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Contributor: Medianet International
Thursday, April 30 2020 - 14:22
La Trobe is Top of the World for Impact
MELBOURNE, 30 April 2020/MediaNet International- AsiaNet

Australia's La Trobe University has demonstrated its global impact in the 
latest Times Higher Education Impact Rankings, placing fourth in the world, 
third in Australia and first in Victoria for overall contribution to the United 
Nation’s Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), and ranking first in the world 
for gender equality and second for its contribution to health and well-being.

La Trobe University Chancellor Mr John Brumby AO said the rankings reflect the 
University's commitment to making the world a better place.

"It's an outstanding result and a wonderful recognition of the hard work and 
deep commitment of our teachers and researchers, alumni and financial 
supporters,” Mr Brumby said.

"La Trobe is deeply engaged with and committed to addressing the world's 
biggest issues; from gender equality to student employability and from health 
research and collaboration to reducing inequality and discrimination," Mr 
Brumby said.

La Trobe Vice-Chancellor Professor John Dewar AO said placing in the world's 
top five universities for contribution to the UN's SDGs was a fantastic 
acknowledgment of La Trobe's overall impact, that goes beyond one single metric.

"What is so pleasing about this ranking is that it covers so many different 
aspects of our work – teaching, research and operations – and captures so well 
what we already know makes this such a special university," Professor Dewar 

"Coming first in the world for gender equality reflects a long-term commitment 
that has seen us recruit more first-generation female students, increase the 
number of women in senior roles (47.2 per cent in March 2020) and graduate more 

"A large number of successful gender equity initiatives helped us to achieve 
the Athena Swan Bronze Institutional Award from Science in Australia Gender 
Equity (SAGE) last year, and this commitment will continue over the coming 
months and years."

La Trobe's second-placed ranking in the world for good health and well-being 
(SDG3) reflects the University's high impact health and well-being research, 
the number of students who graduate as health professionals and the 
University's strong collaborations with health services.

"We are rightly proud to have achieved so well in the area of health and 
wellbeing," La Trobe's Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Research and Industry 
Engagement), Professor Susan Dodds said.

"Now more than ever, health is at the top of the global health agenda, and we 
have worked hard to build strong partnerships with health services, scientists, 
consumers and other world-leading universities. From our world-leading Olga 
Tennison Autism Research Centre to our Academic Research Collaborative in 
Health which unites the expertise, personnel and resources of more than 40 
hospitals and healthcare providers across Australia, we have been able to 
achieve advances in research that improve people's lives."

La Trobe, in Victoria Australia, placed in the top 20 for six SDGs, in the top 
50 for seven goals and in the top 100 for 10 goals, of the 11 SDG categories 
for which the University was assessed.

The University's fourth place in the world was owing to consistently strong 
performance across the 11 SDG categories for which the University was assessed.

-	La Trobe placed 13th for Decent Work and Economic Growth, a category which 
included assessment of the proportion of students taking work placements, as 
well as research on economic growth and employment.

-	La Trobe placed 17th for Reduced Inequalities, recognising the University's 
commitment to educate students from developing countries; the number of 
students and staff with disabilities; measures against discrimination, and the 
number of first-generation students studying at the University.

-	La Trobe placed 17th for Partnership for the Goals, a category assessing 
commitment to the UN's Sustainable Development Goals, including SDG research; 
publication of SDG reports; education of the SDGs, and relationships supporting 
the goals. The La Trobe Business School is a UN "Champion", demonstrating 
leadership in educating for the SDGs and working in partnership with the UN and 
international business schools to champion the SDGs in their teaching, research 
and external engagement.

-	La Trobe was also ranked 17th for Life on Land, which assessed the 
University's research, education and actions to support land ecosystems.

La Trobe ranked 25th for Life below Water; 56th for Affordable and Clean 
Energy; 72nd for Sustainable Cities and Communities; 98th for Quality 
Education, and placed in the 101-200 range for Climate Action.

About the Times Higher Education Impact Rankings

The Times Higher Education Impact rankings, now in their second year, scored 
766 higher education institutions in each of the UN’s 17 Sustainable 
Development Goals (SDGs). More information and La Trobe University’s 
performance can be found on the website!/page/0/length/25/sort_by/rank/sort_order/asc/cols/undefined

About the United Nations' Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)

The United Nations' Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) were adopted by all 
United Nations Member States in 2015, calling for action in a global 
partnership. The SDGs – to be achieved by 2030 – recognise that ending poverty 
and other deprivations must go hand-in-hand with improving health and 
education, reducing inequality, and encouraging economic growth, while also 
tackling climate change and working to preserve oceans and forests

SOURCE: La Trobe University


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