Country for PR: Indonesia
Contributor: Medianet International
Monday, May 11 2020 - 09:00
Small Businesses Better-Placed to Recover from the Economic Impacts of COVID-19, Survey Finds
JAKARTA, Indonesia, 11 May 2020/ Medianet International-AsiaNet/--

With many of Indonesia's small businesses reporting both reasonably strong 
finances and usage of digital technology in 2019, they are better placed than 
many other small businesses across the Asia Pacific region to manage through 
the COVID-19 crisis, according to a recent survey by CPA Australia, one of the 
world's largest accounting bodies.

While the survey was conducted prior to the global COVID-19 pandemic, CPA 
Australia's Asia-Pacific Small Business Survey 2019-20 found that many 
Indonesian small businesses entered the current crisis with healthy finance, 
with nearly nine-in-ten reporting that they grew in 2019, the second highest 
proportion of the 11 markets surveyed. Further, just over one third of 
Indonesia's small businesses grew strongly, the best result of all the markets 

With online sales already an important part of many of Indonesia's small 
businesses, over 60 per cent generated more than 10 per cent of their revenue 
through online sales in 2019.These businesses are arguably better placed than 
small businesses in neighbouring jurisdictions to respond to changes in 
consumer behaviour driven by movement restrictions imposed to control the 
spread of COVID-19.

CPA Australia's General Manager of External Affairs, Mr Paul Drum warned that 
while the results from the 2019 survey were positive for many small businesses 
in Indonesia, past performance is no guarantee of future success. The full 
economic and social effects of the pandemic are yet to be felt, as it is 
uncertain how long the COVID-19 restrictions will be applied and how the 
economy responds.

The recent extension of COVID-19 restrictions on businesses, workplaces, houses 
of worship, and entertainment venues in Jakarta, West Java and neighbouring 
Banten province mean only essential services can remain open.

"As with any crisis of this magnitude, small businesses have little margin for 
error. Prudent management, focusing on the changing needs of customers and even 
greater adoption of technology – rather than good fortune – will be essential 
to business recovery and ongoing future success."

"The business you had before this pandemic hit will not be the same as the 
business you have after the pandemic abates and economic activity picks up 
again. Small business owners face the challenge of adapting their businesses to 
'a new normal' at a time when finances may be tight, although stimulus measures 
by the government are easing that particular challenge," Drum said.

The top five factors that had a positive influence on Indonesia's small 
businesses were:
- Improved customer satisfaction
- Customer loyalty
- Improved business strategy
- Cost control, and 
- E-commerce.

"Our survey results continue to show that year after year, through both good 
times and bad times such as these, businesses with a focus on their customers, 
technology and strategy are much more likely to grow strongly than other 

"While it is wise to focus on cash flow and financial health at this time, 
businesses should also be looking to how they can meet the fast-changing needs 
of customers, especially through increasing online sales," Drum said.

CPA Australia has the following suggestions for small business in this 
difficult period:

- Focus on improving cash flow and your financial health
- Utilise technology and online sales to meet changing consumer behaviour
- Capitalise on your existing pool of loyal customers
- Dedicate any spare time you may have to developing and implementing a
  recovery plan, and learning about industry trends and emerging
  technologies and how they can be applied to your business
- Ask staff with any downtime to undertake training so they are better
  skilled to meet the recovery needs of your business
- If you are in a relatively strong financial position, look for 
  opportunities in the recovery
- Seek professional advice.


Key statistics for Indonesia from the small business survey

PowerPoint presentation of survey results
Available on request

Other CPA Australia resources to assist Indonesia's small businesses manage 
through COVID-19
- CPA Australia's checklist on managing through COVID-19 (

About the CPA Australia Asia-Pacific Small Business Survey

The CPA Australia Asia-Pacific Small Business Survey provides annual insights 
into the views of small businesses across the region and forms part of a 
longitudinal study that began in 2009. The 11th CPA Australia annual survey 
comprised extensive surveying of 4,193 small business operators in eleven 
markets, including Indonesia, Australia, Hong Kong, India, Malaysia, Mainland 
China, New Zealand, Philippines, Singapore, Taiwan and Vietnam. The survey was 
conducted between 18 November and 12 December 2019 prior to  the COVID-19 

About CPA Australia

CPA Australia is one of the world's largest accounting bodies, with more than 
165,000 members working in 100 countries and regions and supported by 19 
offices globally. Our core services to members include education, training, 
technical support and advocacy. Employees and members work together with local 
and international bodies to represent the views and concerns of the profession 
to governments, regulators, industries, academia and the community. Visit

SOURCE: CPA Australia
