Country for PR: United States
Contributor: PR Newswire New York
Wednesday, April 14 2021 - 13:34
USAID launches Cargill, Ausvet, Heifer International and IPC consortium to combat threat of infectious diseases, antimicrobial resistance to human and animal health
WASHINGTON, April 14, 2021 /PRNewswire-AsiaNet/ --

-- Five-year animal agriculture program will increase capacity of farmers, 
governments and other stakeholders to prevent and quickly respond to growing 
human health security risks 

The United States Agency for International Development (USAID) ( 
) has tapped a consortium led by Cargill and including Ausvet, Heifer 
International, and the International Poultry Council (IPC) to improve livestock 
management and combat the threat of zoonotic diseases to both human and animal 
health. The five-year, $33 million Transformational Strategies for Farm Output 
Risk Mitigation (TRANSFORM) consortium will harness innovation to sustainably 
improve animal health, strengthen animal agriculture production systems in Asia 
and Africa and enhance global health security.

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As a farm-based initiative, TRANSFORM will prioritize efforts to significantly 
decrease the risks of antimicrobial resistance (AMR)i and zoonosesii, diseases 
spread from animals to humans such as foodborne pathogens, anthrax and Avian 
and swine influenza. The group will also consider transboundary animal 
diseasesiii (TADs,) such as foot-and-mouth disease and African swine fever. 
Scientists estimate that more than three out of five known infectious diseases 
in people can be spread from animals, and 75% of new or emerging infectious 
diseases in people come from animals.[iv] Smallholder farmers around the world 
are particularly vulnerable to transboundary animal diseases, with livestock 
representing their main source of food and income, and access to veterinary 
services often limited. 

Together, Cargill, Ausvet, Heifer International and the IPC will increase the 
capacity of government, agribusinesses, and farmers to prevent and, if needed, 
identify and quickly respond to these threats to human health. By working 
through animal agriculture markets and supply chains and showing how changes to 
production processes can increase farmers' incomes, TRANSFORM aims to bring 
about long-lasting change within the livestock sector in Africa and Asia.

"We know that agriculture can help solve some of the world's most pressing 
challenges," said Chuck Warta, head of Cargill Health Technologies. "We're 
honored to have been selected to lead this important work and are confident 
that Cargill's global reach and research capabilities, combined with our 
partners' unique expertise and influence in animal agriculture, can minimize 
these massive threats to our global food system and to human health."

TRANSFORM partners lead farm-based approach across geographies, species

TRANSFORM will work in several key geographies, on large and small farms, with 
a variety of species. Beginning in 2022, Cargill will conduct nutrition and 
immune health trials on dairy, poultry, shrimp and swine operations in four 
countries throughout Asia and Africa to better understand and quantify the role 
holistic animal nutrition can play in reducing the threats of zoonotic diseases 
to human health. 

    - Ausvet will expand its health information system to serve farms of all 
      sizes in Indonesia and Vietnam. The group will collect real-time data
      and insights on disease occurrence, vaccination programs, and antibiotic 
      usage so farmers, governments and industries can make data-driven 
      decisions to maintain and improve animal health and its connection to 
      human health.

      "As epidemiologists, we know that good decisions require good 
      information," says Dr Angus Cameron, Director at Ausvet. "Our approach 
      focuses on working with the farmers, their veterinarians, other service 
      providers and value chain players, providing them with a service to 
      better manage their own data, integrate it, analyze it, and provide real-
      time reliable information to help them make better disease management 

    - Increased profitability for farmers will be key to TRANSFORM's long-term 
      impact. Heifer International will work with smallholder farmers in India 
      and Kenya to improve biosecurity and animal management and health, with 
      the added benefit of increasing farmer incomes.

      "Smallholder farmers produce the majority of the world's food. By 
      equipping them with tools to improve animal management and biosecurity, 
      we are supporting the production of safe, healthy food that improves 
      nutrition, while preventing the spread of pathogens that threaten global 
      human health," said Pierre Ferrari, President and CEO of Heifer 
      International. "Heifer International is working with community 
      veterinarians to embed knowledge of new practices into the services they 
      provide and supporting farmers to access finance, incentivizing 
      sustainable adoption of biosecurity practices by small-scale livestock 

    - IPC will lead the development and adoption of industry-wide principles, 
      policies and standards around antimicrobial stewardship within the 
      poultry industry.

      "IPC brings together poultry industry stakeholders from across the 
      globe, and throughout the total value chain, to build relationships and 
      address shared challenges," said Robin Horel, IPC President. "IPC has an
      industry-wide commitment to antimicrobial use stewardship and seeks to
      leverage our network to advance systems thinking approaches, and best 
      practices, that can be scalable globally through private sector 
      leadership in proactively addressing transboundary or foodborne 

The key to the consortium's success will be developing and implementing 
innovative and market-driven solutions that increase access to safe, 
affordable, high quality animal-sourced nutrition while improving global human 
health security.  

For more information, visit:

About Cargill

Cargill's 155,000 employees across 70 countries work relentlessly to achieve 
our purpose of nourishing the world in a safe, responsible and sustainable way. 
Every day, we connect farmers with markets, customers with ingredients, and 
people and animals with the food they need to thrive.  We combine 155 years of 
experience with new technologies and insights to serve as a trusted partner for 
food, agriculture, financial and industrial customers in more than 125 
countries. Side-by-side, we are building a stronger, sustainable future for 
agriculture. For more information, visit ( 
) and our News Center ( 

About Ausvet

Ausvet has been providing specialist epidemiology services to public and 
private clients in over 50 countries around the world for the last 25 years. We 
use surveillance data to understand the patterns of disease in populations and 
the factors that drive those diseases, providing insights to inform prevention, 
early detection, and disease control measures. We have a multidisciplinary team 
working across human, terrestrial and aquatic animal, and plant health, using a 
One Health approach recognizing the complex connections within the ecosystem. 
To support or data-driven science, we also specialize in innovative IT systems 
for health data management. Our people-focused approach has been used to 
develop powerful real-time disease surveillance systems, supporting millions of 
farmers. Visit

About Heifer International

For 76 years, Heifer International has worked with more than 36 million people 
around the world to end hunger and poverty in a sustainable way. Working with 
rural communities in 21 countries in Africa, Asia, and the Americas, including 
the United States, Heifer International supports farmers and local food 
producers to strengthen local economies and build secure livelihoods that 
provide a living income. For information, visit 

About International Poultry Council

The International Poultry Council (IPC) is the voice of the global poultry meat 
industry. The poultry meat industry is an essential part of the food chain that 
provides sustainable, safe, nutritious, and affordable food for a growing world 
population. IPC is a member-driven organization comprised of national sector 
associations, poultry businesses and other key industry stakeholders. IPC 
members represent more than 88% of the world poultry meat production and 95% of 
the global poultry meat trade. IPC is uniquely positioned to provide a holistic 
view of the global sector. Therefore, IPC plays a proactive role to promote 
science-based solutions and information-sharing for poultry producers and 
Regulatory Authorities worldwide on issues affecting the supply chain.  


The United States Agency for International Development (USAID) leads the U.S. 
Government's international development and disaster assistance efforts through 
partnerships and investments that save lives, reduce poverty, strengthen 
democratic governance, and help people emerge from humanitarian crises. 
Combating infectious diseases is a strategic priority for USAID. As part of 
these efforts, USAID's Global Health Security Program works with partner 
countries and the global community to build better preparedness for future 
health threats and invests in "One Health" approaches that recognize that the 
future well-being of humans, animals, and the environment are inextricably 

i World Health Organization website:
ii CDC website:
iii Food and Agricultural Organization of the United Nations website:

iv CDC website:

SOURCE:  Cargill, Inc.

CONTACT: For consortium inquiries, please contact: TRANSFORM project lead, 
Cargill, at attn. April Nelson; For company specific 
inquiries, please contact: IPC Contact:  Dennis L. Erpelding, Science Advisor,; Heifer International Contact: Kimberly 
Barbano,; Ausvet Contact: Dr. Angus Cameron, Director Ausvet,
