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Contributor: PR Newswire Europe
Thursday, May 23 2019 - 23:30
C-V2X Contributes to Safer Roads for Everyone
BERLIN, May 23. 2019 /PRNewswire-AsiaNet/--

5GAA live demo event in Berlin    

Smart mobility technology, which we have been developing over the years, is now 
a reality. 'Cellular Vehicle-to-Everything' (C-V2X) allows vehicles to both 
communicate with the cloud and also directly with each other and their 
surroundings. Thanks to 4G LTE cellular technology, as well as the emerging 5G 
generation of high speed and low latency communications, traffic will be 
optimized, and emissions will be reduced. Emergency services will navigate 
smoothly and road safety for everyone, including vulnerable road users, will 
dramatically enhance. 

At a live demo event in Berlin, the 5G Automotive Association (5GAA) presented 
a deep-dive into a smarter and safer mobility, giving a sneak peek of the 
technologies ready to be deployed. Prominent 5GAA members including BMW Group, 
Daimler, Deutsche Telekom, Fraunhofer Institutes FOKUS and ESK, Ford, Huawei, 
Jaguar Land Rover, Nokia, Qualcomm and Vodafone, demonstrated C-V2X 
Vehicle-to-Vehicle (V2V), Vehicle-to-Infrastructure (V2I) and 
Vehicle-to-Network (V2N) applications. 

"Connected mobility standards are no longer a vision for the future," says 
Maxime Flament, Chief Technology Officer at 5GAA. "The solutions on show are 
ready to be deployed today and have huge industry momentum based on the 
forthcoming 5G capabilities. C-V2X technology is a key foundation for a safe 
and sound driving environment for pedestrians, bicyclists, motorcyclists, cars 
and commercial heavy trucks. Global field testing is already in its very final 
stages and the first solutions are now commercially available from multiple 

Using both direct short-range communications and mobile networks offers 
complementary capabilities as showcased in the demos, which involve 
tele-operated driving and the provision of emergency traffic information 
between vehicles using multi-access edge computing (MEC) functionality. All the 
demos use technology that is ready to be deployed. 

A short summary on the 5GAA C-V2X use cases, showcased today at Berlin: 

1. A. Traffic Management Solutions: Signal Phase and Timing (SPaT) and 
Red-Light Violation Warning (RLVW) to Vehicle

Waiting at the red light is not only time consuming, but idling, braking and 
accelerating release more pollutants. The communication between the traffic 
signal and vehicle is important to improve traffic flow, thus increasing road 
safety by preventing accidents. During the demo drive, a BMW Group vehicle 
equipped with a Qualcomm onboard unit running the Savari ITS software stack and 
the V2X use cases, communicates with a SWARCO traffic signal, showing C-V2X 
readiness across multiple vendors.

The use case enables the driver to monitor the upcoming traffic light. The 
center display of the vehicle shows the current signal phase and how long it 
will remain. In the Red Light Violation Warning (RLVW) use case, the 
application in the vehicle uses its speed and acceleration profile, along with 
the signal timing and geometry information from the traffic signal. If the 
driver is likely to run a red light he/she receives a warning in the vehicle.

B.  Traffic Management Solutions: Emergency Electronic Brake light (EEBL)/ 
Roadworks warning (RWW)

C-V2X provides the driver with information so that he or she can adapt to the 
upcoming traffic situation in advance. Fraunhofer FOKUS, supported by Daimler, 
demonstrate an Emergency Electronic Brake Light Warning: Two vehicles equipped 
with Huawei onboard units are accelerating, and the car ahead brakes hard. The 
second car instantly receives a warning, demonstrating the advantage of the 
low-latency C-V2X communication. Furthermore, a Huawei roadside unit 
communicates ongoing roadwork via C-V2X to the vehicle. Visitors experience 
both use cases in the car viewing the warnings on the central display.  

2. Real Time Emergency Alerts: Vehicle-to-Network and Network-to-Vehicle 

Vodafone Germany and Ford show connected vehicle technology (V2X) that could 
alert drivers to an accident ahead, moments after it has happened (via eCall 
Plus). Furthermore, the system provides early warning that emergency vehicles 
are approaching - and which side of the road other vehicles should move towards 
to avoid being an obstruction. Experts believe that survival rates for road 
accident victims can be improved by as much as 40% if they receive treatment 
just four minutes more quickly.  

3. Live data capture and transmission: Expanded network/Vehicle-to-Network 
capacities via MEC  

An ultra-fast, reliable and precise dissemination of safety-relevant 
information can save lives. Continental, Deutsche Telekom, Fraunhofer ESK and 
Nokia demonstrate how information is delivered to vehicles almost real-time via 
a mobile network, utilizing Multi-Access Edge Computing (MEC) technology. All 
data is processed at the edge of the mobile network to reduce transmission time 
(latency). As a result, event-related data such as emergency warnings as well 
as high-definition map data are transmitted in milliseconds, improving driving 
safety on the path to fully automated driving.    

4. Combined Network and Direct solution enables the pinnacle of C-V2X 

Vodafone Group, Huawei and Jaguar Land Rover demonstrate safety critical use 
cases by combining different communication modes (short direct via PC5 and 
longer-range network-based via Uu). The provision of a two-stage warning 
enables vehicles to be made aware of other vehicles approaching the same 
junction much earlier and allowing action to taken sooner to avoid a crash. 
Also, the number of road accidents because of unsafe lane changes and blind 
spots are significant. Using C-V2X technology helps automotive OEMs keeping the 
cost of implementing such warnings down by not having to install additional 
'one-off' radio access systems for such warnings. The demos showcased the value 
and readiness of C-V2X and its ability to seamlessly combine both long range 
and short-range direct and longer-range network communication links. 
Specifically, it was shown that at a T-junction - a key site for accidents – 
connected cars benefit from longer range cellular network communication to 
deliver safety-related information beyond what alone can be delivered from 
short-range technology.    

5. Remote-operated driving  

Remote-Operated Driving (ROD) smooths the path to automated vehicles, 
anticipating situations in which remote human operator can intervene with the 
driving of the vehicle. ROD is enabled by  low latency communication equipment 
e.g. by Huawei to deliver instructions or inputs to the vehicle to help it 
navigate challenging scenarios. Fraunhofer Institute FOKUS, supported by 
Daimler, showcase the reliability ROD enables already today.
About 5GAA

The 5G Automotive Association (5GAA) is a global, cross-industry organisation 
with 115 members working together to develop end-to-end solutions for future 
mobility and transportation services. The organisation is committed to helping 
define and develop the next generation of connected mobility for advanced 
driving and automated vehicle solutions.

For more information, visit 5GAA's website, LinkedIn and Twitter pages.

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Lisa Boch-Andersen   
Senior Director, Strategic Communications & Marketing   
Tel: +32-(0)475450972    

Laura Ruiz-Trullols   
Communications & Marketing   
Tel: +32-(0)483721977   
Source: 5GAA - 5G Automotive Association e.V. 
