Country for PR: United States
Contributor: PR Newswire New York
Wednesday, February 10 2021 - 05:01
CPS Energy Launches Community Dialogue About Its Flexible Path Resource Plan, Including A Focus On Coal
SAN ANTONIO, Feb. 10, 2021 /PRNewswire-AsiaNet/ --

CPS Energy, the largest municipally owned electric and natural gas company in 
the United States, is launching a community-wide dialogue about future paths it 
could pursue to power San Antonio, Texas, the nation's 7th largest city.
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In 2021, the utility will launch a community-wide dialogue by publicly 
releasing its Flexible Path(SM) Resource Plan, which is now accessible on their 
website ( 
). The Flexible Path Resource Plan directly addresses the retirement of several 
aging gas steam units that will reach their end of life during this decade.  

Aligned with the company's broad Flexible Path strategy, CPS Energy developed 
the new and innovative FlexPOWER Bundle(SM) Request for Proposal (RFP).  This 
important global RFP was issued in 10 languages in late 2020. The RFP 
submission process closed on February 1, 2021.  The company started its 
evaluation process and hopes to begin announcing selected projects by early 
spring or late summer.  

The FlexPOWER Bundle will help CPS Energy vet the most effective energy 
solutions to replace its previously mentioned older gas steam units that will 
reach their end of life (approximately 55 years) before 2030.  The following 
shows the components of the bundle:

    -- Up to 900 MW of solar resources that will support the Environmental 
       Responsibility Pillar. 
    -- Up to 50 MW of energy storage that will support the Resilience and 
       Environmental Responsibility Pillars. 
    -- Up to 500 MW of all-source firming capacity, defined as any technologies 
       that can be called upon when renewables are not available, supporting 
       the Pillar of Reliability.

NOTE:  A Megawatt (MW) is the unit representation for power. For example, 1 MW 
of solar can power 200 homes on an average summer day.

In 2018, CPS Energy shut down two older coal units, J. T. Deely 1 and 2, 15 
years earlier than planned.  The company thoughtfully replaced that power 
generating capacity through the purchase of a newer natural gas plant.  The new 
Flexible Path Resource Plan also includes a view of possible alternative 
options for their two remaining and newer coal units, Spruce 1 and 2. 
To expand customer engagement, CPS Energy is opening the topic about coal up to 
its community.  Part of that conversation will involve further explaining how 
the company aspires to come up with a balanced, thoughtful, and effective 
pathway forward.  To facilitate the discussions, CPS Energy will explain how it 
uses its balanced Guiding Pillars & Foundation, as shown below, to vet all 
major strategies and initiatives, including the Flexible Path, as well as any 
specific incremental power generating solutions. 

The primary objective of this community-wide dialogue is to broadly engage 
customers while soliciting their questions, insights, and feedback.  Included 
in this process will be a series of virtual town halls and meetings where 
customers will hear from leaders and have opportunities to ask questions and 
seek collaboration.  Information about how to participate will be shared this 

As a basis of the upcoming conversations, the Flexible Path Resource Plan's 
available reference materials will include key assumptions and scenarios, 
including estimated residential customer bill impacts and company financial 
metric projections. Importantly, the document also addresses potential impact 
to their workforce. Relative to the new Resource Plan's look at potential 
options for its two remaining coal units, two distinct scenarios have been 
• Spruce 1 – Replace     • With Renewables & Batteries      • Spruce 1 –
with an Additional                                          Replace with an 
FlexPOWER Bundle(SM)                                        Additional FlexPOWER
offering in 2029                                            Bundle(SM)
• Spruce 2 – Continue                                       • Spruce 2 –
to Operate as a Coal                                        Convert to Natural  
Plant                                                       Gas	
"When I took the helm of CPS Energy in 2015, I asked our employees to embrace a 
People First approach, through which we look at our customers as our beacon and 
inspiration to provide excellent service and we continue to take caring actions 
to support our entire community.  I am proud to say that our employees anchor 
to these beliefs every day, as they diligently serve Greater San Antonio.  Our 
team looks forward to a robust dialogue with all our customers about our new 
Flexible Path Resource Plan," said Paula Gold-Williams, President & CEO of CPS 
Energy.  "Extensive, broad, open, constructive, respectful, and frequent 
conversations, based upon facts, figures, and finance are the best way for San 
Antonio to determine how to move prudently to a decarbonized future by, and 
perhaps before, 2050."

It is important to clarify that no specific decision has yet been made to close 
either remaining coal unit early.  Such an assumption is only factored in the 
current modeling assessments to support the upcoming community-wide 
Along with the Flexible Path Resource Plan document and supporting attachments, 
also included is an Executive Summary and Overview written by the President & 
CEO to provide helpful context.  That broad document provides highlights and 
takeaways from the Resource Plan and can be accessed here ( 

While the utility focuses on actively engaging through this dialogue, it is 
important to note that the CPS Energy Board of Trustees must approve all major 
power generation decisions. At the appropriate time, after extensive and 
frequent conversations with our community and thoughtfully considering their 
suggestions, the Board will authorize management to proceed with a viable set 
of Resource Plan solutions.

Continue to check the CPS Energy website,, for other 
informational materials such as our latest Sustainability Report ( 
), Annual Reports ( 
), and helpful customer programs.

About CPS Energy  
Established in 1860, CPS Energy is the nation's largest public power, natural 
gas, and electric company, providing safe, reliable, and competitively-priced 
service to 860,934 electric and 358,495 natural gas customers in San Antonio 
and portions of seven adjoining counties. Our customers' combined energy bills 
rank among the lowest of the nation's 20 largest cities – while generating $8 
billion in revenue for the City of San Antonio for more than seven decades. As 
a trusted and strong community partner, we continuously focus on job creation, 
economic development, and educational investment. True to our People First 
philosophy, we are powered by our skilled workforce, whose commitment to the 
community is demonstrated through our employees' volunteerism in giving back to 
our city and programs aimed at bringing value to our customers. CPS Energy is 
among the top public power wind energy buyers in the nation and number one in 
Texas for solar generation.


CONTACT: 210-353-2344

