Country for PR: China
Contributor: Xinhua News Agency
Thursday, June 20 2019 - 10:40
"Housekeeper-Style" Service Saves Time and Steps for Enterprises in National Nanning Economic & Technological Development Area
NANNING, China, June 19, 2019 /Xinhua-AsiaNet/--

To optimize and simplify the approval of industrial project construction, to 
accurately and effectively serve enterprises, and to continuously stimulate 
market vitality and social creativity, since April this year, National Nanning 
Economic & Technological Development Area has implemented a "housekeeper-style" 
service system for project approval. Under the influence of the 
"housekeeper-style" service system, the total number of application documents 
for construction project approval project in National Nanning Economic & 
Technological Development Area was reduced from 34 required by Nanning city to 
31. The processing is optimized from 13 steps required by Nanning city to 10 
steps. Since the beginning of this year, the Administrative Approval Bureau of 
National Nanning Economic & Technological Development Area has received a total 
of 146 approval applications for engineering projects, with a completion rate 
of 100%, according to National Nanning Economic & Technological Development 
Area Management Committee.

The Administrative Approval Bureau of National Nanning Economic & Technological 
Development Area provides "General Housekeeper" and "Professional Butler" for 
all industrial projects and guides enterprises to shorten the time for the 
approval of construction projects. Through "one-stop acceptance, one-stop 
training, one-stop guidance, one-stop processing" management model, it provides 
government services for enterprises project approval with "unconditional 
acceptance for review, barrier-free coordination, whole-process follow-up, and 
seamless communication". 

On May 14, He Jinxing, head of Nanning Project of Guangxi Liuzhou 
Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd., came to the Administrative Service Center of National 
Nanning Economic & Technological Development Area for the registration for the 
second phase of the project. It took only three minutes from the submission of 
the materials to the approval with stamping.

"In the processing for the first phase of the project in 2013, our company 
hired four people to go to different departments to apply for varied permits. 
It took half a year just to get a project construction permit," said He Jinxing 
. "Now the approval is constantly streamlined. We only need to prepare 
materials according to the requirement list, submit the construction material 
to the 'housekeeper' provided by the Economic & Technological Development Area, 
and have a one-counter on-site processing. The 'housekeeper' also provides a 
one-on-one service from the project approval to the completion acceptance, 
saving us a lot of time."

An employee from Nanning Yanxiang Equipment Technology Co., Ltd. said that 
under the guidance of the "housekeeper", the company's project completion 
acceptance was shortened again from three working days to one day.

"All relevant departments and offices are seamlessly connected and get prepared 
beforehand, so that enterprises can feel service at all times, and have a 
full-process satisfaction experience." According to Nong Shiying, deputy 
director of the Administrative Approval Bureau of National Nanning Economic & 
Technological Development Area, the construction drawing review and filing is 
shortened from three working days required by Nanning City to two working days, 
the construction permit release is reduced from five working days to three 
working days, and the total time for project construction approval is reduced 
from 47 working days to 42 working days. Thus it greatly accelerates the 
settlement and production of enterprises in the area. National Nanning Economic 
& Technological Development Area will further streamline and optimize approval 
process and extend the "housekeeper-style" service system from industrial 
enterprises to other areas.

Source: National Nanning Economic & Technological Development Area Management 