Country for PR: United Kingdom
Contributor: PR Newswire Europe
Friday, November 29 2019 - 04:23
AsiaNet Tailor-made Subscriptions Will Substantially Boost Our Revenues in 2020
PARIS, November 29, 2019, /PRNewswire-AsiaNet/--

Thanks to artificial intelligence (AI) – which we realised a long time ago 
would have a massive and revolutionary impact on the digital economy – will soon be offering tailored subscriptions to meet the exact 
needs of its customers and members.

According to thierry Ehrmann, founder/CEO of Artmarket: "The potential is 
enormous and likely represents tens of thousands of new paying customers.Today, 
Artprice by offers 4 subscriptions with HD images ranging from 
245 to 749 euros per year. At the beginning of 2020, will be able 
to offer thousands of different and fully personalized subscriptions for each 
of its 4.5 million members at prices ranging from 180 to 3,600 euros per year."

Using AI and Big Data, will finally be able to capitalise the 
real value of Artprice's accumulated assets over the past 20 years, namely, 
close to 5 million members who regularly access our databases and services in 
free mode, but who, until now, have not found the right formula for their 
personal requirements in our 4 subscription packages. For this community, It 
was not a problem of price, but rather the absence of personalized 
subscriptions corresponding to their complex and highly individual browsing 

It should be noted that compared to other economic sectors, the structure and 
nature of the Art Market is highly complex: artists, artworks, mediums, auction 
houses, countries and places of sale, biographies, periods, movements, schools, 
etc. all contribute to a profoundly fragmented market.

Faced with this rare complexity, Artprice by's loyal members – 
roughly 4.5 million in total, whose browsing and search habits we have logged 
in full compliance with applicable laws – will at last be offered subscriptions 
costing between 180 and 3,600 euros per year, corresponding exactly to their 
specific needs based on their browsing histories and their respective interests.

According to numerous existing studies, the integration of AI and Big Data into 
the B2C and BtoB interface immediately generates strong sales growth. The GAFAs 
have all integrated AI into their business models, achieving triple-digit 
revenue growth!

This new 'resource', resulting from an industrial partnership with Vahumana 
(Groupe TRSb) one of Europe's leaders in Artificial Intelligence, once again 
gives a substantial advance that will allow us to consolidate our 
global Leader position, maintain our perpetual adaptation to technological 
developments, and, above all, adapt our business model to the realities of 
contemporary consumption where the capacity to offer quality and tailor-made 
services is absolutely key to survival.

This project has been made possible by our name change and, above all, by the 
extension of our corporate purpose to include "metadata processing" as part of's global strategy as a global player in the Art Market.

Artprice by Art Market's customers and non-subscribing members have clearly 
expressed their wish to be offered ultra-personalized services based on their 
navigation histories, their discoveries and their aspirations. We must 
therefore offer tailor-made services. Without AI and Big Data, it would have 
taken hundreds of employees in's marketing department and an 
almost unmanageable IT back-office to meet these expectations.'s clients and non-subscribing members have access to information 
about more than 720,000 artists down the centuries and 180 million artworks in 
a range of mediums. As of early 2020, our AI and Big Data collaboration with 
Vahumana will allow us to store and process in our multiple server rooms, in 
real time, billions of queries (logs) per year, directed towards's 
free or subscription-based services and structured by This 
technological feat was unimaginable and financially impossible until recently.

It is not just a question of storing information, but also of calculation 
speeds and real-time behavioral analysis in strict compliance with 
international law.
With our AI systems, customers will have real-time access to queries that our 
computer scientists and econometricians only had access to after innumerable 
complex operations on our databases and a waiting time that was incompatible 
with Internet browsing. Today the Internet reaches more than 4 billion users in 
4G, Wi-Fi / Fiber and 5G, the latter technology being already operational in 
many countries, including the USA, Greater Asia and Europe.

This major collaboration between and Vahumana has received 
financial support from France's Public Investment Bank after once 
again obtained the "Innovative Company" label from the French State.
We can now customize our subscriptions, products and paid services for the 
millions of collectors and Art Market professionals who until now were not 
finding solutions adapted to their individual approaches within Artprice's four 
standard subscriptions. This represents an unprecedented development for the 
global Art Market.

The resulting increase in our customer base without employing any additional 
marketing and/or human resources will generate a strong increase in revenue and 
this additional revenue for will translate almost entirely into 
net profit since the company is already profitable thanks to its sound 

According to Arnaud Girard, Director of Strategy at Vahumana:
"The corporate name change from to and the 
modification of the company's Articles of Association have laid the foundation 
for a new development.

Artmarket's and Vahumana's joint Add a Zero project is based on a scientific 
and philosophical paradigm shift... and it will completely alter Artmarket's 
economic scope.

It reflects the transition from an 'information market' to a 'data exploitation 
market' and it will extend's knowledge and expertise to the 
entire Art Market.

Every year generates, processes and analyzes massive quantities 
of metadata (first and second party). It is now moving into a new phase in 
which this metadata can be structured and exploited projectively.

The collaboration with Vahumana – a company specialised in economic and 
technological strategy as well as experience design, working in a resolutely 
transversal and interconnected vision of modern socio-economics – will allow to elaborate a structural approach to the operational 
exploitation of its big data."
Arnaud Girard, Director of Strategy at Vahumana, also confirmed:

"Our collaboration with has allowed us to focus on a range of 
possible futures for the art world, based on the Law of Large Numbers and on an 
emotional understanding of the sector. We want to take into the 
world of smart data. Where created objectivity... 
will create predictability."

Data enhances what "is".

By exploiting our data – in particular first party data – we will be able to 
create paths, products and services that respond more precisely to the needs of 
our different types of users.

Collectors, art professionals and artists will benefit from personalized and 
optimized content and features.

Vahumana will enhance the operational efficiency of existing and future systems 
in order to extract maximum value.  

The data determines what will "become".

One of the collateral benefits of data exploitation is the discovery of 
unforeseen and otherwise unforeseeable opportunities. and 
Vahumana use what might be called a "serendipity approach", in which attention 
is paid to the surprising results of studies and relevant interpretations are 
proposed. Probability theory, made possible by the volume and quality of the 
data, is used to confirm the relevance of these interpretations. is therefore giving itself the means to move into new strategic 

Data leads us to "deeptech".

Steered by Renaud Rochefolle, Vahumana's Chief Technology Officer,'s Big Data leads naturally towards the construction of powerful 
machine learning systems... a cognitive approach to analysis.

The machine learning systems will model the complex relationships between 
causal factors and forecast variables.

The implementation of a Smart Data strategy will optimise the processing of 
information and deliver relevant and actionable data for our customers and our 
internal teams.
Data brings us back to human knowledge.

In order to create new value-adding propositions and identify the most 
interesting avenues to explore, we need to combine data-derived knowledge with 
an intimate observation of the customers' most subtle emotions and behavioral 
quirks. Dataism is not enough.

According to Bertrand Cochet, Vahumana's Experience Design Director "this more 
emotional and human approach requires identification of the root causes of the 
problems to be solved and ultimately opens the path to innovation."

The segmentation of customers and their requirements only has relative (and 
perishable) stability. External disrupting factors can appear overnight. is thinking hard about what its customers will need in the future 
and the best way to serve them.

"We will secure the core business and double down on market-readable peripheral 
revenue," concludes Arnaud Girard.

The founder of Artprice and CEO of, thierry Ehrmann: "in the 
early 2000s the famous sociologist and historian, the late Raymonde Moulin, 
who, together with Raymond Aron, conceptualized the Art Market, said 'Whatever 
the future of Artprice, there can be no doubt that with Artprice thierry 
Ehrmann will permanently change the history of the Art Market.'

Almost 20 years later, I cannot help but remember this prediction as we launch 
Artprice's second incarnation with Having completed a massive 
cycle of technological research and development, we realised we needed to move 
into a second stage that requires almost unlimited resources in computing power 
and storage capacity.

Fortunately, the technological and scientific solutions that can help us make 
this step are now within reach, and we are therefore about to make a historical 
step with enormous economic consequences. possesses one of the 
most sought-after resources in the 21st century... practically all of the Art 
Market's historical data – from the dawn of time to the present day – commented 
by our historians and structured by our IT teams. These teams are now augmented 
by Vahumana's top-bracket expertise. Remembering the motto of the Pythagorean 
School..."all is number"... we are looking forward to changing the way the Art 
Market functions… a modus operandi still dominated by the petrified standards 
and customs of art academics at the beginning of the last century."

Copyright 1987-2019 thierry Ehrmann - 

About Artmarket: is listed on Eurolist by Euronext Paris, SRD long only and 
Euroclear: 7478 - Bloomberg: PRC - Reuters: ARTF.

Discover Artmarket and its Artprice department on video:

Artmarket and its Artprice department was founded in 1997 by its CEO, thierry 

Artmarket and its Artprice department is controlled by Groupe Serveur, created 
in 1987.
See certified biography in Who's who (C):

Artmarket is a global player in the Art Market with, among other structures, 
its Artprice department, world leader in the accumulation, management and 
exploitation of historical and current art market information in databanks 
containing over 30 million indices and auction results, covering more than 
700,000 artists.

Artprice Images(R) allows unlimited access to the largest Art Market image bank 
in the world: no less than 180 million digital images of photographs or 
engraved reproductions of artworks from 1700 to the present day, commented by 
our art historians.

Artmarket with its Artprice department accumulates data on a permanent basis 
from 6300 Auction Houses and produces key Art Market information for the main 
press and media agencies (7,200 publications). Its 4.5 million 'members log in' 
users have access to ads posted by other members, a network that today 
represents the leading Global Standardized Marketplace(R) to buy and sell 
artworks at a fixed or bid price (auctions regulated by paragraphs 2 and 3 of 
Article L 321.3 of France's Commercial Code).

Artmarket with its Artprice department, has been awarded the State label 
"Innovative Company" by the Public Investment Bank (BPI) (for the second time 
in November 2018 for a new period of 3 years) which is supporting the company 
in its project to consolidate its position as a global player in the market art.

Artprice by Artmarket's 2018 Global Art Market Report published in March 2019:

Index of press releases posted by Artmarket with its Artprice department: 

Follow all the Art Market news in real time with Artmarket and its Artprice 
department on Facebook and Twitter:  (4.5 million followers) 

Discover the alchemy and universe of Artmarket and its artprice department 
http: // headquartered at the famous Organe Contemporary 
Art Museum "The Abode of Chaos" (dixit The New York Times):

L'Obs - The Museum of the Future: 
(4 million followers) 

Contact and its Artprice department

Contact: thierry Ehrmann,

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