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Friday, September 06 2019 - 01:55
Winners Of The 2020 Breakthrough Prize In Life Sciences, Fundamental Physics And Mathematics Announced
SAN FRANCISCO, Sept. 6, 2019 /PRNewswire-AsiaNet/ --

    -- A Total of $21.6 Million Awarded for Breakthroughs in Creating the First 
Image of a Black Hole, Determining the Biological Basis of Obesity, and 
Discoveries in the Biochemistry of Pain Sensation, Among Other Major 

    -- 2020 Breakthrough Prize in Fundamental Physics Awarded to 347 Members of 
the Event Horizon Telescope Collaboration

    -- 2020 Breakthrough Prize in Life Sciences Awarded to Jeffrey M. Friedman, 
F. Ulrich Hartl and Arthur L. Horwich, David Julius, Virginia Man-Yee Lee

    -- 2020 Breakthrough Prize in Mathematics Awarded to Alex Eskin

    -- Six New Horizons Prizes Worth $100,000 Each Awarded for Early-Career 
Achievements in Physics and Math

    -- Laureates to be Honored at Live, Televised Breakthrough Prize Ceremony, 
the "Oscars of Science," on National Geographic on Sunday, November 3

The Breakthrough Prize Foundation and its founding sponsors – Sergey Brin, 
Priscilla Chan and Mark Zuckerberg, Ma Huateng, Yuri and Julia Milner, and Anne 
Wojcicki – today announced the recipients of the 2020 Breakthrough Prize and 
2020 New Horizons Prize, awarding a collective $21.6 million in recognition of 
important achievements in the Life Sciences, Fundamental Physics, and 

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Now in its eighth year, the Breakthrough Prize, known as the "Oscars of 
Science," annually recognizes achievements in the Life Sciences, Fundamental 
Physics and Mathematics, disciplines that ask the biggest questions and seek 
the deepest explanations. Considered the world's most generous science prize, 
each Breakthrough Prize is $3 million.

This year's winners are credited with discoveries that address important and 
compelling scientific questions – from "What does a black hole look like?" to 
"Why do chilis taste hot?" and "What are the causes of neurodegenerative 

As a collective, this year's Breakthrough Prize laureates probed the heavens to 
capture the first image of a black hole; imagined gravity at the quantum level; 
laid the foundation for non-opioid analgesics to extinguish chronic pain; 
established the biological basis of how much we eat and weigh; and discovered 
common mechanisms underlying neurodegenerative disorders, including early-onset 
dementia. Full citations can be found below. 

In addition, six New Horizons Prizes were awarded to twelve scientists 
recognizing early-career achievements in Fundamental Physics and Mathematics. 
Full citations can be found below. 

The new laureates will be recognized at the eighth annual Breakthrough Prize 
gala awards ceremony on Sunday, November 3, at NASA Ames Research Center in 
Mountain View, California, and broadcast live on National Geographic. Each 
year, the program has a theme, and this year's topic – "Seeing the Invisible" – 
is inspired by the Event Horizon Telescope collaboration, which created the 
first image of a black hole, as well as the broader power of science and 
mathematics to reveal hidden, uncharted worlds.

Also to be celebrated at this year's ceremony – a Special Breakthrough Prize in 
Fundamental Physics, which was announced in August, to recognize the discovery 
of the theory of supergravity by physicists Sergio Ferrara, Daniel Z. Freedman, 
and Peter van Nieuwenhuizen. They constructed the highly influential 1976 
theory that successfully integrated the force of gravity into quantum field 

Today also marks the beginning of the Popular Vote [ 
]  period (September 5 – 20) for the Breakthrough Junior Challenge, an online, 
global competition that is hosted annually by the Breakthrough Prize Foundation 
to inspire young people to think creatively about science. For the Challenge, 
now in its fifth year, students ages 13 to 18 from countries across the globe 
are invited to create and submit original videos (maximum 3:00 minutes in 
length) that bring to life a concept or theory in life sciences, physics or 
mathematics. The top scorer in the Popular Vote contest will receive automatic 
entry to the final round. 

Prize Citations

2020 Breakthrough Prize in Fundamental Physics

The Event Horizon Telescope Collaboration
Collaboration Director Shep Doeleman of the Harvard-Smithsonian Center for 
Astrophysics will accept on behalf the collaboration. The $3 million prize will 
be shared equally with 347 scientists co-authoring any of the six papers 
published by the EHT on April 10, 2019, which can be found here: 

Citation: For the first image of a supermassive black hole, taken by means of 
an Earth-sized alliance of telescopes. 

Description: Using eight sensitive radio telescopes strategically positioned 
around the world in Antarctica, Chile, Mexico, Hawaii, Arizona and Spain, a 
global collaboration of scientists at 60 institutions operating in 20 countries 
and regions captured an image of a black hole for the first time. By 
synchronizing each telescope using a network of atomic clocks, the team created 
a virtual telescope as large as the Earth, with a resolving power never before 
achieved from the surface of our planet. One of their first targets was the 
supermassive black hole at the center of the Messier 87 galaxy – its mass 
equivalent to 6.5 billion suns.  After painstakingly analyzing the data with 
novel algorithms and techniques, the team produced an image of this galactic 
monster, silhouetted against hot gas swirling around the black hole, that 
matched expectations from Einstein's theory of gravity: a bright ring marking 
the point where light orbits the black hole, surrounding a dark region where 
light cannot escape the black hole's gravitational pull.

2020 Breakthrough Prize in Mathematics

Alex Eskin 
University of Chicago

Citation: For revolutionary discoveries in the dynamics and geometry of moduli 
spaces of Abelian differentials, including the proof of the "magic wand 
theorem" with Maryam Mirzakhani.

Description: Eskin teamed with famed Iranian mathematician and Fields Medalist, 
Maryam Mirzakhni, to prove a theorem about dynamics on moduli spaces. Their 
tour de force, published in 2013 after five years of labor, is a result with 
many consequences.  One addresses the longstanding problem: If a beam of light 
from a point source bounces around a mirrored room, will it eventually reach 
the entire room - or will some parts remain forever dark? After translating the 
problem to a highly abstract multi-dimensional setting, the two mathematicians 
were able to show that for polygonal rooms with angles which are fractions of 
whole numbers, only a finite number of points would remain unlit. Mirzakhani 
passed away in 2017, at age 40, after fighting breast cancer for several years.

2020 Breakthrough Prize in Life Sciences

Jeffrey M. Friedman 
Rockefeller University and Howard Hughes Medical Institute

Citation: For the discovery of a new endocrine system through which adipose 
tissue signals the brain to regulate food intake.

Description: Since his 1994 discovery of the molecular pathway that regulates 
body fat, Friedman has been at the forefront of establishing the biological 
basis of obesity.  His research elucidated the "leptin system" operating below 
the level of consciousness and "will power" that regulates when, what and how 
much we eat. Leptin therapy now treats patients with lipodystrophy, a rare but 
very severe form of diabetes. Leptin also has potential for a treating the 
subset of obese patients with low leptin levels as well as being used as part 
of new combinatorial therapies for patients with high leptin levels and who are 
resistant to leptin. The discovery of leptin has provided a new framework for 
understanding the pathogenesis of obesity by delineating the physiological and 
neural mechanisms that regulate food intake and body weight.

F. Ulrich Hartl 
Max Planck Institute of Biochemistry

Arthur L. Horwich 
Yale School of Medicine and Howard Hughes Medical Institute

Citation: For discovering functions of molecular chaperones in mediating 
protein folding and preventing protein aggregation.

Description: Collaborating between New Haven and Munich, Hartl and Horwich 
discovered the supporting machinery that enables proteins to properly fold into 
the precise shapes necessary to perform their myriad jobs within the cell. As 
we age, this machinery might slow down and could leave proteins messily 
clumping – "like the white of an egg congealing in a hot frying pan" – and 
setting the stage for cancer as well as Alzheimer's, Parkinson's, Huntington's 
and other neurodegenerative diseases. Current research is investigating how to 
repair or support the cell's folding machinery to inhibit protein clumping and 
preserve healthy functioning as we age.

David Julius  
University of California, San Francisco

Citation: For discovering molecules, cells, and mechanisms underlying pain 

Description: Julius discovered cellular signaling mechanisms that produce pain 
sensation. Among other curiosities, he found that chili peppers and menthol 
trigger the same sensory receptors in the nervous system that ordinarily 
respond to heat and cold. While most pain functions as an early warning system, 
chronic pain is debilitating. But by identifying specific cellular targets for 
the chronic pain of IBS, arthritis, cancer, etc., his team is laying the 
foundation for the next generation of non-opioid, precision analgesics. 

Virginia Man-Yee Lee 
University of Pennsylvania

Citation: For discovering TDP43 protein aggregates in frontotemporal dementia 
and amyotrophic lateral sclerosis, and revealing that different forms of 
alpha-synuclein, in different cell types, underlie Parkinson's disease and 
Multiple System Atrophy.

Description: Most patients with Alzheimer's exhibit a web of tangles in their 
brain cells made up of tau proteins. In 1991, Lee evolved the "tau hypothesis" 
which posited that the tangles themselves inhibit the proper firing of neurons. 
She found similar entanglements associated with Parkinson's and with ALS, and 
later uncovered how misfolded proteins could spread from cell to cell through 
the central nervous system. By working to replicate the pathological evolution 
of tau proteins, Lee invented a protein roadmap to neurodegenerative disorders 
and an elucidation of common mechanisms of degeneration. Her research has 
opened up new avenues for identifying targets for drug discovery.

2020 New Horizons in Physics Prize

Xie Chen 
California Institute of Technology
Lukasz Fidkowski 
University of Washington
Michael Levin 
University of Chicago
Max A. Metlitski 
Massachusetts Institute of Technology

Citation: For incisive contributions to the understanding of topological states 
of matter and the relationships between them.

Jo Dunkley 
Princeton University
Samaya Nissanke 
University of Amsterdam
Kendrick Smith 
Perimeter Institute

Citation: For the development of novel techniques to extract fundamental 
physics from astronomical data.

Simon Caron-Huot 
McGill University
Pedro Vieira 
Perimeter Institute and ICTP-SAIFR

Citation: For profound contributions to the understanding of quantum field 

2020 New Horizons in Mathematics Prize

Tim Austin 
University of California, Los Angeles

Citation: For multiple contributions to ergodic theory, most notably the 
solution of the weak Pinsker conjecture.

Emmy Murphy 
Northwestern University 

Citation: For contributions to symplectic and contact geometry, in particular 
the introduction of notions of loose Legendrian submanifolds and, with Matthew 
Strom Borman and Yakov Eliashberg, overtwisted contact structures in higher 

Xinwen Zhu 
California Institute of Technology

Citation: For work in arithmetic algebraic geometry including applications to 
the theory of Shimura varieties and the Riemann-Hilbert problem for p-adic 

About the Breakthrough Prize
In its eighth year, and renowned as the "Oscars of Science," the Breakthrough 
Prize will recognize the world's top scientists. Each prize is $3 million and 
presented in the fields of Life Sciences (up to four per year), Fundamental 
Physics (one per year) and Mathematics (one per year). In addition, up to three 
New Horizons in Physics and up to three New Horizons in Mathematics Prizes are 
given out to junior researchers each year. Laureates attend a live televised 
award ceremony designed to celebrate their achievements and inspire the next 
generation of scientists. As part of the ceremony schedule, they also engage in 
a program of lectures and discussions.

The Breakthrough Prizes are sponsored by Sergey Brin, Priscilla Chan and Mark 
Zuckerberg, Ma Huateng, Yuri and Julia Milner, and Anne Wojcicki. Selection 
Committees composed of previous Breakthrough Prize laureates in each field 
choose the winners. Information on Breakthrough Prize is available at

SOURCE  The Breakthrough Prize

CONTACT: For media inquiries, contact; or 
Rubenstein Communications, Inc., New York, NY, Janet Wootten,, +1.212.843.8024

