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Tuesday, May 28 2019 - 21:00
Friends of Zion Museum Celebrates One-Year Anniversary of the US Embassy's Move With Prime Minister Netanyahu & US Embassy
JERUSALEM, May 28, 2019, /PRNewswire-AsiaNet/--

The Friends of Zion Museum and the United States Embassy marked the anniversary 
of the One-Year Anniversary of the US Embassy in Jerusalem with a gala event at 
the David Citadel Hotel in Jerusalem. The event was attended by Prime Minister 
Benjamin Netanyahu and his wife, US Ambassador to Israel David Friedman, Chief 
Rabbi of Israel David Lau, and Dr. Mike Evans, a member of President Trump's 
Evangelical Advisory Committee and founder of the Friends of Zion Museum.

Other participants at the event were: Archil Kekelia, Ambassador of Georgia to 
Israel, Mario Bucaro, Ambassador of Guatemala to Israel, Minister of Science 
Ofir Akunis, Amb. Michael Oren, Deputy Minister in the Prime Minister's Office, 
MK Nir Barkat, former Mayor of Jerusalem, Avi Dichter, Chairman of the Knesset 
Foreign Affairs and Defense Committee, MK Moshe Arbel, on behalf of the Shas 
Party, former MK Yehuda Glick, Likud MKs Yoav Galant, Sharren Haskel, Miki 
Zohar, Amir Ohana, MK Idit Sliman on behalf of The Jewish Home Party, and Oded 
Revivi, Head of Efrat Regional Council.

May 14th is the historic date on which President Donald Trump announced the 
move of the US Embassy to the capital of Israel, Jerusalem. In addition to the 
US recognition of Jerusalem as the capital of Israel, they also recently 
declared US recognition of the Golan Heights as an undisputed and inseparable 
part of Israel.
The event was hosted by the Friends of Zion Museum, which works to strengthen 
Israel's ties with other countries and drawing closer its friends around the 
world. As part of its activity in the international arena, it has fought 
antisemitism and the BDS movement. The community of supporters of the Friends 
of Zion Museum numbers about 60 million people in social media.

Entitled "Annual Night of Heroes," the event opened with Sara Netanyahu, the 
prime minister's wife, handing an award to Guatemala's First Lady Patricia 
Marroquín de Morales in recognition of the Central American country's 
relocation of its embassy from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem in May 2018.

US Ambassador to Israel David Friedman said in his speech: "President Trump has 
on his actions fulfilled what he has known and has made abundantly clear: 
Jerusalem has always been, and will always be, the capital of the State of 
Israel. The relocation of the US embassy places the United States on the right 
side of historical truth. This has been a cornerstone of its policy."

Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu: "Israel is stronger than ever and is 
continually building its strength. However the stronger it gets, so do the 
challenges mount." He added, "there has never been a better friend of Israel 
here in Jerusalem than David Friedman, and no better friend of Israel in the 
White House than Donald J Trump."

Dr. Mike Evans, member of President Trump's Advisory Committee and founder of 
the Friends of Zion Museum in Jerusalem: "Anti-Zionism is the latter-day 
anti-Semitism. This is what the Friends of Zion Museum is for and together with 
our 60 million supporters worldwide we will fight anti-Zionism and 
anti-Semitism in every corner of the globe." He added that, "thanks to 
President Trump, whose commitment to Israel is rock-solid, and thanks to Prime 
Minister Netanyahu, the two countries have achieved a close, binding 
relationship the likes of which have never before existed."

Following the declaration of the move of the Ambassador's residence to 
Jerusalem, Dr. Evans presented a specially hand-crafted mezuzah to Ambassador 
David Friedman, with Prime Minister Netanyahu, Ambassador Friedman and Chief 
Rabbi David signing the last letters in the mezuzah's prayer scroll.

As part of the Friends of Zion Museum, the prestigious Israel Friend of Zion 
Award is bestowed. The first to be honored was US President George W. Bush, 
followed by other friends around the world, such as Monaco's Prince Albert II 
and Bulgarian President Rosen Plevneliev, Guatemalan President Jimmy Morales, 
and recently President of Brazil Jair Bolsonaro, thanks to their outstanding 
support for the State of Israel and the Jewish people.

The Head of the International Board of Trustees of the Friends of Zion Museum 
was the ninth President of the State of Israel, Shimon Peres of blessed memory. 
Currently serving on the Board of Trustees are IDF Chief of Staff (res.) 
Lieutenant General Dan Halutz, Major General (res.) Yossi Peled and others.
About the Friends of Zion Museum

The Friends of Zion Museum is a unique interactive museum in Israel, which 
opened three years ago in the heart of Jerusalem. The Museum presents a 
fascinating journey back in time, to the story of the friends of Israel 
throughout their generations and to the bond that has grown over the years 
between different peoples and Jews around the world. The Museum includes 
exhibitions and exhibits in the most advanced technologies of its kind in the 
world, developed especially for it (all its construction and work are made in 
Israel). The Museum features dozens of changing exhibits, each of which has 
technological characteristics such as: touch screens, audiovisual elements, and 
light technologies that are guided by visitors' movements.

Friends of Zion Museum, 20 Yosef Rivlin Street, Jerusalem. A reservation is 
recommended for museum visits. Website:, email:, or phone: +972-2-532-9400


SOURCE: Friends of Zion Museum