Country for PR: United States
Contributor: PR Newswire New York
Monday, May 06 2019 - 21:00
Global Assessment Of The State Of Nature Shows Urgent Action Needed To Protect Both People And Planet
PARIS, May 6, 2019 /PRNewswire-AsiaNet/ --

A new report  ( 
) years in the making was issued today by 150 of the world's leading 
scientists, painting a grim picture of the state of the planet's lands, ocean, 
and wildlife. According to leaders of the Campaign for Nature, it underscores 
the urgent need for world leaders to commit to an ambitious global deal to 
protect nature and, therefore, life on Earth.

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The global assessment from the UN-mandated Intergovernmental Science-Policy 
Platform on Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services (IPBES) — a sibling 
organization of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) — finds 
that the loss of nature and the resulting wildlife extinction crisis is even 
worse than previously understood. 

"Nature faces a crisis with devastating consequences for human health and 
wellbeing," said Brian O'Donnell, director of the Campaign for Nature ( 
). "However, it's not too late to turn it around. To address the seriousness of 
the problem, governments must now commit to protecting at least 30 percent of 
the planet by 2030." 

While nations have made some progress towards protecting critical natural 
areas—currently about 15 percent ( 
) of land and 7 percent ( 
) of the ocean—scientists agree that nowhere near enough progress has been made.

Among the report's recommendations, the experts call for more protected areas, 
such as parks, wildlife refuges, and indigenous protected areas, alongside a 
robust commitment to massively increase funding for conservation. The global 
assessment reinforces other recent warnings from scientists that governments 
must tackle the crisis in nature with the same urgency as climate change. 

"If we care about other forms of life, if we care about the future of our 
children, if we care about a secure environment or achieving development 
targets, then there is only one path when it comes to the natural world: We 
need to secure what is left. We need to secure half of the planet by 2050 with 
an interim target of 30 percent by 2030," said Jonathan Baillie, executive vice 
president and chief scientist at the National Geographic Society. "To achieve 
these goals, then we must restore nature and drive innovation. Only then will 
we leave future generations a healthy and sustainable planet."

Nearly 100 groups ( 
) around the world—including indigenous peoples, conservation organizations, 
and philanthropic foundations—have endorsed the goal of protecting at least 30 
percent of the planet by 2030 to address the urgent threats of climate change, 
habitat loss, and species extinction.

The global assessment underlines the important contribution of indigenous and 
traditional knowledge in protecting nature if we are to be successful in 
safeguarding the planet. In particular, the report shows that indigenous 
peoples have historically done a better job of managing and preserving 
biodiversity than national governments. It also emphasizes that indigenous 
peoples manage or have tenure rights over significant areas of the world's 
biodiversity, including some 37 percent of the world's unprotected land that is 
still in a natural state. 

"Engaging indigenous peoples and promoting indigenous led conservation are 
essential for success," said Francisco von Hildebrand, director of Gaia 
Amazonas Foundation, a Campaign for Nature partner. "Conservation led by 
indigenous peoples and local communities is one of the most effective ways to 
protect nature. Any global new deal for nature must reflect and include the 
voices, priorities, and vision of indigenous communities around the world."

"The health and prosperity of every person on our planet depends on our 
collective ability to better protect our lands, wildlife, and waters for future 
generations. To safeguard the water we drink, the clean air we breathe, and the 
natural systems upon which the global economy depends, we need to rapidly 
expand protected areas around the world," said Molly McUsic, president of the 
Wyss Foundation, a philanthropic organization that is investing more than $1 
billion over the next decade to protect lands and ocean worldwide. "Success is 
achievable. But it will take governments—alongside the businesses, foundations, 
and NGOs—to commit the financial resources needed to safeguard nature."

"Today's report is definitive: Nature is in crisis and the time for action is 
now," concluded O'Donnell. "We need governments to address the primary threat 
to nature, habitat loss, and agree to protect 30 percent of the planet by 2030, 
and to finance it. There is no more time to lose. There is no such thing as a 
reset button for biodiversity loss. Extinct means lost forever."

About Campaign for Nature
The Campaign for Nature ( 
) is a global effort to raise awareness of the threats facing our natural world 
and inspire world leaders to take action to protect it. Launched in October 
2018, the Wyss Campaign for Nature, the National Geographic Society and a 
growing coalition of conservation advocates are calling on policymakers to 
commit to clear and ambitious targets at the Convention on Biological 
Diversity's Conference of the Parties in October 2020 to protect at least 30 
percent of the planet by 2030.

SOURCE  Campaign for Nature

CONTACT: Greg Zimmerman, Campaign for Nature, or Fae 
Jencks, National Geographic Society,; NOTE TO EDITORS: A 
detailed fact sheet, photos, infographics and the Campaign for Nature video are 
available here:
