Country for PR: United Kingdom
Contributor: PR Newswire Europe
Wednesday, October 02 2019 - 03:44
Artprice’s Historic EGM Validates in Order to Embrace the All-digital Age as a Global Player in the Art Market
PARIS, Oct. 2, 2019 /PRNewswire-AsiaNet/ --

The historic EGM meeting on 30 September 2019 has fully validated our strategy 
of changing our name and extending our corporate purpose from to and all of the relevant statute amendments. All of the 
shareholders fully understood and voted to approve our strategy. thierry 
Ehrmann, Founder/CEO of Artprice, along with all his colleagues, wishes to 
thank them for their confidence and support.

To be called on the stock market (the mnemonic code is still PRC) 
represents a superb intangible asset adding enormous value to the company. 
Indeed, apart from the intrinsic value of the DNS, the new name will propel our 
group into the smallest interstices of the tentacular Internet and search 
engines all over the world.
Difficult to talk about the Art Market without using the term “Art Market”...  
What could be more unifying? We have become unavoidable? For us the two words 
represent Internet’s Holy Grail... opening doors in a rational and scientific 
way to almost all the information on the Art Market.
Calling ourselves is the instant equivalent of a major global 
campaign of communication and promotion costing several tens of millions of 
euros... and there can be no doubt about its positive impact on the stock 
market, especially as we expecting a record result this year.
In 2019, Artprice and Cision (PRNewswire) are renewing their framework 
agreement with so that we can send our proprietary content in 
real time to 5 continents in 18 languages reaching 2.1 billion individuals 
(notary registered 2019 data, Maître Pons). This unparalleled alliance between 
two world leaders in the Art and the Wire markets – after 20 years of 
collaboration – has effectively created the largest press agency on the Art 

As we accelerate towards the all-digital era, allows 
to accompany the historical paradigm shift that dematerialization represents in 
order to become a global player in the Art Market.
We are also very proud to represent “French tech” (with the renewal of our 
state-sponsored innovative company label [BPI] for another 3 years) in a 
digital world where the global leaders are mostly Anglo-Saxon.
In June 2019, Artprice economists identified 37 companies worldwide whose 
corporate purpose was similar to ours and who raised more than $50 million 
since 2000. 100% of these companies have filed for bankruptcy or have ceased 
operating due to a lack of revenue. This means that is now 
operating in a massive open field with colossal barriers to entry, both in 
terms of the capital required and the time needed to set up this kind of 
Patrick Drahi’s recent acquisition of Sotheby’s is a starck reminder that the 
Art Market is not immune to digitization and dematerialization. Drahi is a 
Networks and Telecoms man. 
Nearly 20 years ago, Artprice was far ahead of its time and it still is. While 
many doubted the Art Market would ever change and adapt to new technologies, we 
were convinced it would. Our position as World Leader in Art Market Information 
is the direct result of this firm conviction.
While some continued secretly recording sales result (thereby perpetuating the 
Art Market’s opacity and its restriction to a caste of insiders), Artprice’s 
historians and documentalists digitized and annotated hundreds of millions of 
historical documents, allocating IDs to every artist and every work. This 
massively time-consuming investment generated the largest existing databases 
which we made available to everyone on the Art Market so that artworks could be 
bought and sold under optimal conditions and people could educate themselves 
about the art market.

Over two decades, Artprice has seen its standardization accepted by the Art 
Market and it is now considered a vital and authoritative reference by all 
players in this market, whatever their size and wherever they are located.
It should be noted that Artprice has acquired a number of highly valuable 
scientific and historical documents around the world and that these assets will 
be fully exploited by thanks to the extension of its corporate 
purpose and the amendments to its Statutes that have just been approved.
Our headstart has allowed us to win...
Our work, our ideas and our convictions have helped to make the Art Market more 
understandable and more democratic. The knowledge previously guarded by a small 
number of insiders is now accessible to all of our clients. Meanwhile, the 
volume of secondary market transactions has rocketed, massively increasing the 
Art Market’s liquidity. As we have repeatedly explained in our communications 
over recent years, it is now an efficient market generating returns comparable 
to financial markets.

Since 2000, the Art Market’s global secondary market turnover has risen 383% 
and its return on investment, according to our Artprice100(R) index, was 16% in 
the first half of 2019 compared with interest rates close to zero on the money 
As we predicted, the Internet has of course exploded exponentially. Whereas 
Internet consultation used to be only possible from desktop or home computers, 
now, with the mobile Internet reaching 5.4 billion smartphones in the world, 
one can access the same services anywhere: from galleries, auction rooms, art 
dealers, valuers, art fairs, museums, etc. Today 4G, Wi-Fi via optical fiber 
and now ultra high speed 5G networks make it even easier and faster for Art 
Market and its customers around the world.
According to our calculations, with our recent strategic developments – 
including the name change to Artmarket – we are currently at less than 10% of 
our economic potential with a horizon of 5 years.
In short, the Art Market cannot indefinitely ignore the digital era and the 
Internet. Compared to many other sectors in the economy, the Art Market is 
operating with a unique lag of nearly 30 years... and that lag will inevitably 
translate into Artmarket’s future prosperity.
The future is in Artificial Intelligence, Big Data, Augmented and/or Virtual 
Reality, 8K, and Blockchain... has no intention of lagging behind these technologies. An article 
published in Les Echos (24.09.2019) gives a superb indication of where we are 
heading: “Artificial Intelligence enters the Museum World” (L'intelligence 
artificielle entre au Musee).’s role as the spearhead of the Art Market’s technological future 
is 100% legitimate considering that its head offices are located at the heart 
of the Organe Contemporary Art Museum (which manages the open-to-the-public La 
Demeure du Chaos (Abode of Chaos dixit the NY Times), ranked the top 
Contemporary Art Museum in France by Google reviews (notary registered ranking 
by Maitre Pons on 4 September 2019).
During the recent European Heritage Days (weekend of 21 and 22 September 2019), 
The Organe Contemporary Art Museum (effectively Artprice/Artmarket’s HQ) hosted 
18,000 visitors thanks to our in-depth knowledge and use of social networks and 
new technologies. As a highly popular museum, we regularly experiment, in situ, 
with proprietary high-tech solutions to help our visitors discover the 9000 
m[2] of our site containing 6,300 works. We have therefore demonstrated our 
know-how in the Museum Industry field, particularly on 360 degrees vision in 
Pro2 8K by the global leader Insta360, for whom Artmarket’s technical 
department has been a ‘beta tester’ and a Google referenced pioneer for many 
Virtual tours of our headquarters, including via Facebook VR Oculus headsets, 
whose number we can already count on media such as Google, Facebook, Flickr and 
Instagram (with our 9 million followers), are increasingly popular around the 
world (there have been 8,100 media reports about the Abode of Chaos / Organe 
Contemporary Art Museum). All of this exposure is hugely positive for the 
growth of and represents a massive and permanent advertising 
Based on Google and Flickr counting of single virtual visitors in 360 degrees 
4K and 8k in the Contemporary Art segment, our head office, the Organe 
Contemporary Art Museum, is no. 2 in France with 4.5 million visitors behind 
the Center Georges Pompidou, followed closely by the Louis Vuitton Foundation.
Very soon Artprice Images(R) – which currently gives subscribers unlimited 
access to the world’s largest Art Market database of 180 million photographic 
or etched images of artworks from 1700 to the present day (each commented by 
our historians) –  will be accessible in augmented reality by Artmarket. 
Sotheby’s Institute of Art, one of our loyal customers, will be the first to 
test this augmented reality service for its students.
High-tech 3D scanning studios are being set up for our clients, including the 
6,300 partner auction houses. The humble 2D photo is destined to disappear 
making way for the visualisation of works in true AI generated 3D. Thousands of 
young photographers are already discovering this technology which represents a 
revolution in their profession.
Henceforward, when it comes to ‘industrial’ photography (including sales 
catalogues),  artificial intelligence is clearly bound to replace the 
photographer. Anecdotally, the iPhone 11 Pro Max(R) instantly processes a 
trillion operations per second (source Apple USA) for each photo with its A13 
Our knowledge and awareness of developments within the Images market has a long 
history.  From 1997 to 2006 the CEO of our direct subsidiary Editing Server(R) 
was also President of SAPHIR which is a member of the French Federation of 
Press Agencies (FFAP). He was a member of the Joint Committee of Press Agencies 
Publications (CPPAP) and of the Professional Commission of Independent 
Photographers of the Association for the Management of the Social Security of 
Authors (AGESSA).
Our digital culture dates back to 1987 with Groupe Server, a pioneer of the 
Internet in Europe (see TIME Magazine 2001). We therefore have a massive 
technological lead that  will inevitably accompany the Art Market (throughout 
the world) over the coming years. Our role as a global player in the Art Market 
is a logical result of our unique capability to format metadata flows with our 
proprietary algorithms so that they become increasingly intelligent, and to 
adapt to technological know-how in perpetual evolution... an evolution that has 
been a fatal obstacle for our competitors who were unaware of the need (or 
unable) to change quickly.
This natural and ruthless selection, over several decades, has today posited as the global player in the Art Market, and its brand Artprice, 
as the world leader in Art Market information.
This position of global player in the Art Market has been built with more than 
20 years of hard work and passion. This historic EGM has validated and endorsed 
the tremendous achievements of the Group and it has allowed us to change its 
economic scope completely.

For all other questions we invite you to read the press release of 9 September 
2019 Actusnews

Copyright (C)1987-2019 thierry Ehrmann –

About Artprice:

Artprice is listed on the Eurolist by Euronext Paris, SRD long only and 
Euroclear: 7478 - Bloomberg: PRC - Reuters: ARTF.
Founded by thierry Ehrmann (see Who's who certified Biography ) (c)

Dicover Artprice in video:

Artprice is the global leader in art price and art index databanks. It has over 
30 million indices and auction results covering more than 700,000 artists. 
Artprice Images(R) gives unlimited access to the largest Art Market resource in 
the world: a library of 126 million images or prints of artworks from the year 
1700 to the present day, along with comments by Artprice's art historians.

Artprice permanently enriches its databanks with information from 6,300 
auctioneers and it publishes a constant flow of art market trends for the 
world's principal news agencies and approximately 7,200 international press 

For its 4,500,000 members, Artprice gives access to the world's leading 
Standardised Marketplace for buying and selling art. Artprice is preparing its 
blockchain for the Art Market. It is BPI-labelled (scientific national French 
label) Artprice's Global Art Market Annual Report for 2018 published last March 

Artprice is associated with Artron Group the Chinese leader in the Art Market, 
its solid institutional partner.

Artprice's Contemporary Art Market Annual Report for 2018 - free access at:

Artprice's press releases:

Artmarket News: & 4,4 million subscribers

Discover the Alchemy and the universe of Artprice, which headquarters are the famous Museum of 
Contemporary Art, the Abode of Chaos:

The Contemporary Art Museum The Abode of Chaos 3.9 million 

Contact: thierry Ehrmann,    

