Country for PR: United States
Contributor: PR Newswire New York
Tuesday, October 20 2020 - 05:00
JBS will use blockchain technology to enhance conservation of the Amazon
SÃO PAULO, Oct. 20, 2020 /PRNewswire-AsiaNet/ --

-- The blockchain platform will guarantee the security and confidentiality of 
the cattle producers' data; 

-- The investment fund created by the company will promote the socioeconomic 
development and conservation of the Biome

With the aim of increasingly sustainable production, JBS is announcing the 
Together For the Amazon program, a set of initiatives that seeks to enhance 
conservation and development of the Amazon Biome, engaging the industry and 
proposing actions that go beyond its value chain. The program encompasses 
climate change, which was allocated priority within the JBS global 
sustainability targets presented in 2019.

The fundamental pillars of the Together for the Amazon program are: (i) 
development of the value chain; (ii) forest conservation and restoration; (iii) 
support for the communities; and (iv) scientific and technological development.

The first pillar consists of the JBS Green Platform, a ground-breaking 
initiative that will cross-check information of the Company's direct suppliers 
with livestock transportation data from preceding links in the supply chain. By 
using blockchain technology, the company will guarantee the confidentiality and 
security of the personal, commercial and sanitary information of the producers, 
as well as transparency in the analyses of the suppliers.

The Company will also launch engagement campaigns so that, by the end of 2025, 
its suppliers' suppliers are also on the JBS Green Platform. In addition, JBS 
will provide legal, environmental and animal husbandry advisory to assist 
producers with improvements in stewardship and the environmental regularization 
of their properties, while also expanding its educational actions in 
sustainability to its supply chain.

For over a decade, JBS has been monitoring 100% of its cattle supplying farms 
using strict sustainability criteria, including zero tolerance of 
deforestation, encroachment on protected areas like indigenous lands or 
environmental conservation units, hard labor, or the use of areas embargoed by 
Ibama. This daily analysis covers more than 50,000 properties in the Amazon 
region, an area greater than the size of Germany.

"We are publicly reiterating our commitment to the sustainability of the 
Amazon. We hope to scale up, not only in combatting deforestation, but also in 
fostering the bio-economy, sustainable agriculture and social development", 
says Gilberto Tomazoni, Global CEO of JBS.

JBS Fund for the Amazon
The other three pillars will be achieved through the JBS Fund For The Amazon, 
created to finance initiatives for expanding forest conservation, promoting 
sustainable development of the local communities, as well as scientific and 
technological development, with a contribution of R$ 250 million over the first 
five years. With the participation of other stakeholders, the target is to 
reach R$ 1 billion by 2030.

The Fund will be headed up by Joanita Maestri Karoleski, former CEO of Seara, 
with the support of a Board of Directors, a Fiscal Council, a Consultative 
Council and a Technical Committee. The latter two will assist in choosing the 
projects that will receive contributions, audited by KPMG. The entire process 
will be reported, and the results published on the program site.


   -- Alessandro Carlucci
      Chairman of the Board of Business for Social Responsibility (BSR) 
   -- André Guimarães
      Executive Director of the Amazon Environmental Research Institute (IPAM) 
   -- Caio Magri
      Chief Executive Officer of Ethos Institute 
   -- Carlos Nobre
      Scientists and researcher at the Institute of Advanced Studies of the
      University of São Paulo (IEA USP) 
   -- Fábio Feldmann
      Lawyer and environmentalist 
   -- Marcello Brito
      President of the Brazilian Agribusiness Association (Abag) 
   -- Marina Grossi
      Chair of the Brazilian Business Council for Sustainable Development (BCSD
   -- Noël Prioux
      CEO of Carrefour Brasil 
   -- Raul Padilla
      President, Global Operations at Bunge 
   -- Ronaldo Iabrudi
      Joint Deputy Chairman of the Board of GPA 
   -- Teresa Vendramini
      President of the Brazilian Rural Society (SRB)


   -- Antonio Fernando Pinheiro Pedro
      Environmental Lawyer 
   -- Arnaldo Carneiro Filho
      Senior Researcher at SINAPSIS Consulting Company 
   -- Cira Moura
      Executive secretary of the Legal Amazon Consortium 
   -- Daniel Nepstad
      President and Executive Director of the Earth Innovation Institute  
   -- Durval Dourado Neto
      Member of the consultative council at the Forum of the Future Institute.
      Full Professor and Director of ESALQ/USP 
   -- Jorge Alex Athias
      Lawyer and pro-bono professor of Environmental Law at the Federal
      University of Pará (UFPA) 
   -- Jorge Madeira Nogueira
      Full Professor of the Department of Economics at the University of
      Brasília (UnB) 
   -- Lucas Vitor de Carvalho Sousa
      Assistant Professor of the Department of Economics and Analysis at the
      Federal University of Amazonas (UFAM) 
   -- Marcio Sztutman
      Director for Latin America of the Partnerships for Forests initiative of
      Palladium: Make it Possible 
   -- Maria Daniele de Jesus Teixeira
      Economist at the Federal University of Mato Grosso (UFMT) and professor
      on the Specialization Course in Sustainability 
   -- Virgilio Viana
      General Superintendent of the Sustainable Amazon Foundation(FAS)

CONTACT: JBS - Corporate Communication Office, +55 11 3144-7997 | 4996 | 5364,
