Country for PR: China
Contributor: Xinhua News Agency
Friday, November 13 2020 - 00:21
Only Enterprises Can Be the Judge of the Business Environment
NANNING, China, Nov. 12, 2020 /Xinhua-AsiaNet/--

National Nanning Economic & Technological Development Area plays its best card 
to optimize the business environment

"Return power to enterprises", "Everyone is a business commissioner and an 
ambassador"... Recently, National Nanning Economic & Technological Development 
Area plays its best card by issuing the National Nanning Economic & 
Technological Development Area Special Action Plan for 'Improving Business 
Environment' and National Nanning Economic & Technological Development Area 
Appraisal Plan for 'Returning Power to Enterprises' in hopes of comprehensively 
improving the business environment, fully stimulating the market vitality and 
social creativity, implementing Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Prefecture's and 
Nanning's requirements to deepen the reform of government functions and the 
work deployment of taking the 100-day actions to optimize the business 
environment, and embodying National Nanning Economic & Technological 
Development Area's resolution and strength to refine its business environment.

Let Enterprises Be the Judge

National Nanning Economic & Technological Development Area released the 
National Nanning Economic & Technological Development Area Special Action Plan 
for 'Improving Business Environment' and National Nanning Economic & 
Technological Development Area Appraisal Plan for 'returning power to 
enterprises' on September 2. On the same day, the first special seminar on 
"business environment improvement" was held to unify thoughts and reach 
consensus, on which several "highlights" of the two documents became focus of 
the discussion. In particular, the initiative to "return power to enterprises" 
has stirred up extensive response.

"Only enterprises can be the judge of the business environment. We have to 
abandon the 'self-appraisal' mode and let enterprises be the judge. Their 
comments would be an impetus urging leaders and employees to continue enhancing 
services and work efficiency," said He Shanghan, Secretary of the Party Working 
Committee and Director of the Management Committee of National Nanning Economic 
& Technological Development Area. 

How to "return power to enterprises"? Quarterly appraisal will be organized for 
enterprises to rate relevant departments at varying scales -- "satisfied", 
"moderately satisfied" and "dissatisfied", covering the service attitude, 
efficiency and quality.

The appraisal results affect not only the "reputation", but also the 
"position". "We will issue notice of criticism to personnel involved for the 
first time below the required standard, have admonition talk with them for the 
second time, and dismiss or transfer them from their work upon verification of 
the HR Department for the third time. Through shift in mechanism, we try to 
urge leaders to redouble efforts to better serve the enterprises," said He 

Continuous "Improvement" of Business Environment

National Nanning Economic & Technological Development Area has spotlighted pain 
points of business development and continuously deepened the reform of 
government functions in recent years, from the establishment of Guangxi's first 
and the nation's third administrative approval bureau to the creation of the 
motherly service brand, endeavoring to offer investors and enterprises the 
optimum services, greatest support and best conditions.

Fast and efficient administrative approval: we offer 6 types of customized 
approval services, including policy training, integrated approval, one-chain 
approval, one visit in advance, major permit consultation and "concierge-like" 
services; upgrade the "government support policy" window to "policy fulfillment 
service" window to collectively handle policy-related matters and ensure 
effective implementation of preferential policies for enterprises; and advance 
the implementation of projects by enabling "construction as soon as obtaining 
land permit".

Offer thoughtful and quality services: we've formulated "enterprise-specific 
policy", financial incentives and supporting policies to promote the quality 
development of the industry. By the end of August, 81 sub-enterprises have 
received financial supports worth over RMB60mln, and support funds totaling 
RMB39.0264mln have been allocated. In accordance with the "one project, one 
leader, one team, and thorough fulfillment" project promotion mechanism, 
leaders of the Party Working Committee and Management Committee have led teams 
to survey major projects in their jurisdictions and offered on-site services to 
coordinate and address the difficulties encountered during the project 
construction in planning, financing and recruitment, so as to facilitate 
project progress.

Attract investment in a pragmatic and targeted way: we aim at optimizing and 
upgrading the park economy, and promoting the integrated development of the 
electronic information, biomedicine, and airport-side industries. Through 
innovation of policies, platforms and services, we effectively reduced 
enterprise development costs and their development obstacles. National Nanning 
Economic & Technological Development Area Investment Service Co., Ltd. is 
founded to build a professional investment promotion team.

"We will continue to drive innovation and deepen reforms. Through the 'business 
environment improvement' special actions, we seek to better unify the thoughts, 
concentrate the power, reform the approval, improve the approval services, and 
fulfill the policy commitment faster," remarked Li Tianhuan, director of 
Administrative Approval Bureau of National Nanning Economic & Technological 
Development Area.

The Confidence of Resident Enterprises Boosted

"Enterprises are the best judge of the business environment. I appreciate the 
initiative to 'return power to enterprises'," said Wei Tianbao, General Manager 
of Huluwa Guangxi Weiwei Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd.

Thanks to the support of National Nanning Economic & Technological Development 
Area, it takes Guangxi Weiwei Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd. only more than one year 
to pass the GNP certification and put into production from the commencement. 
Wei Tianbao gave profuse praise to the business environment fostered by 
National Nanning Economic & Technological Development Area, who also organized 
a special meeting and managed to prepare all materials Huluwa Group needed for 
its IPO application this year within one month. Thanks to the great support, 
Huluwa Group successfully pass the IPO review.

"As I see it, one of the important criteria for judging the business 
environment is whether it boosts the development of resident enterprises. With 
the full unveiling of benefits from our Phase I Project, our group has decided 
to invest another RMB250mln to build the Phase II Project and to locate our 
best asset here: Huluwa Intelligent Liquid Manufacturing Center. So to say, 
this place has become a crucial node of our group's national strategic layout," 
said Wei Tianbao. 

According to Lei Zhen, General Manager of Nanning Tengke Baodi Biotechnology 
Co., Ltd., "The appraisal will definitely ameliorate the business environment 
of National Nanning Economic & Technological Development Area and boost our 
confidence to further expand our business here."

Source: National Nanning Economic & Technological Development Area Management 

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   Caption: Only Enterprises Can Be the Judge of the Business Environment -- 
National Nanning Economic & Technological Development Area plays its best card 
to optimize the business environment
