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Thursday, February 04 2021 - 02:03
Zayed Award for Human Fraternity announces UN Secretary-General and Moroccan-French activist as its 2021 honorees
ABU DHABI, UAE, Feb. 3, 2021 /PRNewswire-AsiaNet / --

The Pope and Grand Imam of Al-Azhar to jointly present awards via virtual 
ceremony on International Day of Human Fraternity

Ceremony to be streamed 4th February on 5:30pm GST/1:30pm GMT

The Zayed Award for Human Fraternity has today officially revealed that UN 
Secretary-General Antonio Guterres, and Moroccan-French activist, Latifa Ibn 
Ziaten, are the two honorees of its 2021 award. 

Hosted via a virtual ceremony, anchored around the setting of the Founder's 
Memorial, in Abu Dhabi, the Zayed Award for Human Fraternity's (ZAHF) inaugural 
annual award ceremony will be streamed from its own website for viewers to 
watch, on Thursday evening at 5:30pm GST.

Born out of the signing of the Document on Human Fraternity (DHF), in Abu 
Dhabi, in 2019, and aligned to the humanitarian values shared by the UAE's 
founder, the late Sheikh Zayed, this global award recognizes individuals who 
are committed to fostering conditions for peaceful co-existence. 

In recognition of that historic meeting, the honorary recipients of the first 
Zayed Award for Human Fraternity were the co-signees of the Document: His 
Eminence the Grand Imam of Al-Azhar, Dr Ahmed Al-Tayeb, and the Head of the 
Catholic Church, His Holiness Pope Francis.

As Secretary-General of the UN, since 2017, Antonio Guterres has embarked on a 
dedicated mandate to address issues relating to world peace and security. Among 
some of the key initiatives he has spearheaded, during his time in office, 
Guterres has addressed a number of impactful initiatives, including: countering 
hate speech and violence; modernizing UN peacekeeping practices; to his Global 
Cease Fire Appeal and Initiative during the Covid-19 pandemic – resulting in 
170 member and observer states heeding that call to sign up.

2021 honoree, Latifa Ibn Ziaten, is a mother and Moroccan-French activist, 
dedicated to raising awareness against escalating religious extremism, 
following her own personal tragedy of losing her son, Imad, to a terrorist 
attack, in 2012. Since then, Latifa has become a well-known civil society 
activist, in France and beyond; working with families and communities to 
prevent youth radicalization and spreading the message of peace, dialogue, and 
mutual respect. 

Ahead of receiving his award on Thursday, Guterres, said: "It is with humility 
and deep gratitude that I feel honored to receive the Zayed Award for Human 
Fraternity. I see it also as recognition of the work the United Nation is doing 
every day, everywhere, to promote peace and human dignity.

"We live in challenging times. We see the threats coming from the pandemic, 
from the climate, threats from war and conflict in different parts of the 
world. Therefore, it is fantastic to see the enormous leadership of His 
Holiness the Pope and His Eminence the Grand Imam of Al-Azhar, pushing 
humankind to come together, in unity, in dialogue, to promote peace, to promote 
fraternity, and to promote the unity that is necessary to address all the 
challenges to defeat hate and ensure that human solidarity wins the battles we 
are facing."

In accepting her award, Ms. Latifa said: "It is a great honor, and indeed 
humbling, to have been recognized by the Zayed Award for Human Fraternity for 
the work I and many others do, each day, in addressing extremism though 
dialogue, mutual respect, and peaceful co-existence. Most importantly, I hope 
this award helps raise awareness among a wider audience about the need to 
continue these efforts.

"The situation in France and Europe has often presented many challenges due to 
a sense of exclusion and marginalization that affects so many young hearts. 
That said, I feel progress is being made, and we continue to work with families 
and communities to prevent youth radicalization and to understand how we can 
create opportunities for more open dialogue and advocacy; making co-operation 
and mutual understanding the norm – not the exception," Latifa concluded.

Speaking ahead of Thursday's ceremony, the Secretary-General of the Higher 
Committee for Human Fraternity (HCHF), and co-author of the Document on Human 
Fraternity, Judge Mohamed Abdelsalam, said:

"As head of the UN, Mr. Guterres has been responsible for launching many 
individual and joint initiatives aimed at ending humanity's violence against 
itself and violations against nature. His commitment and dedication in this 
role has shown that he is a true endorser of the approach and values advocated 
for by the Document on Human Fraternity.

"In recognizing Latifa Ibn Ziaten as a 2021 honoree, it is a bitter-sweet 
realization of how circumstances born out of such grievous and personal sorrow 
have been turned into a fitting tribute to her son, and all other victims of 
terrorist violence. Mrs. Latifa's great work in advocating for the values of 
human fraternity as a way to end violence is truly inspiring.

"This independent, global award was conceived to encourage and recognize those 
who inspire us all to play our part in creating a more understanding, inclusive 
and peaceful world. By examining the work and impact of both 2021 honorees, it 
is clear that they are both role models for the next generation, world leaders, 
and all those engaged in similarly noble pursuits for peace," he continued.

"Honoring Mr. Guterres and Mrs. Latifa with the Zayed Award for Human 
Fraternity in its first edition after the Grand Imam and Pope Francis were 
honored, in 2019, is a tribute to all those who love peace and an invitation to 
humanity to continue on this path," Abdelsalam added.

"The Higher Committee for Human Fraternity will continue its efforts to achieve 
the goals of the Document on Human Fraternity, with the sincere support and 
care of HH Sheikh Mohamed bin Zayed Al Nahyan, the patron of human fraternity 
who sponsors the committee and its projects, and is keen to ensure that the 
award continues on its path to achieve  human fraternity with complete 
independence and impartiality, and this indicates the sincerity of the message 
and the greatness of the goal," he concluded.

To watch the two honorees receive their award from His Holiness Pope Francis 
and His Eminence the Grand Imam of Al-Azhar, Dr Ahmed Al-Tayeb, viewers can go 
to The 30-minute broadcast will air from 17:30-18:00 
GST/13:30-14:00 GMT/08:30-09:00 EST, Thursday evening.

The February 4th awards ceremony also coincides with the first International 
Day of Human Fraternity, which was adopted by a UN General Assembly resolution, 
in December 2020. This date is now an official day dedicated to raising 
awareness and recognising the efforts of those who promote peace, harmony, and 
intercultural dialogue, around the world. The date was chosen to coincide with 
the 2019 signing of the Document on Human Fraternity.

This year's award is the first time that nominees from all over the world could 
be submitted to be assessed by an independent judging committee, formed by the 
Higher Committee for Human Fraternity (HCHF) and made up of international 

The 2021 Judging Committee for this year's Zayed Award for Human Fraternity was:

Judge Mohamed Abdelsalam, Secretary-General of HCHF 
Adama Dieng, former UN Special Adviser on the Prevention of Genocide 
Rt. Hon. Michaelle Jean, 27th Governor-General and Commander-in-Chief of Canada 
H.E. Muhammad Jusuf Kalla, former Vice-President of the Republic of Indonesia 
Cardinal Dominique Mamberti, Prefect of the Supreme Tribunal of the Apostolic 
H.E. Catherine Samba-Panza, former President of the Central African Republic
The nominations process for the 2022 awards will open on in May 2021 and close 
in October 2021. To find out if you qualify as a nominator or to nominate a 
candidate for next year's award, go to:

About ZAHF

The Zayed Award for Human Fraternity seeks to honor the legacy of the founder 
of the United Arab Emirates by celebrating people everywhere who embody through 
their work his lifelong commitment to human fraternity. It is awarded by the 
Higher Committee for Human Fraternity and includes a financial prize of one 
million dollars. It was created in February, 2019, to mark the historic meeting 
in Abu Dhabi of the head of the Catholic Church, His Holiness Pope Francis, and 
His Eminence the Grand Imam of Al-Azhar, Dr Ahmad al-Tayeb, to co-sign the 
historic Document of Human Fraternity. Pope Francis and Grand Imam al-Tayeb 
were the first honorary co-recipients of the Zayed Award for Human Fraternity.

About HCHF 

Formed in 2019, the Higher Committee for Human Fraternity is an independent 
committee dedicated to achieving the aspirations of the Document for Human 
Fraternity by bringing people across the world together, in the spirit of 
peaceful co-existence. The committee comprises a diverse group of international 
religious leaders, scholars and cultural leaders. 

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SOURCE: The Zayed Award for Human Fraternity 
