Country for PR: United Kingdom
Contributor: PR Newswire Europe
Friday, July 02 2021 - 23:10
China Matters reveals the effort of a Chinese village in preventing falling back into poverty
BEIJING, July 2, 2021 /PRNewswire-AsiaNet/ --

2020 was undoubtedly the year of Covid-19 but in the same year, it is also the 
year of Chinafs eradication of absolute poverty in rural areas. And key to 
this has been Chinafs formula to focus on a collective effort where the urban 
and rural areas work together to achieve shared prosperity. 

But could rural areas fall back into poverty? Do people still need to be 
supported from here and onwards? And how do you prevent people from falling 
back into poverty? Chinafs answer is erural revitalizationf. China Matters 
reveals the effort of a Chinese village in preventing falling back into poverty.

A year on, in 2021, as part of this strategy, rural areas like Sanjianxi 
village in Shandong provincefs capital of Jinan, are kicking on and not 
looking back. Sanjianxi is now looking to tap into its own resources to further 
develop. It is aiming to become self-reliant by developing its own local 
tourism sites, creating its own industrial business zone and putting together 
sustainable agriculture thatfs greener. 

But how do you bring all these aspects together to make it work? And how do 
these benefit the village? British host Josh Arslan from China Matters goes to 
find out. He speaks to one lady who is behind Sanjianxifs transformation as 
well as the lives of many in the village. And more importantly, Josh asks if 
this is a epilot projectf whereby if successful, which can be replicated 
across other rural areas in China? And whether it could go as long as in 
narrowing the countryfs longstanding rural-urban gap to bring up the living 
standards of rural residents to the level of their urban counterparts? 

YouTube link:

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Contact: Li Siwei

Source: China Matters

