Country for PR: China
Contributor: PR Newswire Asia (China)
Monday, November 16 2020 - 12:38
CGTN: Yangtze River Economic Belt to power China's high-quality development
BEIJING, Nov. 16, 2020 /PRNewswire-AsiaNet/ --

With the unveiling of a blueprint for China's development in the next 15 
obal-leader-in-innovation-V8ymvHioog/index.html), different regions are gearing 
up for their new roles in the country's new journey toward modernization. 

Provinces and municipalities along the Yangtze River – China's longest river – 
have been given important roles to foster an innovation-driven, green 
development mode for the world's second-largest economy. 

The blueprint – the Communist Party of China (CPC) Central Committee's 
proposals for formulating the 14th Five-Year Plan (2021-2025) for National 
Economic and Social Development and the Long-Range Objectives Through the Year 
2035 – called for efforts to promote the development of the Yangtze River 
Economic Belt and the integration of the Yangtze River Delta and create 
innovation platforms and new growth poles in the regions. 

The roles of the Yangtze River Economic Belt and the Yangtze River Delta in the 
country's overall development are high on the agenda of Chinese President Xi 
Jinping's ongoing tour in Shanghai Municipality and Jiangsu Province.

It is his first domestic inspection tour after the fifth plenary session of the 
19th CPC Central 
udes-fifth-plenary-session-UZ8ZC4kHhm/index.html), at which the blueprint was 

Read the original article: 

Pioneer in new reform drive

Xi, also general secretary of the CPC Central Committee, attended a grand 
gathering in 
g-30-years-of-Shanghai-s-Pudong-Vm6iNfqX3q/index.html) to celebrate the 30th 
anniversary of Pudong's development and opening-up on Thursday morning, 
encouraging the district to "carry the heaviest load" and "crack the hardest 
nut" in China's reform and modernization drive.

Pudong, located east of the Huangpu River in Shanghai, should strive to become 
a pioneer of reform and opening-up at a higher level and a vanguard in fully 
building a modern socialist country, he said in a speech. 

The area should strengthen its role as an engine of innovation and make 
breakthroughs in key and core technologies, he stressed. 

On the other hand, efforts should be made to improve Pudong's capabilities in 
global resource allocation so that it will better serve the establishment of a 
new development pattern, he added. 

China vows to nurture a new development pattern that takes the domestic market 
as the mainstay while letting domestic and foreign markets boost each other. Xi 
called on Pudong to become a hub of the domestic market and a strategic link to 
the domestic and foreign markets. 

The area should play a leading role in the integrated development of the 
Yangtze River Delta region, he said.

Environmental protection, entrepreneurship

On Thursday afternoon, Xi visited 
ast-China-s-Jiangsu-Province-VmA0Vx6KeA/index.html) in the neighboring province 
of Jiangsu. He first went to Binjiang, a riverside district in Nantong, where 
he inspected local efforts in improving the overall environment along the 
shoreline of the Yangtze River, as well as the enforcement of fishing ban 

Binjiang, bounded by mountains along the Yangtze River, is considered a "green 
corridor" of Nantong. It is a significant source of water for local urban 
development. Several projects to restore its ecosystem have been implemented 
since 2016. 

Recalling his tour to the area in 1978, Xi hailed the great improvement in the 
environment during these years. 

"Such a happy life is built by your own hands and worked out by everyone 
together," he said.

Xi then went to Nantong Museum, where he watched exhibits introducing Zhang 
Jian, a Chinese industrialist and educator in the late 19th century and early 
20th century.

The museum, founded by Zhang in 1905, is the first public museum founded by 

Xi learned about Zhang's deeds in developing China's domestic industries, 
education, and public welfare undertakings. While setting up industries, Zhang 
also actively started educational and public welfare undertakings that 
benefited villagers and had far-reaching influence.

Hailing Zhang as the sage and model of Chinese private entrepreneurs, Xi said 
that the museum should be built into a patriotic education base to inspire more 
people, especially young people.

Ecological civilization, south-to-north water diversion project

On Friday, Xi inspected Yangzhou City – the second stop of his tour in Jiangsu. 
Xi visited an ecological cultural park and the Jiangdu water conservancy 
project to learn about local efforts in environmental improvement as well as 
cultural protection and inheritance.

"We need to do well with ecological civilization. Building ecological 
civilization directly concerns the happiness of the people and bears on the 
healthy growth of young people," he told locals, adding that the strengthening 
of ecological civilization is a prerequisite of pushing for the high-quality 
development of the Chinese society.

While visiting an ecological and cultural park in the Sanwan area, Xi learned 
about environmental remediation along the Grand Canal, as well as the 
protection, inheritance and use of its culture. He urged local authorities to 
integrate cultural and tourist activities along with the remediation. That, he 
said, would help shape the area's development and thus, better the livelihoods 
for local residents.

In Jiangdu, he learned about the operations of the country's south-to-north 
water diversion project as the district stands as the origin of the east route 
of this mega project.

China's densely-populated northern region has long suffered from acute water 
shortages, leading to groundwater overexploitation and river water diminishing. 
To optimize the allocation of water resources and quench the thirsty north, 
south-to-north water diversion projects, which began in 2002, have been built 
to channel water from the water-rich Yangtze River basins through eastern, 
middle and western routes to the dry areas in the north.

"China's water resources are richer in the south than in the north, so it must 
be adjusted scientifically," Xi told local officials during his visit. 
"However, people in the north shouldn't take it for granted just because we 
have this measure in place."

"We need to plan urban development according to the amount of water resources. 
Therefore, we should integrate the south-to-north water diversion project and 
on-site water conservation and work on them both," he continued.

According to official data, the eastern route and middle route have altogether 
diverted 29.4 billion cubic meters of water to arid areas in the north, 
benefiting more than 120 million people as of 2019, which turned into an 
industrial and agricultural boost for cities totaling almost 100 billion yuan 
per year.

National strategies for regional integration

Along with the coordinated development of the Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei region and 
the building of the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area, the development 
of the Yangtze River Economic Belt and the integration of the Yangtze River 
Delta are important national strategies for the coordinated regional 
development in China.

The Yangtze River Economic Belt consists of nine provinces – Sichuan, Guizhou, 
Yunnan, Hubei, Hunan, Jiangxi, Anhui, Jiangsu, and Zhejiang – and two 
municipalities – Chongqing and Shanghai. It covers roughly one-fifth of China's 
land and has a population of 600 million, generating more than 40 percent of 
the country's GDP.

In 2016, China released a development plan of the economic belt that emphasized 
the priority of ecological conservation and green development.

When addressing the opening ceremony of the first China International Import 
Expo in Shanghai in November 2018, Xi announced that the country would support 
the integrated development of the Yangtze River Delta region. An outline of the 
strategy was issued by the CPC Central Committee and the State Council the 
following year.

The outline, mapping development for a 358,000-square kilometers expanse that 
encompasses Jiangsu, Zhejiang and Anhui provinces and Shanghai Municipality, 
said the Yangtze River Delta boasts strategic significance in the country's 
modernization and further opening-up, which makes its regional integration 
crucial for leading the country's high-quality development and building a 
modern economic system.

Included in both strategies, Shanghai and Jiangsu are among the most developed 
regions in China. Shanghai tops the GDP ranking of Chinese cities, and Jiangsu 
has the second-highest GDP among Chinese provinces. They are not only at the 
forefront of the coordinated development along the Yangtze River but also 
pioneers that explore China's future in a changing world.

Source: CGTN

