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Tuesday, October 15 2019 - 18:35
CapBridge Introduces Retail Investor Access to Private Equity Products in Guided and Phased Approach; Move Further Opens Up Participation in Private Markets for Retail Investors
SINGAPORE, Oct. 15, 2019 /PRNewswire-AsiaNet/ --

Singapore global private markets platform CapBridge Pte Ltd ("CapBridge") today 
announced that it will be extending access to its private capital platform to 
retail investors. This comes after CapBridge received approval to extend its 
activities beyond Accredited Investors and Institutional Investors in order to 
further lower the barriers of private equity investing for Singapore investors.

The new platform has the following features:

- Retail investors can now participate on the CapBridge private markets 
platform to invest in late stage growth and pre-IPO deals through the 
proprietary "Preferred Access" investment structure. 

- The "Preferred Access" investment model focuses on certain private equity 
investment deals, in particular: 
	a. Pre-IPO or late-stage growth private companies with firm exit or liquidity 
plans (e.g. IPO, trade sale, M&A); 
	b. Convertible or redeemable securities with a clearly-defined structure for 
return on investment; and / or 
	c. Co-investments alongside expert lead professional investors (typically 
Accredited Investors[1] or Institutional Investors) who are investing on the 
same terms.

- Retail investors participating in "Preferred Access" deals on CapBridge do 
not need to be Accredited Investors, they simply need to meet CapBridge's 
onboarding requirements as well as declare their net assets prior to investing. 
- This means that Retail investors can, for the first time, view ongoing 
"Preferred Access" investment opportunities on CapBridge; such as ST Integrated 
Engineering, which has recently announced that it is raising S$4.0m and has 
agreed to buy back its share at 130% of the value of investment by investors 
during this fundraising campaign, at the end of 3 years if there is no 
liquidity event by then.

Investors seeking above-market returns have typically looked to investing in 
private companies. Such private equity opportunities are typically not 
accessible to individuals as these are traditionally limited to Accredited 

Johnson Chen, founder and CEO of CapBridge, said, "For decades now, private 
investments have offered the strongest relative returns as compared to the 
public listed markets. Data shows that top-performing institutions have been 
long-time allocators to private markets, gaining from the outperformance. With 
technology and intelligent deal-sharing, we are now able to better offer and 
lower the barriers of investing so that more investors can participate in 
private growth opportunities. This is timely given the relatively more volatile 
global economy today."

In its latest report[2] on private markets, McKinsey & Company found that 
private equity's net asset value has grown more than sevenfold since 2002, 
twice as fast as global public equities. The report noted that the number of 
publicly traded firms in the United States fell by 16 percent from 5,100 to 
4,300, with some large investors now allocating to private markets in order to 
get diversified exposure to global growth.

Retail investors and Accredited Investors on the CapBridge platform who opt to 
be treated as retail investors may now participate in private equity 
investments via the CapBridge "Preferred Access" structure.

Preferred Access Designed For Private Equity Investments For Retail Investors

Retail investors who wish to get exposure to private equity in "Preferred 
Access" deals on CapBridge do not need to be Accredited Investors.

These retail investors simply need to meet suitability requirements via 
clearing a "financial knowledge and experience checklist" or "suitability 
assessment", as well as declare their net assets and financial assets prior to 

Upon qualifying, retail investors can proceed to view and express interest in 
the opportunities available via the "Preferred Access" structure - either in a 
single deal or across multiple deals.

Unique Structure To Balance Rewards and Risks for Retail Investors

With the "Preferred Access" structure, CapBridge is able to curate a specific 
type and size of private equity deals that have a plan for an exit or liquidity 
and therefore may be more suitable for retail investors. Traditionally, private 
equity investments are considered more high-risk than investments in public 
markets, and CapBridge tackles this by using the "Preferred Access" structure 
to better address, but not completely remove, some of these risks, including 
but not limited to, 'holding risk', 'concentration risk'and 'disclosure risk'.

The investments by retail investors will be carried out by way of a special 
purpose holding vehicle. This vehicle shall invest in and hold the same 
underlying assets as other Accredited Investors and Institutional Investors who 
have opted to invest in the private equity deal offered on the CapBridge 
platform. This structure is designed for ease of understanding by retail 
investors, as well as added investment protection.

To strive towards a balance between risk and potential returns, CapBridge has 
also set pre-determined annual investment limits for retail investors' capital 

Under Preferred Access, investors may invest up to S$10,000 in each 
opportunity, with a maximum aggregate investment limit of S$200,000 or 10% of 
their net assets (whichever is lower) in a single financial year. Compared to 
the typical minimum investment amount of S$500,000 for private equity 
investments, Preferred Access now enables investors to commit smaller amounts 
across multiple deals to diversify their portfolios.

Johnson Chen added, "As a responsible investment platform, CapBridge is 
adopting a cautious and consultative approach in opening up access to this 
space. We recognize the growing interest from retail investors in the higher 
potential returns offered by the private markets, and the benefits to the 
overall capital markets and liquidity environment that can come from increased 
participation in private equity. By ensuring retail investors pass a knowledge 
or suitability test, setting limits to capital exposure, and adopting an 
investment model where professional investors take the lead or where companies 
provide certain downside protection, we hope to facilitate retail public access 
to private equity in a guided, and easier-to-understand manner."

Retail Investors Not Permitted To Trade

Private investment opportunities on CapBridge comprise private companies 
raising capital for the next stage of growth, such as market expansion or an 
IPO. These companies are typically suited to, and interested in a 
partial-liquidity private listing on 1exchange - CapBridge's affiliated 
Recognised Market Operator and Singapore's first MAS-regulated private 
securities exchange. CapBridge also enables retail investors to participate in 
the fundraising of these growth companies.

However, when these private companies undertake the private listing on 
1exchange, retail investors will not have access to subsequently trade on 
1exchange, unlike other Accredited Investors and Institutional Investors who 
have the ability to trade and the responsibility to make their own investment 
decisions around such trades.

For example, Singapore engineering and IT solutions firm ST Integrated 
Engineering (STIE) is a Pre-IPO private company currently in the process of 
raising S$4.0m via a private listing on 1exchange by the end of FY2019. As a 
commitment to its plans to IPO, the company has agreed to buy back its equity 
at 130% of the value of investment as per its current fundraising, at the end 
of 3 years if there is no liquidity event by then. In addition, STIE has 
accepted a 32% discount to the independent full valuation provided by valuer 
IHS Markit. Retail investors who meet CapBridge's suitability criteria can view 
this opportunity on the Capbridge platform.

Interested investors can visit to find out more. Signing up on gives investors access to view these private capital raising 

About CapBridge 

CapBridge operates a global investment syndication platform for private 
opportunities. The CapBridge co-investment syndication platform serves 
mid-to-late stage growth companies and the funds that focus on them. Our 
co-investment model is built with investors in mind. We first bring 
opportunities to lead investors, who leverage their specific industry knowledge 
to conduct due diligence, negotiate value adding investment structures, and 
manage their portfolio positions to the desired exit.

We then open up the same opportunities to co-investors as they leverage on the 
lead investors' expertise in specific industry fields and diligence work. 
Co-investors sign with the same terms as the lead investors and realize better 
risk-adjusted returns and a more likely exit. Companies benefit from working 
with lead investors who understand their sector well and can directly value- 
add, as well as broadening the shareholder base with co-investors who can add 
network connectivity and assist towards a more successful listing further down 
the road.

The co-investment process is conducted electronically on our intelligent 
platform, which works ceaselessly to match deals with investors and facilitate 
the deal process.

CapBridge has a Capital Markets Services License and is regulated by the 
Monetary Authority of Singapore. Singapore Exchange (SGX) is a strategic 
partner and shareholder. For more information on the CapBridge co-investment 
platform, visit

[1] An accredited investor refers to an individual whose net personal assets 
exceed S$2 million, whose financial assets (net of any related liabilities) 
exceed S$1 million or whose income in the preceding 12 months is not less than 
S$300,000; or a corporation with net assets exceeding S$10 million.

[2] McKinsey's Private Markets Annual Review, available from 

[3] Where a Retail Investor has declared net assets of more than S$2 million, 
that Retail Investor will be given the option to be opt-in as an AI (as defined 
under the Securities and Future Act), by waiving his or her rights as a Retail 
Investor. In that event, the standard Know-Your-Client process for Accredited 
Investors will be performed by CapBridge, and no investment cap will be 
imposed. Where the Retail Investor has declared net assets of less than or 
equal to S$2 million, that Retail Investor will be subject to an investment cap 
of 10% of their net assets.

SOURCE: CapBridge Pte Ltd
