Country for PR: Australia
Contributor: Medianet International
Monday, April 20 2020 - 19:02
A worldwide tribute to be held on 11 June 2020 to Honour the Heroes and Victims of COVID-19
SYDNEY, Australia, April 21, 2020 /Medianet International-AsiaNet/ --

           This is a call to action	United in gratitude

World Tribute Day (WTD) has been launched by philanthropic Amar Hadid as a 
global tribute to healthcare workers, essential service workers and the victims 
of COVID-19.

The two-minute tribute is scheduled to take place around the world on Thursday 
11 June 2020.

Public Relations coordinator Dr Simon Gadir has commended the worldwide tribute 
effort saying “The world needs to support our defenders”.

"World Tribute Day is proud to be associated with a young person whose 
convictions are clearly for the common good of all through respect and 

Thanking the operators of WTD for so generously backing her passion and her 
campaign, Ms Amar Hadid delivered a speech as below:
"I'm calling on everyone to join me in holding a worldwide tribute to all those 
fighting to contain and eliminate the COVID-19 virus that is gripping the 

I want to be part of universal display of gratitude and esteem for our 
healthcare workers, essential service workers and medical researchers, and also 
to acknowledge the victims of the virus and their families. Together we can 
rise in a demonstration of hope for a world free of the threat of COVID-19. To 
be a success we all should own it.

Everyone everywhere can take part – spontaneous groups of individuals, as we 
are already witnessing – and local, national and world leaders, governments, 
charities, celebrities, influencers, professional organisations, companies. 
Everyone gathering in the interests of boosting the morale of their individual 
and international medics and communities.

Ms Hadid added that by doing so, "We would be showing our gratitude to all 
those 'in the front line' caring for and helping save the lives of infected 
patients – nurses and doctors, paramedics, essential services, carers, drivers, 
orderlies, cleaners, all admin and support staff, virus testers, contact 
tracers – and to the medical researchers and lab technicians striving to 
develop a cure and an effective way to treat the sufferers. Many of them work 
directly with the virus every day."

Dr Gadir and Ms Hadid said World Tribute Day wants us all to publicly 
acknowledge that so many of these heroes are working selflessly, tirelessly and 
in hope, knowing the risks of having such immediate contact with this highly 
contagious and so far untreatable scourge. 

Ms Hadid said: "Together we rise in tribute to say a big thank you to our 

She said: "Sadly, some have themselves caught and succumbed to COVID-19, which 
can strike anyone. Knowing the dangers, they have become victims while 
attending patients. They have joined the many thousands around the world being 
taken by the virus, leaving grieving loved ones behind. We would be selling all 
health workers short if we do not also acknowledge the very victims they risk 
their lives for".

Ms Hadid said: "I am proposing we demonstrate our gratitude and high esteem and 
remembrance in the following way: 

EVENT: A two minute tribute comprising of a one minute silence for the victims 
of the virus, followed by one minute of sustained applause for the health 
professionals and support staff. 

DATE & TIME: At 2pm on Thursday 11 June 2020, and at 2pm on 11 March in future 
years, commencing in 2021. The 11th of March date marks the day the COVID-19 
was declared a pandemic. A tribute on that day will remind all to acknowledge 
the compassion and sacrifices of many, and the successes that will save 
millions of lives.

VENUE: Wherever one is, in every place in every country, and as publicly and 
jointly as possible – at work, at home, on balconies, in schools, on streets, 
in parks and shopping centres, and in Parliaments. In any place, especially if 
the tribute can be communal and comply with COVID-19 protocols. 

Ms Hadid concluded, "No one alone owns this proposal. It belongs to everyone. 
It builds on the spontaneous demonstrations of gratitude already occurring in 
some cities, villages and neighbourhoods around the world. It is an opportunity 
for us all to act together as one. I ask you to spread the word." 

When Dr Gadir was asked about Amar Hadid, he said: "Amar is a focussed 
21-year-old Sydney University student and Elite Athlete. An accomplished 
sportsperson awarded the world’s first university skateboarding scholarship, in 
2017 till current. She is an international skateboarder seeking selection in 
the Australian Tokyo Olympics team. Amar has been twice selected as an 
Australia Day Ambassador. She is a rapper, with a passionate belief that 
engagement is the answer to international hope and sustainable overall harmony, 
equality for women, sports, education and a healthier world. We at WTD value 
youth who are interested in a better world via engagement and respect for all". 

Dr Gadir said: "We look forward to everyone's feedback and responses on social 

Social Media Channels: @worldtributeday include 
Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn & Instagram. 
Website:  (Launches on 26 April 2020)                 

BACKGROUNDER ‘World Tribute Day’ for further information click here

SOURCE: World Tribute Day