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Thursday, May 30 2019 - 22:00
Conagen announces formation of Scientific Advisory Board
BEDFORD, Massachusetts, May 30, 2019 /PRNewswire-AsiaNet/ --

-- Board includes five world-leading scientists in the fields of Synthetic 
Biology and Applied Molecular Biology 

Conagen Inc., a vertically integrated synthetic biology and fermentation 
company, announced today the formation of a new scientific advisory board (SAB) 
comprised of five thought leaders in synthetic biology, biochemistry, plant 
science and microbiology, all of whom are top faculty at leading universities.

The SAB will work with Conagen's leadership while the company builds upon the 
best science available to deliver the highest quality products serving the 
business-to-business markets of nature-based non-caloric sweeteners, flavors 
and fragrances, nutritional products, food preservatives, and others.

"We appreciate the great contributions from our previous scientific advisors. 
We are honored and privileged to have the expertise of our illustrious new SAB 
members dedicated to advancing Conagen's product development efforts," said 
Oliver Yu, Conagen's chief executive and chief science officer. "We're excited 
to have this opportunity to work with this diverse group of world-recognized 
scientists. Their contributions to the advancement of science in their 
respective areas have been broadly celebrated and we're looking forward to 
further contributions as Conagen develops new offerings and enters a new stage 
in our company's growth," added Casey Lippmeier, Conagen's Vice President of 
Research and Development.

The SAB will hold its meeting in the summer, with the following members:


Pam Silver, PhD, Harvard University and Harvard Medical School

Pamela Silver is the Elliot T. and Onie H. Adams Professor of Biochemistry and 
Systems Biology in the Department of Systems Biology at Harvard Medical School. 
She is also a member of the Harvard University Wyss Institute for Biologically 
Inspired Engineering.  

Her group combines lessons from nature to the design of new organisms for both 
discovery and applications. She received her BS in Chemistry from the 
University of California, Santa Cruz and PhD in Biochemistry from the 
University of California, Los Angeles. She was a Postdoctoral Fellow at Harvard 
University where she was a Fellow of the American Cancer Society and The 
Medical Foundation.

Her work has been recognized by an Established Investigator of the American 
Heart Association, a Research Scholar of the March of Dimes, an NSF 
Presidential Young Investigator Award, a Claudia Adams Barr Investigator, an 
NIH MERIT award, a Fellow of the Radcliffe Institute, top ten innovations by 
the World Economic Forum and election to the American Academy of Arts and 
Sciences. She has served on numerous editorial boards, was the Editor of 
Molecular Biology of the Cell, has served on the Council of the American 
Society for Cell Biology and on the Committee for Women in Cell Biology, 
presented to members of Congress and was a co-founder of Karyopharm 
Therapeutics that makes novel anti-cancer drugs and other biotech companies.

Frances Arnold, PhD, California Institute of Technology

Frances H. Arnold is the Linus Pauling Professor of Chemical Engineering, 
Bioengineering, and Biochemistry at the California Institute of Technology 

Dr. Arnold was most recently awarded the 2018 Nobel Prize for Chemistry for her 
work on directed evolution of enzymes. The other half of the prize was awarded 
to American biochemist George P. Smith and British biochemist Gregory P. Winter 
for phage display. Among her previous honors, Arnold received the National 
Academy of Sciences Sackler Prize in Convergence Research and the Millennium 
Technology Prize presented by Technology Academy Finland. She was the first 
woman to receive the Charles Stark Draper Prize from the National Academy of 
Engineering. She is a member of the National Inventors Hall of Fame and the 
American Academy of Arts and Sciences, and she received the U.S. National Medal 
of Technology and Innovation. Arnold is one of the few people to be inducted 
into all three U.S. National Academies -- the National Academy of Engineering, 
the Institute of Medicine, and the National Academy of Sciences.

Arnold earned a BS in mechanical and aerospace engineering from Princeton 
University and a PhD in chemical engineering from the University of California, 
Berkeley, and she performed postdoctoral work at Berkeley and Caltech.

Eran Pichersky, PhD, University of Michigan

Eran Pichersky is the Michael M. Martin Collegiate Professor in the Department 
of Molecular, Cellular, and Developmental Biology (MCDB) at the University of 

He received his B.Sc. degree from the University of California, Berkeley in 
1980, and a Ph.D. from the University of California, Davis in 1984. After doing 
research as a post-doctoral fellow at the Rockefeller University in New York, 
he has been on the faculty of the University of Michigan since 1986, serving as 
the first Chair of the newly created MCDB Department from 2001-2003. His awards 
include a Fulbright fellowship and an Alexander von Humboldt fellowship, both 
received in 2000, and a Guggenheim fellowship in 2015. He was elected a Fellow 
by the American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS) in 2012 and 
by the American Society of Plant Biologists in 2017. Dr. Pichersky has served 
on the editorial boards of several major scientific journals that cover plant 
research. Dr. Pichersky's research has concentrated on identifying the myriad 
compounds that are found uniquely in plants, many of which are extensively used 
by people, with emphasis on those that impart scent and flavor. His group 
further elucidates how plants synthesize these compounds, and how this 
information can be used to enhance the production by plants of such valuable 
chemicals. Dr. Pichersky has authored more than 250 reports, reviews, letters 
and editorials in scientific publications, and is a recipient of several 

Joseph Jez, PhD, Washington University in St. Louis

Joseph M. Jez is the Chair and a Professor of Biology at Washington University 
in St. Louis and a Howard Hughes Medical Institute Professor.

He received his B.S. in biochemistry from Penn State University (1992), a Ph.D. 
in biochemistry & molecular biophysics from the University of Pennsylvania 
(1998), and was an NIH-NRSA postdoctoral fellow at the Salk Institute for 
Biological Studies (1998-2001). After working as a research scientist at Kosan 
Biosciences (2001-2002), he started his research group at the Donald Danforth 
Plant Science Center and moved to the Department of Biology at Washington 
University in 2008. He has authored more than 160 papers and received a 
Presidential Early Career Award for Scientists and Engineers (2005), the 
Phytochemical Society of North America's Arthur Neish Young Investigator Award 
(2007), and a Fulbright Senior Specialist Award (2012) and was named as Howard 
Hughes Medical Institute Professor in 2014 and an AAAS Fellow in 2018.  

Research in the Jez lab seeks to understand how environmental changes re-model 
biochemical pathways in plants at the molecular, cellular, and organism levels 
with the aim of engineering these systems to address agricultural and 
environmental problems. Current work in the lab employs a combination of 
structural biology, protein chemistry, and plant biology. He also launched the 
Biotech Explorers Program, which aims to introduce undergraduates to how teams 
in science can tackle real world problems using cross-disciplinary approaches.

Timothy Lu, PhD, Massachusetts Institute of Technology

Timothy K. Lu, M.D., Ph.D. is an Associate Professor leading the Synthetic 
Biology Group in the Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science 
and Department of Biological Engineering at MIT. 

Tim received his S.B. and M.Eng. in Electrical Engineering and Computer Science 
at MIT and completed his M.D./Ph.D. training in the Harvard-MIT Health Sciences 
and Technology Program. He is a core member of the Synthetic Biology Center at 
MIT and Associate Member at the Broad Institute of MIT and Harvard, and 
co-founder of Sample6 Technologies. He is also affiliated with the MIT CSBi 
Program, the MIT Microbiology Program, and the Harvard Biophysics Program.

Tim has pioneered new approaches to combat infectious diseases with synthetic 
biology, encoding memory in the DNA of living cells, and perform both digital 
and analog computation in biological systems. His group's research focuses on 
engineering fundamental technologies to enable the scalable design of 
biological systems and on applying synthetic biology to solve medical and 
industrial problems. Tim is a recipient of the Henry L. and Grace Doherty 
Professorship, NIH New Innovator Award, Lemelson-MIT Student Prize for 
Invention, Army Young Investigator Award, Ellison New Scholar in Aging Award, 
and Presidential Early Career Award for Scientists and Engineers (PECASE), 
among others.

SOURCE: Conagen Inc.

CONTACT: Casey Lippmeier,