Country for PR: United Kingdom
Contributor: PR Newswire Europe
Friday, November 01 2019 - 06:18
AsiaNet - 24 October 2023: How the Art Market Saves the World From Economic and Financial Apocalypse
PARIS, Nov. 1, 2019 /PRNewswire-AsiaNet / --

Artprice by Art Market invited a number of social science fiction authors to 
write near-term finance-fiction, as a prospective experiment including the Art 


It is Tuesday, 24 October 2023... here is the economic column by the editorial 
team of "Protect your Money":  

The French government has just issued 45 billion euros of long-term debt in a 
single day at negative rates. This is the second time France has issued tens of 
billions worth of 30-yr bonds at negative rates. The issue rate on its 
long-term debt has risen from -1.10% to -1.15% today.   

Like every EU country, France is now borrowing at negative rates on short, 
medium and long-term debt. In the United States, President Trump's insistent 
demands in 2019 that the Fed adopt negative rates were heard after his 
re-election in 2020. Meanwhile... Larry Gagosian “America's wealthiest man“ has 
been appointed as Donald Trump's personal advisor. His acquisition, for $4.8 
billion, of Leonardo da Vinci's Salvator Mundi, now hanging in the Oval Office, 
undoubtedly played a role in his nomination.  

Salvator Mundi (C)2019 thierry Ehrmann - courtesy of Organ Museum / Abode of 


In stark defiance of rationality, investors looking for safe investments are 
ready to lend more and more money at a loss - a paradox that masks the 
fundamental reality that many financiers are actually gambling on an abysmal 
pursuit of negative rates throughout the world. 

Numerous economists and commentators have alerted policy-makers to this 
practice, which is contrary to the fundamental rules of money-lending that have 
governed the global economy since time began. They point to the growing danger 
that the longer negative rates become the norm, the harder it will be to return 
to the healthier and sounder foundation of positive interest rates.

In his editorial in the New York Times, Chinese economist Wan Huan Xi - this 
year's Nobel Prize winner for Economics - says This process is irreversible... 
It basically signals the death of the banking system as we know it, adding... 
The only way out is the concentration of the banking system... a planetary 
'nationalization' by global supra-central regulatory authorities.

Faced with the destructive spiral that savings and capital have entered, a 
number of bold and enlightened investors have been exploring successful 
alternative investment paths for several years:


Cryptocurrencies had the wind in their sails in the late 2020s, but demand 
tailed off because the crash of a "helicopter money" causes massive dilution 
that destroys its value. Eurobit, for example, lost 44% of its value last week, 
triggering a major panic amongst savers, investors and central banks alike. A 
joint statement from the ECB and the FED has announced a cryptocurrency rescue 
plan with negative rates of up to -3.6% and an immediate restart of QE 
(Quantitative Easing). The CEO of the startup Bitcoin Europa admitted that the 
risk is increasing every day. If the helicopter money strategy continues, we 
fear a collapse of prices… since cryptocurrencies essentially obey the same 
economic rules as physical currencies… they devalue with each new issue.  

Moreover, we urgently need to reiterate our warnings about the permanent 
associated IT risk, the likes of which we saw in October 2021 when a complete 
paralysis of trading and trading systems for five days led to the first 
full-scale crash on cryptocurrency markets.  

Gold has always been a safe haven and its value peaked not long ago. However, 
since the Chinese quantum calculator World Master defined the basis of an 
alchemical equation that is reasonably foreseeable in the near-term, gold 
prices have contracted substantially on profit-taking and are down 35% versus 
their peaks.

According to the Icelandic chemical engineer, Ragnar Eriksson, who participated 
in an international team to develop the Chinese World Master programme, 
conversion to gold is no longer a dream. We know how to produce gold using a 
reasonable amount of energy and producing a metal that fetches USD 450 an ounce.

Our advice on gold is now 'neutral' given that we can now envisage its 
industrial production under controlled costs.

Art has maintained its values for 25 years. In fact, it's the big winner from 
globalization and dematerialization. As (formerly Artprice) - a 
global player in the Art Market - points out, we have stable returns on Old 
Master Art and growing returns on Modern and Contemporary Art.

The "Artprice 100" art investment fund managed by - whose assets 
are steadily growing with new subscriptions from investors and savers - 
generates an annual yield of 27% on Contemporary Art. Indeed, people all over 
the world, seduced by its novelty and originality, are turning towards art as a 
means of social distinction. Today Artmarket has 18 representatives of the 
largest banks in North America, Europe and Asia on its supervisory board. 

Regularly cited by the IMF and the World Bank, the Artmarket conglomerate has 
become the standard reference to which savers and investors burned by repeated 
disasters turn for stability, growth and security in the Art Market. The Art 
market is now controlled by Artmarket via its presence on five continents.

thierry Ehrmann, founder/CEO of, the world's leading Art Market 
reference, says: We knew the Art Market would be a haven, but the reality has 
far exceeded our most ambitious forecasts. The rush towards art has been so 
strong we are now receiving offers from the GAFAs almost every day... because 
they understand that our knowledge goes back almost three centuries, with the 
largest collection of scrolls, manuscripts and catalogues tracing the history 
of artworks in an ultra-secure bunker in a secret location. (However, the Wall 
Street Journal / Wired says that reliable sources, in secret collaboration with 
the Icelandic government, have located the bunker in a militarized zone in the 
middle of the volcanic island...). Our ultra-secure servers based on Artificial 
Intelligence hold all of the meta-data without which any investment in Art 
would be similar to Russian Roulette.

thierry Ehrmann concludes... "Since 1999 we have understood that the Art Market 
is essentially the oldest in the world... Man exchanged artworks commercially 
before money was ever minted... In this time of global financial and economic 
chaos, we are holding the key to the world's financial salvation.

Artprice by Art Market invited social science fiction authors to write 
near-term finance-fiction as a prospective experiment. Naturally, because of 
its fictional nature, this press release cannot be interpreted in any shape or 
form as an element of legal, financial or economic information.

Copyright 1987-2019 thierry Ehrmann -

About Artmarket: is listed on Eurolist by Euronext Paris, SRD long only and 
Euroclear: 7478 - Bloomberg: PRC - Reuters: ARTF.

Discover Artmarket and its Artprice department on video:

Artmarket and its Artprice department was founded in 1997 by its CEO, thierry 
Ehrmann. Artmarket and its Artprice department is controlled by Groupe Serveur, 
created in 1987. 

See certified biography in Who's who ©:

Artmarket is a global player in the Art Market with, among other structures, 
its Artprice department, world leader in the accumulation, management and 
exploitation of historical and current art market information in databanks 
containing over 30 million indices and auction results, covering more than 
700,000 artists.

Artprice Images(R) allows unlimited access to the largest Art Market image bank 
in the world: no less than 180 million digital images of photographs or 
engraved reproductions of artworks from 1700 to the present day, commented by 
our art historians.

Artmarket with its Artprice department accumulates data on a permanent basis 
from 6300 Auction Houses and produces key Art Market information for the main 
press and media agencies (7,200 publications). Its 4.5 million 'members log in' 
users have access to ads posted by other members, a network that today 
represents the leading Global Standardized Marketplace(R) to buy and sell 
artworks at a fixed or bid price (auctions regulated by paragraphs 2 and 3 of 
Article L 321.3 of France's Commercial Code).

Artmarket with its Artprice department, has been awarded the State label 
"Innovative Company" by the Public Investment Bank (BPI) (for the second time 
in November 2018 for a new period of 3 years) which is supporting the company 
in its project to consolidate its position as a global player in the market art.

Artprice by Artmarket's 2018 Global Art Market Report published in March 2019:

Index of press releases posted by Artmarket with its Artprice department: 

Follow all the Art Market news in real time with Artmarket and its Artprice 
department on Facebook and Twitter:

https: // www / artpricedotcom  (4.5 million followers) 

Discover the alchemy and universe of Artmarket and its artprice department 
http: // headquartered at the famous Organe Contemporary 
Art Museum "The Abode of Chaos" (dixit The New York Times):

L'Obs - The Museum of the Future:   
(4 million followers)  

Contact and its Artprice department   

Contact: Thierry Ehrmann,  

