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Tuesday, October 06 2020 - 23:00
AsiaNet and Artprice announce the forthcoming publication of an exclusive report on the Contemporary Art Market (2000-2020) to assuage the cancellation of the Frieze in London and the FIAC in Paris
PARIS, Oct 6, 2020 /PRNewswire-AsiaNet / --

Over the past twenty years the exchange of Contemporary art works has developed 
into a dynamic global market. In its upcoming publication, Artprice traces and 
analyzes this evolution, from its rapid acceleration culminating in Damien 
Hirst's incredible sale at Sotheby's in September 2008 the day Lehmann Brothers 
collapsed, then its vigorous recovery with the boom in Chinese Contemporary art 
driving the market until 2014, followed by a period of relatively measured 
growth… and suddenly interrupted in March 2020, by the unprecedented global 
health crisis we are now experiencing.

According to thierry Ehrmann, President and Founder of and its 
Artprice Department. "Contemporary Art began this century as a 'niche market' 
but is now the motor of the entire art market. Our latest report deciphers this 
radical transformation over the twenty-year period since 2000". 

To side-step the problem of an 'incomparable' year (our Contemporary Art Market 
Reports usually cover the previous 12-month period...) our next publication 
will provide an overview of the Contemporary art secondary market between 2000 
and 2020. A few days ahead of the scheduled publication of this historical 
overview, Artprice looks at three specific 'moments' in this 20-year period 
which punctuated the Contemporary art market's rapid development at the 
beginning of the 21st century. 


The months that preceded the 2008 financial crisis were among the most 
profitable in Contemporary art market history – no doubt a little too 
profitable – with astounding results for controversial works and 
controversial sales. 

In the spring of 2008, New York art auctions hammered $15.2 million for Takashi 
Murakami's My Lonesome Cowboy (1998), a larger than life sculpture of a boy 
proudly ejaculating. Then in June, Jeff Koons' Balloon Flower (1995/2000) sold 
for $25.8 million. And then later in September, just a few hours after news 
broke of Lehman Brothers' collapse in New York, Damien Hirst and Sotheby's 
hosted a London sale titled Beautiful Inside My Head Forever. Despite the 
financial context, Hirst managed to sell animal corpses immersed in formalin, 
The Golden Calf (2008) and The Kingdom (2008), for $18.6 million and $17.2 
million respectively.

The following year, 2009, global sales turnover from Contemporary art dropped 
nearly 60%.


Five years later… The major stars of Chinese Contemporary art, which had 
already gained momentum before the financial crisis of 2008, finally began to 
assert themselves on the global art market. Artists like Luo Zhongli, He 
Jiaying and Ai Xuan all posted their best annual auction performances in 2013. 
Zeng Fanzhi was even the second-most successful Contemporary artist at auction 
after Jean-Michel Basquiat with his turnover exceeding $100 million 
(incl.fees), notably thanks to a historic record of $23.3 million for his The 
Last Supper (2001). Since then, no work by Zeng Fanzhi has fetched such a high 

The period was also marked by another phenomenon, quite different, that the 
journalist Scott Reyburn described in the New York Times in September 2015: "In 
2014, recently made works by young abstract painters like Oscar Murillo, Lucien 
Smith, Alex Israel, Mark Flood and Christian Rosa were being "flipped" at 
auction for eye-watering multiples of the artists' original gallery prices. But 
in the last six months or so, this very volatile sector of the market […] has 
undergone a correction ".

In the years that followed, the market for artists under 35 became much more 
stable. While some of the young superstars of 2014 remained relatively strong 
in the secondary market, there have been many changes in the auction turnover 
rankings of artists of this generation.


Between 2015 and 2019, the Contemporary art market experienced five years of 
continuous volume growth (number of lots sold). After a historic auction record 
of more than $110 million for a painting by Jean-Michel Basquiat in 2017, the 
market recorded two very solid years, without any headline-grabbing results, 
but maintaining a steady and reassuring level of growth.

In 2008, when the Contemporary art market was hit by the financial crisis, it 
was already in very feverish state, with numerous controversial results. 
Fortunately, the Covid crisis has interrupted a much wiser and more stable 
market. Lots of sales have had to be canceled or postponed since March 2020, 
but artists' price levels (and the prices of their works) could well, in 
general, traverse this crisis without taking too much of hit. 

The current 'interruption' is an opportunity for the market to take a step back 
from certain enthusiasms that were beginning to boil over, notably those for 
Kaws and Liu Ye. It is certainly preferable that the sharp shock to the 
Contemporary art market occurred in March 2020 when it was in full confidence 
and when most artists' price indices were climbing gradually, than in a period 
of major volatility. 


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