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Tuesday, September 22 2020 - 23:04
Artprice: Sotheby's, Phillips and Ketterer adapt to the new reality
PARIS, Sept. 22, 2020 /PRNewswire-AsiaNet/ --

On 29 June 2020, the charismatic Sotheby's auctioneer, Oliver Barker, 
brilliantly orchestrated – alone in front of an audience of screens – the sale 
of Francis Bacon's triptych Inspired by the Oresteia of Aeschylus (1981) for 
$84.55 million. This result was particularly reassuring for the Art Market… and 
was not without risk. In October 2017, Christie's had failed to sell Bacon's 
Study of Red Pope 1962. 2nd Version (1971) in London… a painting that was hoped 
to set an all-time European art auction record at over $90 million.

Following the cancellation of all the major fairs and spring sales, the 
high-end art market is clearly hungry. Apart from a couple of top-quality 
pieces offered in London auction rooms at the end of January (Tiepollo, 
Mantegna) and at the beginning of February (Hockney, Magritte, de Lempicka), 
the major collectors have had very little to chew on this year. 

"There's nothing more frustrating than being confined without being able to buy 
anything..." observes (somewhat ironically) thierry Ehrmann, President and 
Founder of and its Artprice department… especially when you 
consider that money in the bank is so 'expensive' these days ... Sure... this 
is a problem that only the wealthy face... but it's one the auction houses have 
understood. This summer, some of them opened shop in the Hamptons where a lot 
New York collectors had taken refuge. Phillips presented a selection of works 
there that will soon be auctioned. Despite posting a heavy turnover contraction 
– down almost half for the first 8 months of 2020 – Phillips is back in 4th 
place in our global ranking and, above all, it is clearly preparing for the 

Photo - 

Collective work - Portraits of Richard Prince, Francis Bacon & Christo

© thierry Ehrmann 2020. Courtesy Contemporary Art Museum L'Organe / La Demeure 
du Chaos / Abode of Chaos


Phillips has also announced the creation of a brand new partnership with the 
leading Chinese art auctioneer, Poly Auction, whose sales turnover reached $617 
million in 2019. But Poly Auction had a very difficult start to 2020, taking 
just $3.7 million in the first half (-99%), a situation it clearly hopes to 
reverse as quickly as possible via this alliance with the British auctioneer in 
Hong Kong, aimed at encouraging potential sellers to sell. "[This 
collaboration] provides a unique opportunity for consignees to leverage the 
combined customer base and marketing strength of two of the world's largest 
auction houses" (1) says Jonathan Crockett, President of Phillips Asia.

Top 10 Fine Art Auction Houses (1 January 2020 - 31 August 2020)

1. Sotheby's - $1.49 billion (-31%)
2. Christie's - $1.03 billion (-54%)
3 . China Guardian - $171 million (-31%)
4. Phillips - $164 million (-49%)
5. Xiling Yinshe - $76.3 million (+ 18%)
6. Bonhams - $54.5 million (- 32%)
7. Artcurial - $36.5 million (-30%)
8. Ketterer Kunst - $31.8 million (+ 5%)
9. Dorotheum - $27.1 million (-24%)
10. Mainichi - $22 million (-35%)

At the opposite end of the scale, some operators have apparently benefited from 
the health crisis (Xiling Yinshe and Ketterer Kunst). The German auctioneer 
Ketterer has posted 5% growth versus the same year-earlier period. With long 
experience in online sales, it managed to maintain interest and trading 
throughout the lockdown period, hosting one or two "Online-Only" sessions every 
month between January and June. In July 2020, it conducted four physical sales 
in Munich, taking a total of $29.5 million. In all, it was Ketterer's best 
first-half period in its business history.

"We owe this success not least to our 65 years of experience," says Robert 
Ketterer, auctioneer and owner of Ketterer Kunst. "We can interpret the signs 
and immediately react to even the slightest market changes with great 
flexibility, despite our very stable structures. As a digitalization pioneer we 
have been successfully holding Online Only Auctions since 2007. In our 500th 
auction an online bid in the millions was submitted for the first time ever."

Robert Ketterer continues: "Ketterer Kunst has become established as the 
international specialist for art from the German language region. We know 
exactly what potential buyers are looking for and always identify the perfect 
auction setting for every single artwork. This is also reflected by the 
continuous development of our auction catalogs and the Online Only Auctions, as 
we do not just adapt structure and content to latest market requirements, we 
also understand to stir desires with our unique range of quality objects."

In this delicate period of accelerated transition to digital business against 
the backdrop of the health crisis, online sales are not yet the perfect 
solution for all segments of the art market. They are not automatically 
appropriate for all price ranges, all mediums and all artists. A more flexible 
bricks & clicks approach combining the various sales channels (physical, 
online, private) seems to be the best strategy in the medium term. And this new 
approach to value creation seems to rely increasingly on an idea we have been 
promoting for many years: selecting the right work from the right artist at the 
right time, in the right catalogue, and, via the most appropriate sales 

Copyright 1987-2020 thierry Ehrmann -

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Artmarket and its Artprice department was founded in 1997 by its CEO, thierry 
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Contact:  Thierry Ehrmann,

