Country for PR: United States
Contributor: Medianet International
Thursday, August 29 2019 - 15:46
Wellington achieves $0.7 million profit on 19% revenue growth
WELLINGTON, New Zealand, 29 Aug, 2019/Medianet International-AsiaNet/ --

Wellington Drive Technologies (Wellington), a leading provider of Internet of 
Things (IoT) solutions and energy efficient motors to the retail food and 
beverage industry, today released its unaudited financial statements for the 
six months ended 30 June 2019 ("H1 2019"). The company's interim report, with
management discussion and analysis, can be found on the NZX website, under the 
Ticker NZX:WDT at

Revenue for H1 2019 was $33.3m, a 19% increase over H1 2018. The company 
achieved an EBITDA[1] surplus of $2.45m for the period, a 98% increase. EBIT 
was $1.27m ($0.31m last year) and the net profit was $0.72m, a $0.92m 
improvement on the prior year. 

Wellington's strategy is focused on investing in and growing its IoT business 
with large food and beverage customers, accessing new markets with its IoT and 
digital marketing solutions and developing customers for its ECR2 motor 
platform. Its sales initiatives, developed to find adjacent markets for its IoT 
and EC Motor products, have resulted in more new customer wins, aided by the 
rapid global adoption of IoT solutions.

CEO Greg Allen commented, "Our business continues to diversify, with a 
deliberate and sustained focus on growing our IoT solutions and finding new 
customers for ECR2 motors. We are pleased to report a maiden interim net profit 
and are continuing to focus on developing and delivering new IoT and ECR2 
products for our customers. It is exciting to be working on several new IoT 
projects that support our five-year growth vision of $100m in revenues. We are 
seeing a faster than expected decline in our legacy motors, however those are 
becoming less important to our five-year plan although they create a short-term 
headwind to growth. We are continuing to invest in the resources to support IoT 
solutions and ECR2 product expansion, both of which we expect to continue to 
deliver financial improvements for the company."

Key Highlights

* Strong revenue and profit growth: Revenue increased 19% to $33.3m. The 
company achieved EBITDA of $2.45m, at the top end of its $2.0m to $2.5m 
guidance range. It achieved a maiden net profit after tax for the period of 

* IoT business growth: Wellington Connect SCS hardware volume grew 44%. Total 
IoT revenue (hardware, data and software services) was $13.4m, an increase of 
52% compared to H1 2018. 

* Data and software services growth: Data and services billings for the period 
increased to $1.7m, from $1.0m in 2018 as sales of IoT hardware and data 
packages continued to grow. 

* ECR2 motor growth: ECR2 motor volumes grew 36% in the first half versus last 
year with 402,000 shipped in the half.

* Legacy motors declined: Legacy ECR1 and ECR92 motor volumes reduced 29%. In 
total motor volumes were 6% lower than for H1 2018, taking into account both 
legacy and ECR2. The Company is seeing a faster than expected transition away 
from the older legacy motors and towards its new ECR2 platform and IoT business 
¡V both of which are growing rapidly.

* Gross profit improvement: Gross Profit performance was $8.6m, an increase in 
$1.7m over last year. Margins increased slightly to 25.8% from 24.7% in 2018. 

* Trading bank finance and net debt: In December 2018 the company secured a 
$1.5m debt facility with the Bank of New Zealand. The BNZ agreed to increase 
this facility to $2.0m in May 2019. At 30 June, the company has net debt of 

NZD (unless otherwise stated)        2019           2018       Change
30 June (6 months)

Revenue                              $33.3m         $28.0m       +19%
   Wellington Connect IoT Revenue    $13.4m          $8.9m       +52%
   Wellington ECR Motors             $18.8m         $18.0m        +4%
         ECR 2 Motor Revenue         $11.2m          $7.7m       +49%
         Legacy ECR Motor Revenue     $7.6m         $10.5m       -28%

Gross profit                          $8.6m          $6.9m       +24%

Gross margin %                        25.8%          24.7%      +1.1%

EBITDA[1]                            $2.45m         $1.23m       +98%

EBIT                                 $1.27m         $0.31m      +312%

Profit (loss)                        $0.72m        ($0.20m)   +$0.92m

Operating cash flows                 $1.11m         $1.88m       -41%

2019 outlook

Wellington's business mix is changing; sales efforts are targeted almost 
entirely towards both the new generation ECR motor platform and higher margin 
IoT products, where revenues are expected to continue growing. Our sales of 
legacy EC motors to bottle cooler customers has declined more rapidly than 
expected, negatively impacting overall company revenues in the short-to-medium 
term. We expect this to continue into 2020 with the legacy motor business 
constituting a relatively minor percentage of total revenue.

The company will continue its strategy to focus its investments on expanding 
and improving its IoT offering to the carbonated soft drinks segment as well as 
extending the product platform to adjacent market segments including beer, 
ice-cream and food service refrigeration. As part of this strategy, the 
Wellington team are developing a new IoT business opportunity, that would 
provide IoT hardware and data services to one of the largest manufacturers of 
commercial coolers in the Americas. Wellington has been verbally advised it has
been awarded the business, although some risk remains as a formal commercial 
agreement has not yet been reached. This opportunity will require a new Connect 
SCS product and customer specific applications to be developed, with 
development and support costs in the range of $1.0 to $1.5m. At scale, this 
project could potentially deliver growth of around 100,000 Connect SCS devices 
per year with data services and open the opportunity for retrofit devices. If 
successful, programme revenues from this project would likely start during 2020.

Due to the wide range of opportunities under development, Wellington is 
accelerating its investment and assessing both resource and funding 
requirements. Future investment is likely to require resources to accelerate 
sales growth, development capability to expand the IoT hardware and software 
roadmap, as well as funding to support several new customer opportunities. This 
growth investment need, coupled with upcoming debt maturities means the company 
will explore all funding options available to ensure it maintains
the capability to continue delivering strong growth and improving financial 

The changing sales mix is likely to accelerate during H2, with legacy motor 
volumes declining more rapidly, and seasonal revenue volatility expected to 
continue, resulting in the company's total revenue in 2019 expected to be at 
similar levels to 2018. This decline in legacy motor volumes along with a 
higher level of operating cost to support new business and development 
activity, means the company anticipates EBITDA will be around $3.0m, with net 
profit and operating cashflow somewhat higher in 2019 in comparison to 2018.

About Wellington Drive Technologies:
Wellington is a leading provider of IoT solutions, cloud-based fleet management 
platforms, energy- efficient electronic motors and connected refrigeration 
control solutions. It serves some of the world's leading food and beverage 
brands and refrigerator manufacturers and offers proximity-based marketing for 
Smart Cities to the Australian market. Wellington's services and products 
improve sales, decrease costs and reduce energy consumption. Headquartered in 
Auckland with a global reach, Wellington is listed on the New Zealand stock 
exchange under the ticker symbol NZ:WDT

For further information visit

[1] EBITDA (i.e. Earnings before interest, taxation, depreciation, amortisation 
and impairment) is a non- GAAP earnings figure that equity analysts tend to 
focus on for comparable company performance analysis. Wellington considers that 
it is a useful financial indicator because it avoids the distortions caused by 
differences in amortisation and impairment policies.

SOURCE: Wellington Drive Technologies Ltd