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Tuesday, April 27 2021 - 09:01
Clean electrification and hydrogen can deliver net-zero by 2050, says global private-sector coalition
LONDON, April 27, 2021 /PRNewswire-AsiaNet/


The Energy Transitions Commission (ETC), a coalition of more than 45 leaders 
from global energy producers, energy industries, financial institutions and 
environmental advocates – including ArcelorMittal, Bank of America, BP, 
Development Research Center of the State Council of China, EBRD, HSBC, 
Iberdrola, Ørsted, Shell, Tata Group, Volvo Group and the World Resources 
Institute among others – released two new reports analysing the feasibility of 
achieving a net-zero greenhouse gas emissions (GHG) economy by 2050 and the 
actions required in the next decade to put this target within reach. Clean 
electrification will be at the heart of this transformation enabled by the 
rapidly falling costs of renewable energy, with a complementary role for clean 
hydrogen technology in sectors that are difficult or impossible to electrify. 
The report Making Clean Electrification Possible: 30 years to electrify the 
global economy sets out why it is essential but also feasible and affordable to 
multiply the size of the global power system by 5, while shifting to 
renewable-based electricity provision. The parallel report Making the Hydrogen 
Economy Possible: Accelerating clean hydrogen in an electrified economy sets 
out the complementary role for clean hydrogen and how a combination of 
private-sector collaboration and policy support can drive the initial ramp up 
of clean hydrogen production and use to reach 50 million tonnes by 2030.

Net zero by 2050 is possible
The Paris climate accord committed the world to limiting global warming to less 
than a 2 degree C increase from pre-industrial levels — and striving for no 
more than a 1.5 degree C rise in the planet's average temperature. For this 
objective to be reached, the world needs to achieve net-zero GHG emissions by 
around mid-century. The ETC states that achieving a net-zero GHG emissions 
economy within the next 30 years is technically and economically feasible. A 
profound transformation of the global energy system is ahead – a net-zero GHG 
economy will be built on abundant, affordable zero-carbon electricity. 

Pace of renewables deployment to be multiplied by 5-7 times by 2030
Electricity could represent up to 70% of final energy demand by 2050, versus 
20% today, with total electricity use expected to grow as much as 5 times in 
the coming decades. Transitioning to clean electricity as the main source of 
final energy represents the cheapest and most efficient way to decarbonise the 
economy. The rapidly falling costs of renewables and storage solutions make it 
possible to achieve the required massive expansion of clean power systems at 
low cost, according to the reports. However, wind and solar must increase from 
today's 10% of total electricity generation to about 40% by 2030, and over 75% 
by 2050. Annual wind and solar installations must therefore grow by 5-7 times 
by 2030, and more than 10 times by 2050. They must also be accompanied by the 
parallel deployment of other zero-carbon generation technologies (like hydro 
and nuclear), flexibility solutions, storage and power networks to deliver 
zero-carbon power systems at scale.

The ETC states that this is undoubtedly within reach if clear national 
strategies for decarbonisation are put in place and appropriate power market 
design unlocks private financial flows. Investments in renewable power, 
primarily wind and solar, will represent the vast majority (around 80%) of 
total investments required to achieve a net zero economy. Over $80 trillion of 
investment will be required globally over the next 30 years (ca. $2.5 trillion 
per annum on average). This includes investment in renewable generation to 
support both direct and indirect electrification, in addition to investment in 
electricity grid infrastructure. Whilst large, this represents less than 1.5% 
of global GDP and is manageable in the current macroeconomic environment.

Clean hydrogen production costs to be brought well below $2/kg by 2030
Clean hydrogen will play a complementary role to decarbonise sectors where 
direct electrification is likely to be technologically very challenging or 
prohibitively expensive, such as in steel production and long-distance 
shipping. A net zero GHG emissions economy by mid-century will likely need to 
use about 500 to 800 million tonnes of clean hydrogen per annum, a 5-7 fold 
increase compared to hydrogen use today. Green hydrogen, produced via the 
electrolysis of water, is likely to be the most cost-competitive and therefore 
the major production route in the long-term, due to falling renewable 
electricity and electrolyser equipment costs. It could account for 
approximately 85% of total production by 2050. However, blue hydrogen, produced 
from natural gas with carbon capture (with 90%+ capture rates) and low methane 
leakage ( less than 0.05%), will play an important role in transition and in 
some specific very low-cost gas locations.

The report highlights how critical rapid ramp-up of production and use in the 
2020s is to unlock cost reductions (bringing clean hydrogen costs below $2/kg) 
and to make mid-century growth targets achievable. However, even once clean 
hydrogen becomes cheaper than grey hydrogen, using hydrogen in different 
industry and transport sectors will often still impose a "green cost premium" 
compared to current high-carbon technologies. Public policy is therefore 
essential to drive uptake of clean hydrogen at pace. Policymakers will also 
need to anticipate growing hydrogen transport and storage needs. In total, 85% 
of investments required to ramp-up hydrogen production is for renewable 
electricity provision (included in the renewables investment above). 

Additionally, ca. $2.4 trillion ($80 billion per annum) will be required 
between now and 2050 for hydrogen production facilities and transportation & 

Critical milestones to be reached by 2030 to put 2050 targets within reach
"We now have the technologies to completely decarbonise electricity generation 
at low cost: and electrification is the key to zero carbon production in most 
of the economy. By mid-century even rich developed countries will need 2-3 
times as much electricity as today, and developing economies 5-10 times as 
much. Governments, businesses and investors need to recognise the scale of the 
new industrial revolution required and the huge opportunities it creates," Lord 
Adair Turner, Chair, ETC. 

With regards to power, the ETC recommends that developed countries should 
achieve grid emissions intensity below 30gCO2/kWh by the mid-2030s and 
developing countries by the mid-2040s. To achieve those medium-term objectives, 
critical actions in the 2020s include:
- Clear national medium-term targets for power decarbonisation and for the 
electrification of the economy 
- Appropriate incentives for renewables deployment at scale, including power 
market design encouraging private investment, with a continued role for 
long-term contracts 
- Unlocking financial flows for investment in developing countries, including 
via blended finance vehicles 
- Anticipating the build-up of network infrastructure and capabilities required 
for simultaneous mass electrification and power system decarbonisation 
- Planning and permitting processes that accelerate implementation 
- Developing the technologies and business models of the future, especially for 
long-term energy storage and flexibility provision

"The ETC demonstrates that rapid decarbonisation of the global power system is 
desirable, attainable and affordable. It's the bedrock of the Race to Zero 
emissions and provides the expansion of zero carbon power needed for other 
sectors to also decarbonise. The ETC highlights how countries setting out clear 
strategic plans for electrification and decarbonisation will enable companies 
and innovators to deliver the massive increase in clean power needed," Nigel 
Topping, UK High Level Climate Action Champion, COP26 

Meanwhile, public policy needs to pull forward clean hydrogen demand in the 
2020s to drive production volumes up (reaching 50 million tonnes by 2030). This 
requires a rapid decarbonisation of hydrogen production for already existing 
uses and accelerated technology development, piloting and early adoption of 
hydrogen in other key sectors with lower levels of technology readiness but 
large potential demand, like steel, shipping and synthetic aviation fuels. 
Instruments to achieve that early demand growth, while supporting the scale-up 
of clean hydrogen supply, include:

- Carbon pricing to create broad incentives for decarbonisation 
- Sector-specific policies to create demand for low-carbon technologies, and 
financial support mechanism for investment and to overcome the "green cost 
premium" challenge 
- Targets for the development of large-scale electrolysis manufacturing and 
- Public support and collaborative private-sector action to bring to market key 
- Developing hydrogen industrial clusters to enable the simultaneous 
development of hydrogen production, storage, transport and end-use, de-risking 
investments for all players involved 
- Establishing rules and standards on safety, purity and GHG-intensity of 

"Clean hydrogen will be key to decarbonising sectors where direct 
electrification is impossible or too expensive. Steel can be made zero carbon 
using hydrogen as the reduction agent; ocean-going ships will likely burn 
ammonia made from green hydrogen: and hydrogen can provide electricity when the 
wind isn't blowing and the sun not shining. In total the world may need to 
produce and use 5-7 times as much hydrogen as today, and there are no inherent 
barriers to achieving that. But strong public policy support and visionary 
private investment is needed to drive clean hydrogen growth at the fast pace 
now required," Lord Adair Turner, Chair, ETC.

"Green hydrogen made from renewable electricity will be the best complement to 
deep electrification to achieve a sustainable and decarbonised energy sector. 
It will bring investment opportunities and qualified jobs, while making our 
economy cleaner and more competitive. Policy commitments to scale up this new 
economy are necessary and will bring important economic and environmental 
benefits in the years to come," Agustin Delgado, Chief Innovation and 
Sustainability Officer, Iberdrola.

To read the full Making Clean Electrification Possible report, please visit: 

To read the full Making the Hydrogen Economy Possible report, please visit: 

About the Energy Transitions Commission [ 

Making Clean Electrification Possible: 30 Years to Electrify the Global Economy 
and Making the Hydrogen Economy Possible: Accelerating Clean Hydrogen in an 
Electrified Economy were developed by the Commissioners with the support of the 
ETC Secretariat, provided by SYSTEMIQ. They bring together and build on past 
ETC publications, developed in close consultation with hundreds of experts from 
companies, industry initiatives, international organisations, non-governmental 
organisations and academia.

The reports draw upon analyses carried out by ETC knowledge partners SYSTEMIQ 
and BloombergNEF, alongside analyses developed by Climate Policy Initiative, 
Material Economics, McKinsey & Company, Rocky Mountain Institute, The Energy 
and Resources Institute, and Vivid Economics for and in partnership with the 
ETC in the past. We also reference analyses from the International Energy 
Agency and IRENA. We warmly thank our knowledge partners and contributors for 
their inputs. 

This report constitutes a collective view of the Energy Transitions Commission. 
Members of the ETC endorse the general thrust of the arguments made in this 
report but should not be taken as agreeing with every finding or 
recommendation. The institutions with which the Commissioners are affiliated 
have not been asked to formally endorse the report.

For further information please visit the ETC website at

The list of ETC Commissioners can be found here. [ 
The list of ETC Commissioner and third-party quotes can be found here. [ 

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Source: Energy Transitions Commission
