Country for PR: United Kingdom
Contributor: PR Newswire Europe
Tuesday, October 13 2020 - 20:00
A New Global Mobility Hierarchy Emerges as International Travel Resumes
LONDON, 13 October, 2020 /PRNewswire-AsiaNet/--

As coronavirus-related travel restrictions begin to lift, the latest research 
from the Henley Passport Index [] ­­— based 
on exclusive data from the International Air Transport Association 
[] (IATA) ­­— shows that the pandemic has completely 
upended the seemingly unshakeable global mobility hierarchy that has dominated 
the last few decades, with more change still to come. 

At the beginning of the year, for instance, the US passport was ranked in 6th 
position on the Henley Passport Index 
[] — the original ranking of all 
the world's passports according to the number of destinations their holders can 
access without a prior visa ­— and Americans could travel hassle-free to 185 
destinations around the world. Since then, that number has dropped dramatically 
by over 100, with US passport holders currently able to access fewer than 75 
destinations, with the most popular tourist and business centers notably 
excluded. As criticism of the country's pandemic response continues to mount, 
and with the US presidential election just weeks away, the precipitous decline 
of US passport power and American travel freedom is seen as a clear indication 
of its altered status in the eyes of the international community. 

Other significant changes in the once-solid global mobility hierarchy paint an 
equally vivid picture of the chaos caused by the Covid-19 pandemic. At the 
beginning of 2020, the Singapore passport was ranked 2nd globally, with 
passport holders able to access an unprecedented 190 destinations globally. 
However, under the current travel restrictions, Singaporeans can travel to 
fewer than 80 destinations around the world. Brazilian passport holders were 
able to access 170 destinations, but currently approximately only 70 are 
accessible. The decline in mobility and passport power for countries such as 
India and Russia have been less dramatic, but nevertheless indicative of an 
overall shift. Russian citizens had access to 119 destinations prior to the 
Covid-19 outbreak but can currently travel to fewer than 50. At the beginning 
of the year, Indian passport holders could travel to 61 destinations without a 
visa, but due to virus-related restrictions they currently have access to fewer 
than 30. 

Without taking the various pandemic-related travel bans and restrictions into 
account, Japan continues to hold the number one spot on the Henley Passport 
Index [], with a visa-free/visa-on-arrival 
score of 191. Singapore remains in 2nd place, with a score of 190, while 
Germany and South Korea are tied 3rd, each with a score of 189. EU member 
states continue to perform best overall, with countries from the bloc taking up 
most of the spots in the index's top 10.

Dr. Christian H. Kaelin [], Chairman of Henley & 
Partners [] and inventor of the passport index 
concept, says travel freedom is something citizens of wealthy democratic 
countries such the UK, the US, and Western European nations have taken for 
granted for decades. "The pandemic has abruptly changed this, and there's been 
a shift away from travel freedom being regarded as the prerogative of nationals 
with once-powerful passports, towards a realization that it is now a necessary 
luxury for those wishing to access first-class education, business 
opportunities, and quality healthcare for themselves and their families."

Dr. Parag Khanna [], founder of FutureMap, says 
that increasingly restrictive migration policies have also encouraged many 
people to seek out a Plan B. "Even prior to the pandemic, Brexit had pushed 
British professionals to seek German, French, Spanish, and other EU 
nationalities based on lineage, or to pursue residency leading to citizenship 
in countries such as Portugal. Americans have availed themselves of similar 
options in countries ranging from Canada to Malta. Recent estimates suggest 
that interest in investment migration programs has jumped five-fold from 2019 
through mid-2020."

Dr. Juerg Steffen 
[], CEO of 
Henley & Partners, says there is no question that the volatility of 2020 has 
boosted the appeal. "We've seen unprecedented interest from citizens of 
developed economies, particularly Americans with a startling 238% increase in 
enquiries from between January and October compared to the same period in 2019. 
Alternative residence or citizenship is increasingly seen as an indispensable 
asset and a vital hedge against ongoing volatility."

Download the Henley Passport Index Report: Q4 2020 Edition 

Infographic - 

Media Contact

Paddy Blewer
Group PR Director

SOURCE: Henley & Partners
