germany. Revenue of EUR 533 million was generated 
by TUV Rheinland in the Asia region in 2018 (includes Greater China, 
Asia-Pacific and India, Middle East, Africa), followed by the Europe region 
(excluding Germany) at EUR 205 million and North and South America at EUR 153 
million. China and Western Europe boosted their revenue by an eight-digit 
figure year on year, making a major contribution to the upturn in revenue.

Positive Development In Business Streams

As previously, TUV Rheinland divided its global testing and certificate 
business into six business streams. The Industrial Services, Mobility and 
Product business streams each generate approximately 25% of total revenue, with 
Product Testing making the largest contribution to revenue in 2018 at EUR 541 
million (previous year: EUR 524 million). Continued strong growth in China and 
the recent return to revenue growth in the solar business field, a sign of the 
global investment trend towards renewable energy, are both striking here. The 
second-largest business stream, Mobility, saw its revenue climb considerably, 
up 4.7% at EUR 532 million (previous year: EUR 508 million). Growth was 
particularly strong in business with vehicles inspections in Germany and Spain 
and services relating to vehicle approvals (homologation). The Industrial 
Services business stream also shored up its revenue again. In this area, TUV 
Rheinland provides services including global testing of industrial systems, 
power stations and elevators. All told, Industrial Services improved revenue by 
2.1% to EUR 513 million (previous year: EUR 503 million).

TUV Rheinland has combined the certification of management systems such as ISO 
9001 and the certification in accordance with sector-specific standards in the 
Systems business stream. This saw revenue strengthen by 4.5% to EUR 212 million 
(previous year: EUR 203 million). The rise in revenue in the Academy & Life 
Care business stream was somewhat more restrained than in previous years. In 
this area, TUV Rheinland offers services for professional qualifications and 
corporate health management. Revenue in this business stream picked up 
slightly, up EUR 0.5 million at EUR 227 million. Seminar business in Germany 
also performed well. Nonetheless, finding skilled workers such as doctors and 
social education specialists is increasingly challenging and so the business 
stream did not grow as much as it would have done if sufficient specialists had 
been available.

TUV Rheinland refocused its product range in the Digital Transformation & Cyber 
Security business stream (previously ICT & Business Solutions) in 2018. While 
cyber security business in Germany fared well, revenue in the United States 
fell. In total, the business stream saw revenue decline as planned to EUR 122 
million due to internal restructuring (previous year: EUR 139 million).

Global Competition for Best Employees

Of a global staff headcount averaging 20,450 in 2018, 8,795 worked in Germany, 
up almost 300 on the previous year. The number of employees outside Germany 
rose by 235 to 11,655, representing 57% of all TUV Rheinland staff in 2018. "We 
would like to hire even more people. But we can see that competition for the 
best specialist staff has become tougher, both in Germany and in many other 
countries," said Ruth Werhahn, member of the Executive Board and Labor 
Relations Director of TUV Rheinland AG. TUV Rheinland currently has over 500 
vacancies in Germany alone, with another 500 openings worldwide. "Anyone 
looking for technically challenging and varied work in international teams and 
who shares our passion for quality and safety would be a good fit at our 
company," added Ruth Werhahn. "I am confident that we can inspire many more 
people with this. After all, our vision already reaches over 400,000 followers 
on social media."

Financial Position Continues to Strengthen 

TUV Rheinland further bolstered its good financial position in the 2018 fiscal 
year. Equity increased by EUR 53.3 million to EUR 412.2 million, with the 
equity ratio rising to 22.8% (previous year: 20.1%). Cash flow from operating 
activities climbed sharply to EUR 183 million, an upturn of EUR 21.2 million or 
13.1%. "Our financial position remains very solid. This provides us with the 
means required to invest in our future under our own steam," said Michael Fubi.

Investments and Digitalization

TUV Rheinland has invested close to EUR 300 million in the last three years, 
EUR 91 million of which in 2018 alone. "Substantial investment helps us get our 
testing and certification business in shape for the years ahead," commented 
Michael Fubi. "Digitalization is continuing to pick up speed and has made its 
presence felt at all levels of our business." This can be seen both externally, 
in terms of the digitalization of existing services and new services created 
for the digital world, and internally, in terms of the digitalization of 
processes. TUV Rheinland has invested almost EUR 32 million in the three 
future-oriented digitalization areas of wireless technologies, cyber security 
and autonomous vehicles. In the Mobility business stream, TUV Rheinland has 
invested approximately EUR 7.8 million in expanding and improving facilities at 
the network of vehicle testing stations.

Services in a Digital World

Starting in 2018, TUV Rheinland shifted its focus to OT Security - the reliable 
and safe operation of plants and systems in industrial production. Operational 
technology (OT) refers to hardware and software that monitor and manage 
physical equipment and processes. Industrial companies have been employing 
operational technology in their production processes for decades. What is new 
is that entire industrial systems are now connected with each other and with 
the internet. This could create external access, which hackers could use to 
interfere in the production process. The most recent example of this is 
Norwegian aluminum manufacturer Norsk Hydro, which was forced to cut production 
to emergency operations for days following a massive cyber-attack. "More and 
more companies are linking their industrial systems to the global network 
because there are many advantages to doing so. But are they properly prepared 
for potential cyber-attacks? Many companies are unable to provide satisfying 
answers to this question and so companies across the world come to our experts 
looking for advice," said Michael Fubi. As well as in Germany, this special 
aspect of cyber security is also sought after in the US, the Middle East and in 
the Asia-Pacific region. In 2018, TUV Rheinland opened a competence center for 
cyber security in Kuala Lumpur (Malaysia) in response to this demand.

New Wireless Technologies Labs

By investing in its wireless business, TUV Rheinland buoyed its position on the 
rapidly growing global market for devices on the internet of things (IoT). In 
2018, TUV Rheinland opened new labs for testing wireless technologies in Lund 
(Sweden), Shenzhen (China) and Nuremberg (Germany). TUV Rheinland is a leader 
in this segment thanks to its global network of laboratories in Asia, Europe 
and North America, as well as its extensive services along the entire value 
chain, where experts test technology such as smart phones and smart-home 
devices on behalf of manufacturers.

In 2018 and as part of an objective to make better use of digitalization 
opportunities, TUV Rheinland set up an area with experts in data analysis which 
would provide support to all business streams regarding their data usage. The 
company also continued to expand IT infrastructure, purchased 
highly-specialized testing software and technology and launched collaborations, 
for example with the start-up DeepL, an automated translation provider. Since 
the beginning of 2019, TUV Rheinland has also been working with the start-up 
accelerator "Plug and Play", which promotes contact between the world of 
start-ups and established companies.

Strategy: Safety in the Future

TUV Rheinland is currently working on its future strategy, which focuses on the 
dynamic change sparked by digitalization across the entire testing sector and 
its customers. "TUV Rheinland's ultimate goal is to support and ensure 
technical progress in the long run," said Michael Fubi. "We have built trust in 
our work and in our brand. Our predecessors began this almost 150 years ago, 
and we will continue to uphold this undertaking in the long term."

The 2018 TUV Rheinland annual report can be found at  

TUV Rheinland is a global leader in independent testing services, founded 
almost 150 years ago. The group employs over 20,000 people around the globe. 
Annual revenue is EUR 2 billion. The independent experts stand for quality and 
safety for people, technology and the environment in nearly all industrial 
sectors and areas of life. TUV Rheinland inspects technical equipment, products 
and services, and oversees projects, processes and information security for 
companies. Its experts train people in a wide range of careers and industries. 
To this end, the company operates a global network of approved labs and testing 
and education centers. Since 2006, TUV Rheinland has been a member of the 
United Nations Global Compact to promote sustainability and combat corruption. 

SOURCE  TUV Rheinland