Country for PR: Japan
Contributor: Kyodo News JBN
Wednesday, July 07 2021 - 17:00
Bakuage Offers Prize of 120 Million JPY to Whoever Solves Collatz Conjecture, Math Problem Unsolved for 84 Years
TOKYO, July 7, 2021 /Kyodo JBN-AsiaNet/ --

- Highest Prize for Any Unsolved Problem in Mathematics -

Bakuage Co., Ltd. headquartered in Shibuya, Tokyo, announced on July 7, 2021, 
that it is offering a prize of 120 million Japanese yen (*) to anyone who has 
revealed the truth of the Collatz conjecture, an unsolved mathematical problem.

(*) 120 million Japanese yen is about US$1,085,000 (1US$=JPY110.50 as of June 
29, 2021).


- What is Collatz conjecture?
The Collatz conjecture is one of unsolved problems in mathematics. It is a 
conjecture that repeatedly applying the following sequences will eventually 
result in 1: starting with any positive integer, divide it by 2 in the case of 
an even number and multiply it by 3 and add 1 in the case of any odd number. 
The conjecture is named after Lothar Collatz, who introduced the idea in 1937. 
Since then, it has remained unsolved with its truth not yet verified. 

Background of prize
Prize money is sometimes offered on an unsolved problem in mathematics. For 
example, a prize of $1 million was posted for the solution to each of seven 
unsolved millennium problems announced by the Clay Mathematics Institute in 
2000. Bakuage decided on the latest prize, hoping to contribute to the 
development of mathematics. The company has chosen the Collatz conjecture 
because it thought many people can be easily interested in the problem, which 
itself is easy to understand.

Prize rules
- A prize of 120 million Japanese yen will be paid to whoever has elucidated 
the truth of the Collatz conjecture.
- For details, please visit the following prize site.

Prize site:

Other notes
*Corporate and product names contained here are their respective trademarks or 
registered trademarks.

*If the contents of this press release and the abovementioned prize rules do 
not agree with each other, the prize rules mentioned on the prize site shall 
take precedence.


Source: Bakuage Co., Ltd.