Country for PR: Australia
Contributor: Medianet International
Wednesday, April 21 2021 - 11:00
Asia Pacific Employees and Employers Clash on Ideal Hybrid Workplace Experience – Unisys Survey
SINGAPORE, April 21,2021/Medianet International-AsiaNet/--

New white paper: Leaders and employees agree hybrid working is more productive, 
but are not aligned on what is required to achieve it

New data reveals that 64% of Asia Pacific organisations plan to change their 
operating model by 2022, driven by the desire to improve their employee 
experience, according to a new survey from Unisys Corporation ( ) (NYSE: UIS). However, leaders and employees have 
different views on the technologies and policies required to achieve greater 
productivity and an ideal employee experience. The findings are included in a 
new IDC white paper, sponsored by Unisys, titled "Digital Workplace 
Insight(TM): Seeking Digital and Experience Parity to Support the Hybrid 

The Unisys-sponsored research surveyed more than 1,100 respondents, including 
business leaders and employees, across 15 countries: Australia, Belgium, 
Brazil, Canada, Chile, Colombia, France, Germany, Malaysia, Mexico, 
Netherlands, New Zealand, Singapore, the UK and the U.S., to examine how 
organisations are transforming their operating models to respond to business 
disruptions. It found that to do this, business leaders are focused on the 
employee experience to shape their technology, procedures and policies. 
However, while aligned in this common objective to provide employee experience 
parity, there are some gaps between what employees want, and what their 
employers think they want to achieve it. Results are detailed in the IDC White 
Paper ( ). 

Hybrid working and the digital workplace are here to stay

The survey found that before the pandemic, 5.2% of the workforce across 
Australia, Malaysia, New Zealand and Singapore worked remotely - the highest of 
the four regions surveyed. COVID-19 forced a rapid move to remote working in 
2020 with more than one third (36%) of this workforce working remotely by 
November 2020. Based on this experience, the majority of employers (74%) and 
employees (70%) agree that working remotely is just as, or more, productive 
than working in an office. While some roles will return to the office by 2022, 
business leaders estimate 24% of their workforce will work remotely – more than 
seven times higher than before the pandemic

Forty percent of Asia Pacific employees prefer remote working, higher than 
North America (34%), Europe (35%) and Latin America (39%). Globally, the 
highest preference is among Millennials, born 1981-1996 (47%) compared to just 
18% of Baby Boomers, born 1946-64.

"This shift to a large proportion of employees working remotely, as well as 
across a hybrid of offices, other facilities and in the field, demands digital 
parity – where all workers have secure access to the resources required to do 
their jobs, no matter their preferred device or location. However, the most 
successful organisations will be those who offer experience parity – this 
requires thinking beyond just technology and considering the organisational 
structure, policies, procedures and culture required to ensure an excellent 
employee experience where people can engage effectively with each other, 
collaborate and work productively in an agile work environment," said Leon 
Sayers Advisory Director at Unisys Asia Pacific.

Disconnect on what drives a positive employee experience and experience parity

The top three reasons given by Asia Pacific business leaders to change their 
operating model by 2022 are better employee experience (71%), employee 
productivity (56%) and employee safety (56%). However, the survey revealed a 
disconnect between Asia Pacific leaders and employees about what technology and 
policies would improve the remote working experience:

- When asked what technology would make remote working more productive leaders 
want collaboration tools (35%), secure remote access (33%), moving applications 
to the cloud (33%) and virtual desktop infrastructure (32%).  Whereas employees 
want upgraded laptops (31%), connectivity solutions (27%) and printers or 
scanners for home use (26%). 

- Leaders say the greatest challenges to working from home are unreliable 
connectivity (51%) and difficulty accessing data or systems (48%). However, the 
majority of employees say there are no challenges (30%), although one in five 
cite non-work distractions and unreliable connectivity as issues.

- When looking at what policy changes would provide a better employee 
experience Leaders are focused on employee safety wanting commuter benefits to 
reduce the risk of exposure going to and from the workplace (33%), procedures 
to identify employees with symptoms (30%), extra security policies for entering 
facilities (31%) and self-quarantine for workers who had been exposed to 
COVID-19 (29%). Whereas employees want more liberal remote work from home 
policies (28%), updated leave options due to COVID-19 (25%) and ways to 
identify if employees have COVID-19 symptoms (24%).

- Leaders and employees agree that ensuring employees are recognised for their 
accomplishments is the top non-salary or non-benefit criteria for making an 
ideal employee experience. However, having a work location and schedule that is 
conducive to family life is more important to employees than leaders.

- There are generational differences too: to be more productive Millennials 
want upgraded laptops while Baby Boomers want better connectivity. Technology 
used at work is twice as likely to make Millennials feel positive about their 
job or proud to work for their employer (65% globally) compared to Baby Boomers 
(34%). It is also important for almost half of Generation X (49%), born 

- Forty-seven percent of Asia Pacific employees, and almost half of respondents 
globally (49%), say that the technology support they receive makes them feel 
good about their job or proud to work for their employer. But again, it is 
twice as important for Millennials (66% globally) than for Baby Boomers (32%). 
And is important for half (50%) of Generation X. 

"To create a great employee experience, employers need to understand what 
technology, processes and policies their people require to do their jobs 
effectively. This requires two-way conversations with their teams and a 
preparedness to change existing procedures. The right devices and sufficient 
connectivity are fundamentals for remote workers to create digital parity. 
However, experience parity is driven by things like equal access to IT support 
as well as employee recognition for their accomplishments no matter where or 
when they work – they don't want to be left in a vacuum. They also want to tap 
into the flexibility of the hybrid work environment to achieve better work-life 
balance. But they don't want to be lumped with extra costs to work from home. 
These elements help create employee experience parity and must be factored into 
an overall organisational change management approach to successfully move to a 
hybrid work environment," explained Mr Sayers.

"In addition, while organisations need to support the breadth of generations 
they currently employ, Millennials are now aged 25-40 years, accounting for a 
growing proportion of the workforce, and leadership roles, so their preferences 
about what makes an excellent employee experience must be given weight in a 
digital workplace strategy. This includes the quality of the devices they use, 
IT support they can access and ability to work from home," he added.

About Unisys

Unisys is a global IT services company that delivers successful outcomes for 
the most demanding businesses and governments. Unisys offerings include digital 
workplace services, cloud and infrastructure services and software operating 
environments for high-intensity enterprise computing. Unisys integrates 
security into all of its solutions. For more information on how Unisys delivers 
for its clients across the government, financial services and commercial 
markets, visit Follow Unisys on Twitter ( ) and LinkedIn ( ). 

SOURCE: Unisys
