Country for PR: China
Contributor: Xinhua News Agency
Thursday, April 22 2021 - 14:11
Dongguan Renews Commitment to Better Life with the Global Release of Promotional Video of Environmental Protection on Earth Day
DONGGUAN, China, Apr. 22, 2021 /Xinhua-AsiaNet/--

"The City of Courage", the first episode of Dongguan's city image video series 
This Is Dongguan, is set to be released globally on Earth Day, April 22. The 
remaining three episodes will subsequently be aired in on European televisions 
and websites, such as France 24 in France, LA7 in Italy and German business, 
news and travel media. Committed to sustainability, the southern Chinese city 
presents the world with a Chinese approach to develop the economy in harmony 
with ecology.

Unveiling the city's brand-new promotional video on Earth Day 2021, said the 
staff from Dongguan Municipal Government, shows how it values the protection of 
ecological environment as a responsible member of the international community. 
And the first episode explores the way Dongguan strikes a balance between 
economic growth and environmental protection.

With a large number of population, industrial enterprises, river branches, 
vehicles, and high level of urban land development, the city now stands to face 
harsh realities in improving sewage treatment. In recent years, Dongguan has 
taken a comprehensive and coordinated approach to eco-environment management. 
To this end, policies and measures have been adopted to lower the number of big 
polluters responsible for high energy consumption and the inefficient use of 
resources. Some major polluters were shut down. Meantime, the future-oriented 
city draws a blueprint for strategic emerging industries that aim to drive the 
economy more by innovation than by production factors. Its other priorities 
include the upgrade of manufacturing, technological innovation, and sustainable 

The series is about a story of a family of four, also an epitome of how the 
vibrant city pursues an eco-friendly and quality lifestyle, said Chen Songzhu, 
one of the scriptwriters of This Is Dongguan. Improving the ecological 
environment, optimizing the economic structure and enhancing urban qualities 
are not ideas the film makes up, but are rooted in the city's actual practices.

The set was mostly based on the sites deemed ecological governance successes, 
such as Huayang Lake, Songshan Lake Eco-park, Tongsha Reservoir, and Binhai Bay 
New Area.

As the little girl at the end of the first episode pictures the future of 
Dongguan, the Binhaiwan Bay Area emerges not just as a cooperation platform 
with the Greater Bay Area characteristics defined by the Outline Development 
Plan for the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area, but an example to 
maintain a balance between ecological governance and economic growth.

The estuary of Maozhou River where the New Area is located was strongly 
salinized tideland with severe coastal corrosion which rendered it completely 
barren, according to workers there. To accelerate the shaping of an enabling 
environment, further protect coastal zones, and put them into better use, the 
New Area has taken a host of measures, including soil remediation (silt 
replacement and soil salinity control), coast management (planting mangroves 
and other wetland plants), and park landscaping (paving viewing plank roads, 
maintaining lawns, and building dry streams). All these efforts have developed 
the once-tideland into a coastal eco-wetland, where winding footpaths, lush 
plants, and well-kept lawns complement each other.

"For a post-pandemic age, it is a matter of shared concern to the global 
community regarding how to develop cities and get its economy back on track. 
Whatever path a country chooses, the response to climate change and 
environmental protection will still be in the interests of all. The way 
Dongguan pursues its development is yet to be improved, but preliminary 
benefits have been delivered," noted Li Jinyi, associate professor at Jinan 

Today, Dongguan leads the country in sustainability and environmental 
protection. "The transition of an industrial and export-oriented city like 
Dongguan into a resource-efficient city has a major influence not only on the 
city's circular economy, but also on the circular economy globally," a 2019 
UNEP report remarked.

"Hopefully the video series will encourage the world to embrace green and 
low-carbon production and create a better life, while showing the city's 
willingness to join hands with other global counterparts to restore our Earth," 
said the staff from Dongguan Municipal Government.

Source: Dongguan Municipal Government


