Country for PR: Australia
Contributor: Medianet International
Tuesday, April 07 2020 - 16:06
Australia's nbn draws on local and global expertise to deliver high-speed and secure broadband through COVID-19
SYDNEY, April 7, 2020/Medianet International-AsiaNet/

Stephen Rue, chief executive of Australia's wholesale broadband provider NBN 
Co, today provided a fresh update on how nbn combined with the broader global 
and local telecommunications industry continues to support the nation during 
the COVID-19 crisis as more Australians rely on broadband services to work, 
study and connect with families and friends from home.

Speaking via video conference to the online audience of the annual CommsDay 
summit today, Mr Rue confirmed the nbn continued to perform strongly as 
Australians continue to self-isolate and increasingly rely on broadband 
services delivered over its network.

"Never before has the nation needed the telecommunications industry as it does 
today and never before has the nation needed nbn as it does today," Mr Rue said.

"Many countries around the world will be facing this crisis without the secure, 
resilient and fast broadband access network that nbn brings to homes, 
businesses and schools."

Today, more than 95 per cent of the nbn rollout is complete[1], almost seven 
million homes and businesses are connected, and average download speeds have 
more than doubled from 16 megabits per second in 2014 to more than 40 megabits 
per second today[2].

Data downloads have also increased from a decade ago when Australian broadband 
users downloaded less than 15 gigabytes a month, on average. Today, end user 
customer downloads on the nbn are more than 300 gigabytes a month, on average.

Compared to the last week of February (nbn's Pre-COVID-19 benchmark), before 
social distancing measures were in effect, data demand on the nbn has 
significantly grown. 

The peak download throughput (the measure of data flowing through the nbn(TM) 
access network) recorded last week in the evening busy hours has increased by 
18 per cent from the Pre-COVID-19 benchmark to 13.1 terabits per second (Tbps); 
the peak recorded in the early evening hours has increased 21 per cent from the 
Pre-COVID-19 benchmark to 11.8Tbps, and the peak measured in business hours 
(Monday to Friday from 8am to 4:59pm) has increased 24 per cent from the 
Pre-COVID-19 benchmark to 9.6Tbps. One terabit per second is equivalent to 
1,000 gigabits per second or one million megabits per second.

Mr Rue said that while these increases are significant compared to the 
Pre-COVID-19 benchmark, they remain well within the capacity headroom built 
into the nbn. 

Mr Rue also confirmed that as nbn continues to experience increases in usage 
across the network - congestion, and outages have remained at low levels with 
no material increase compared to previous months.

"For NBN Co, our priority is to ensure that all Australians, no matter where 
they live or their circumstances, can connect to a high-speed, secure broadband 
network and continue to have access to the employment, education and 
entertainment opportunities that this technology enables," he said.

"I can assure you we are using all of our resources and drawing on local and 
overseas expertise, to help keep the nation connected, productive, educated and 
informed through this crisis, as well as being able to stream video on demand."

Mr Rue also underlined the importance of NBN Co and the telecommunications 
industry working closely together to support Australians through this crisis.

"Now, more than ever, it is absolutely critical we work together as an industry 
to help the nation stay connected," he said.

"By working together, I have no doubt that our industry will rise to this 
challenge and help the nation when it needs us most."

Full notes to editor (disclaimer), media release and speech here(

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