Country for PR: Australia
Contributor: Medianet International
Wednesday, June 12 2019 - 11:00
With Data Security the Top Malaysian Security Concern, One in Three Malaysians Have Stopped Working With an Organisation After a Data Breach - New Unisys Security Index(TM)
KUALA LUMPUR, Malaysia, 12 June 2019 /Medianet International-AsiaNet/--

- At large events, Malaysians are more concerned about data theft on public 
wi-fi than physical attacks
- Malaysians are selective about which organisations may collect or share their 

In a warning to Malaysian businesses and government agencies, new research from 
Unisys Corporation (NYSE: UIS) finds that many 
Malaysian consumers will take action after a data breach, including closing 
accounts, taking legal action and damaging an organisation's reputation via 
exposing the issue on social and traditional media platforms - according to the 
2019 Unisys Security Index(TM) 

The longest-running recurring snapshot of consumer security concerns conducted 
globally, the Unisys Security Index measures concerns of consumers on issues 
related to national, personal, financial and internet security. The study 
polled 1,019 adults in Malaysia 27 February - 22 March 2019. The 13 countries 
surveyed are Australia, Belgium, Brazil, Chile, Colombia, Germany, Malaysia, 
Mexico, Netherlands, New Zealand, Philippines, the U.K. and the U.S.

The 2019 Unisys Security Index of the Malaysian public is 211 out of 300, where 
300 represents the highest level of concern. This is down from 215 in 2018 – 
making Malaysia one of only four countries to record a decrease in concern in 
the last year. Malaysia recorded the fifth-highest overall level of security 
concern of the 13 countries surveyed. 

Data Security Top Concern for Malaysians 
The top three concerns for Malaysians continue to relate to data security, with 
88% of Malaysians concerned about bankcard fraud, 87% concerned about 
unauthorised access to their personal information and 78% concerned about 
internet hacking or viruses. The largest change in the last year was a decrease 
in concern about personal security from 70% to 62%.

Almost half (46%) of Malaysians said they had suffered a data breach in the 
last year, with the most common being social engineering scams that tricked 
them into providing information, with 19% of respondents reporting they had 
been a victim of this type of attack. In addition, 15% reported they had their 
social media profiles hacked, and 14% had their email hacked.

Dato' Ts. Dr. Haji Amirudin Abdul Wahab, CEO of CyberSecurity Malaysia, the 
national cyber security specialist and technical agency, said: "As Malaysians 
become increasingly aware of data threats, attackers have had to apply more 
sophisticated approaches, often using social engineering techniques to gain 
their victims' confidence and trick them into voluntarily sharing their 
information or making a fraudulent transaction. This is being applied to 
individuals to gain financial and identity information and to organisations to 
gain access to confidential data or systems. As Malaysia becomes an 
increasingly connected nation, it is essential we build a culture of security 
through awareness programs and best practices among children, teenagers, 
parents and organisations, as well as the Malaysia CyberSecurity Resilience 
Program (MyCSRP) to improve national cybersecurity. But cybersecurity is a 
global issue, and a coordinated international approach is required as reflected 
in all 10 ASEAN members agreeing last year to adopt in principle the United 
Nations' norms for tacking cybersecurity1."

Malaysians Take Action after Data Breaches
Ashwin Pal, director of security services for Asia Pacific, Unisys, explains 
that the research shows organisations are at risk not just of losing data, but 
also of losing business. "Consumers hold the business or government agency 
responsible for not protecting their data, and many Malaysians are taking 
action. Among Malaysians who report they have suffered a data breach in the 
last year, one in three say they have closed their account, one in four have 
exposed the issue on social media and one in seven stopped dealing with them 
online. This results in customer loss, reputation damage, legal disputes and 
inhibits take-up of online or digital services," he says.

Action taken by Malaysians who report they suffered a data breach in the last 
- 32% Stopped dealing with the organisation such as closing my account
- 30% Took legal action
- 25% Publically exposed the issue on social media, e.g. Facebook
- 18% Publically exposed the issue by taking it to the media
- 14% Continued dealing with the organisation but not online

At Large Events, Malaysians More Concerned About Cyber Threats than Physical 
In a clear example of Malaysians' heightened awareness of cybersecurity 
threats, when asked about security concerns at large-scale events such as a 
sports match or music festival, more Malaysians are concerned about theft of 
credit card data (82%) or personal data (79%) from a mobile device when using 
public wi-fi at the event, than a criminal attacking and harming event 
attendees (75%). Only 51% of Malaysians are concerned about police capturing 
and saving surveillance video of attendees at the event.

Support for Data Collection and Sharing Depends on Trust, Privacy and Security
Malaysians are discerning about which situations they deem acceptable for an 
organisation to collect data from social media, online purchases, smartphones 
and wearable devices. Half of respondents (50%) support the government 
collecting this information to identify who is in the vicinity of a disaster, 
yet only 26% support the government monitoring an individual's travel patterns 
to plan road and public infrastructure. Almost half support airport and 
airlines collecting the information to efficiently guide a passenger's journey 
through an airport (47%), but only 16% support an employer doing the same to 
monitor an employee’s location during the work day.

Similarly, public support varies for organisations sharing an individual's 
personal information with other organisations. The highest support is for 
police sharing information with other law enforcement agencies internationally 
(75%) or within Malaysia (74%) to solve a crime. There is also strong support 
(67%) for a government-administered proof-of-identity used to confirm a 
citizen's identity to access commercial services such as a bank account. 
However, only 25% support banks sharing a customer's financial data with 
another financial service provider to offer a single point of contact for 
multiple services. The most common reason given for not supporting this is 
concern that the other organisations involved will not protect personal data.

"Malaysians are selective about how and when they support their personal 
information being collected or shared. This appears to be driven by a 
combination of trust in the organisation involved, the purpose given for how 
the data will be used and the benefit to the individual. To gain public 
support, organisations must show they meet all three criteria," says Mr Pal.

Download the detailed report and infographic at:

1 – United Nations Group of Governmental Experts on Developments in the Field 
of Information and Telecommunications in the Context of International Security

About the Unisys Security Index
Unisys has conducted the Unisys Security Index – the longest-running recurring 
snapshot of consumer security concerns conducted globally – since 2007 in order 
to provide an ongoing, statistically-robust measure of concern about security. 
The index is a calculated score out of 300 covering changing consumer attitudes 
over time across eight areas of security in four categories: national security 
and disaster/epidemic, in the National Security category; bankcard fraud and 
financial obligations, in the Financial Security category; viruses/hacking and 
online transactions, in the Internet Security category; and identity theft and 
personal safety, in the Personal Security category. The Unisys Security Index 
is based on national surveys of 1000 adults aged 18-64 years of age in each of 
the following countries: Australia, Belgium, Brazil, Chile, Colombia, Germany, 
Malaysia, Mexico, Netherlands, New Zealand, Philippines, the U.K. and the U.S.

In New Zealand, the first 2019 Unisys Security Index survey was conducted 
between 27 February – 5 March 2019. A follow up survey was conducted between 
22-28 March 2019, after the 15 March attack in Christchurch, to assess the 
impact on security concerns. The New Zealand respondent sample was weighted 
with respect to national demographic characteristics such as gender, age and 
region. The margin of error +/-3.1% per wave at 95% confidence level and 0.9% 
for the global results.

About Unisys
Unisys is a global information technology company that builds high-performance, 
security-centric solutions for the most demanding businesses and governments on 
Earth. Unisys offerings include security software and services; digital 
transformation and workplace services; industry applications and services; and 
innovative software operating environments for high-intensity enterprise 
computing. For more information on how Unisys builds better outcomes securely 
for its clients across the Government, Financial Services and Commercial 
markets, visit:

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SOURCE: Unisys Australia	
