Country for PR: China
Contributor: PR Newswire Asia (China)
Friday, September 04 2020 - 14:58
Cooperation, not division promotes global scientific progress
BEIJING, Sept. 4, 2020 /PRNewswire-AsiaNet/ --

A report from Science and Technology Daily: 

On July 31, U.S. President Donald Trump told reporters aboard his Air Force One 
that he planned to ban the popular video-sharing app TikTok from operating in 
the United States.

In an attempt to hold back China's scientific and technological advancement, 
the Trump administration has imposed unwarranted sanctions on Huawei and 
TikTok. By launching the so-called "Clean Network" program, it is actually 
building a digital barrier and fragmenting the global Internet to seek selfish 
development at the expense of other countries.

Throughout human history, advances in science and technology have always 
resulted from consistent and concerted efforts. Any progress builds on previous 
achievements, and requires interdisciplinary cooperation between different 

A century ago, a British physicist suggested hydrogen-helium fusion could be 
the primary source of stellar energy. The theory was confirmed by a German 
scientist about 20 years later.

In roughly the same period, New Zealand and Australian physicists realized the 
fusion of deuterium into helium, opening the way for present-day fusion 
research. Meanwhile, more than six decades ago, the first tokamak (a magnetic 
confinement device) was developed in the Soviet Union to produce controlled 
thermonuclear fusion power.

On July 28, ITER — the International Thermonuclear Experimental Reactor opened 
its assembly in southern France, ushering in a phase of the massive project 
searching for the ultimate energy source.

Progress achieved in the ITER Project is attributed to the unremitting 
exploration by scientists around the world for a century. As Isaac Newton put 
it, "If I have seen further, it is by standing on the shoulders of giants."

It is international cooperation that enables humanity to resolve major 
scientific issues. A total of 35 countries, including China and the U.S., are 
participating in the ITER Project, since any country alone cannot afford the 
substantial investment involved.

Similarly, the first direct image of a black hole was captured last year thanks 
to coordination among observatories around the world.

In the face of the COVID-19 crisis, more people have come to realize that no 
country can be immune from such a common threat.

However, the U.S. has willfully quit organizations and incited division in 
pursuit of digital and technological hegemony. Such moves threaten global 
scientific progress and the common interest of humanity.

Global challenges such as climate change and biodiversity loss are becoming 
increasingly severe. Only through close cooperation and major scientific 
advances can the international community overcome a potential grave crisis.

SOURCE: Science and Technology Daily