Country for PR: Australia
Contributor: Medianet International
Tuesday, October 22 2019 - 13:50
Wellington Drive Technologies third quarter update
AUCKLAND, New Zealand,October 22, 2019/Medianet International-AsiaNet/ -

Wellington announces improved Q3 result and updated 2019 guidance

Wellington Drive Technologies (Wellington), a leading provider of Internet of 
Things (IoT) solutions and energy efficient motors to the retail food and 
beverage industry, today announced its unaudited trading results for the nine 
months ending September 2019 and the third quarter 2019 (Q3 2019).

Financial Metrics

Nine months ended 30 September	  2019	  2018	   Change
Revenue	                         $45.9m	  $40.7m   +13%
Wellington Connect IoT Revenue	 $17.5m	  $12.7m   +38%
Wellington ECR Motors	         $27.0m	  $26.6m   +1%
ECR2 Motor Revenue	         $16.6m	  $12.1m   +41%
Legacy ECR Motor Revenue	 $10.4m	  $14.5m   -30%
Gross profit	                 $11.9m	  $9.9m	   +20%
Gross margin %	                 26.0%	  24.4%	   +1.6pp
EBITDA reported	                 $3.10m	  $1.11m   +179%
EBITDA pre fair value adjustment $2.67m	  $1.11m   +140%
EBIT	                         $1.30m	 ($0.22m)  +$1.52m
Profit (loss) before taxation	 $0.58m	 ($0.77m)  +$1.35m

For the nine months ended 30 September 2019, the company delivered 13% revenue 
growth, with revenue at $45.9m, compared to $40.7m for the same period last 
year.  Revenue from IoT products was 38% higher, revenue from the ECR2 motor 
platform was 41% higher and revenue for legacy motor products declined 
consistent with forecast.  

Gross margin improved from 24.4% to 26.0% reflecting lower unit costs for 
Wellington's ECR2 and SCS Connect products and the increasing IoT product 

EBITDA1 for the nine months was $3.1m versus $1.1m for the same period last
year, a result which included a $0.4m non-cash accounting gain arising from a 
change in fair value of the contingent consideration payable for the 
acquisition of iProximity Pty Limited.  EBITDA1 excluding this gain was $2.7m.  
Net profit for the nine months, including the fair value adjustment, was 
$0.58m, up from a loss of $0.77m last year. 

Revenue for Q3-2019 was $12.6m which is consistent with Q3-2018.  Gross margin 
was 26.7%, an increase over the 23.8% recorded last year for the same period.  
For the quarter Wellington achieved an EBITDA1 surplus of $0.7m, which included 
the $0.4m gain from the iProximity fair value change.  

CEO Greg Allen commented “Our Q3 result keeps the company on track to achieve 
its 2019 guidance. The third quarter generally sees lower seasonal trading 
volumes, which was the case, while it was pleasing that we managed a small 
EBITDA profit in the quarter (compared to the same quarter in 2018 which was 
breakeven). We were particularly satisfied with the year over year margin 
improvement, as a result of cost reduction efforts and the continued benefit 
from the change in mix towards our ECR2 and IoT and data services products. Our 
business development efforts are uncovering new opportunities for our iPX 
digital marketing platform in food and beverage, which whilst early in nature, 
are an important indication of the attractiveness of our marketing services 

Other highlights in the quarter
- New IoT business opportunity in the Americas: The company is in the latter 
stages of negotiation for a new IoT business opportunity with a large 
manufacturer of commercial coolers in the Americas. Wellington's confidence at 
this stage of discussions stems from the fact there is an existing 
long-standing commercial relationship with this customers on another line of 
business. The Wellington board has approved the commencement of early 
development work on customer specific applications.
- Data services growth: Services billings for the nine months ended 30 
September 2019 were US$1.4m, an increase on the $1.0m billed for the same 
period in 2018.
- New Product Progress: The company shipped the first ten proof of concept 
models of its SCS Network Cellular IoT Hub to selected beverage customers. This 
early stage product is already receiving strong indications of interest. 
- Debt repayment: In September, Wellington repaid $1.5m of debt to Onimeg 
Investments Limited and negotiated a six-month extension of the remaining 
$1.0m.  Borrowings (excluding lease obligations) amounted to $3.2m compared to 
$4.8m at 30 June 2019.
- Cash:  Cash on hand at 30 September 2019 was $2.5m compared to $1.8m at 30 
June 2019. 
- Working capital:  Trade receivables were $7.0m lower than 30 June 2019 at 
$11.1m.  Inventory was $0.8m higher at $5.2m as a result of the falloff in 
legacy motor business. Trade payables were $4.0m lower at $12.6m.  Operating 
cashflow for the quarter was strong at $3.3m.
- Contingent consideration due to the vendors of iProximity Pty Limited:  In 
July 2019, Wellington issued 1,417,344 shares to the vendors of iProximity Pty 
Limited pursuant to the sale and purchase agreement and reflecting the 
achievement of SCS Connect volume targets for 2018.

2019 Outlook
Wellington's strategy will continue to focus on growing its IoT business with 
large food and beverage brands, developing customers for its iProximity digital 
marketing platform and developing new customers for its ECR2 and soon to be 
launched ECR2+ motor.  

As a result of growth in new customers won in the previous year, a slightly 
stronger third quarter and continued favourable USD/NZD currency rates, 
Wellington is adjusting its previous EBITDA guidance up from around $3.0m to 
now be between $3.0m and $3.5m.  Net profit is now expected to be around 
break-even, and operating cashflow somewhat higher in comparison to 2018.  
Guidance excludes any fair value adjustment that may occur as a result of 
iProximity contingent consideration.

The company's total revenue in 2019 is expected to be at similar levels to 2018 
due to the decline in legacy motor volumes offsetting the growth in the new 
ECR2 and IoT products.  Hardware revenue volatility is expected to continue 
during the fourth quarter as customers manage for year-end inventory and first 
quarter readiness. 

2020 initial outlook
Forecasts for 2020 are in the early stages, with customers typically releasing 
next year's demand in late fourth quarter or early in the New Year.  The 
company's early planning models suggest revenue growth of 10% is possible, with 
further improvements in EBITDA, net profit and positive operating cash flow 
versus 2019.  The forecast is based on a NZD/USD exchange rate of $0.65 and 
assumes the company is adequately funded to execute its operational and growth 
plans.  Forecasts are based on the general assumption of stable global 
macro-economic conditions, including stabilising of current global trade 

About Wellington Drive Technologies:
Wellington is a leading provider of IoT solutions, cloud-based fleet management 
platforms, energy-efficient electronic motors and connected refrigeration 
control solutions. It serves some of the world's leading food and beverage 
brands and refrigerator manufacturers and offers proximity-based marketing for 
Smart Cities to the Australian market.  Wellington's services and products 
improve sales, decrease costs and reduce energy consumption.  Headquartered in 
Auckland with a global reach, Wellington is listed on the New Zealand stock 
exchange under the ticker symbol NZ:WDT
For further information visit

EBITDA1 (i.e. Earnings before interest, taxation, depreciation, amortisation 
and impairment) is a non- GAAP earnings figure that equity analysts tend to 
focus on for comparable company performance analysis. Wellington considers that 
it is a useful financial indicator because it avoids the distortions caused by 
differences in amortisation and impairment policies. 

SOURCE: Wellington Drive Technologies Ltd