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Friday, September 17 2021 - 19:07
The Way to Best LCOE (IV)
CHANGZHOU, China, Sept. 17, 2021 /PRNewswire-AsiaNet/ --

- Fraunhofer ISE study I: Vertex 670W's LCOE reduced by 7.4%, Trina Solar 210 
mono-facial modules with fixed tilts demonstrate outstanding system value

Recently, Fraunhofer ISE, the world leading solar institution, has completed 
the assessment of CAPEX and LCOE of new generation of ultra-high power modules 
210mm (G12) from Trina Solar and 182mm (M10) series from other manufacturer.

Founded in 1981, Fraunhofer ISE is the largest solar research institute in 
Europe. Based in Freiburg, Germany, it is a constituent entity of 
Fraunhofer-Gesellschaft, the world's leading applied research organization. 

The study results show that the new generation of 210mm (G12) and 182mm (M10) 
modules performs better than the conventional 166mms (M6) modules in both CAPEX 
and LCOE, G12 performs better than M10, and M10 performs better than M6. The 
CAPEX of the Vertex G12 670W is 4.2% lower than that of the M10 540W modules, 
and the LCOE is 4.1% lower than the latter. The LCOE of the Vertex G12 670W is 
4.5% lower than that of the M10 585W modules, and is up to 7.4% lower than that 
of the M6 455W modules.


1.  The Vertex G12 modules have the best CAPEX and LCOE. Compared to the M10 
modules, the G12 600W and 670W modules perform particularly well, reducing 
CAPEX by up to 1.5-2 EURcWp and LCOE by up to 3-4.5%. Compared to the M6 
modules, the LCOE could be reduced by 6.5%-7.4%.

2.  Due to savings on the fixed-tilt mounting system, G12 600W and 670W modules 
possess savings of around 0.5~1 EURcWp or 11% compared to the M10 series.

3.  Thanks to the innovative design of low-voltage and high-string power, the 
210mm 550W, 600W and 670W modules have savings of the costs of electrical 
systems, which are up to approximately 14.1~21.4% compared to the M6 series.

4.  Lower transportation costs account for the superior performance of the G12 
600W and 670W modules. Within the same 40-foot container, the power of loadable 
G12 600W and 670W modules can be increased by about 12%.

In the era of grid parity, the advanced Vertex 210mm series of modules have a 
prominent edge in Levelized Cost of Energy (LCOE).

Assessment site: Germany

Method of installation: Fixed-tilts (landscape)

Inverter: string inverter

Module Power [W]   455        540        550       590       605       665
Cell Type          M6         M10        G12       M10       G12       G12
Module Size[mm]    2102x1040  2256x1133  2384x1096 2411x1134 2172x1303 2384x1303
Inverter          SUN2000-215KTL-H0 / SUN2000-215KTL-H3
Modules/String     28         28         37        26        34        31
Strings/Inverter   19         16         12        16        12        12
String power[kW]   12.74      15.12      20.35     15.34     20.57     20.62
DC/AC Ratio        1.14       1.13       1.15      1.14      1.15      1.15
Pitch[m]           6.03       6.56       6.35      6.56      7.53      7.53
Tilt[°]            20°
Shading angle[°]   35°
GCR                54.8%
DC Capacity[kW]    9,924      9,919      10,012    10,063    10,120    10,143
AC Capacity[kW]    8,815
Module numbers     21,812     18,368     18,204    17,056    16,728    15,252
Inverter numbers   41

Figure IV: Assessment parameters

Click to download Fraunhofer ISE's PPTs on the Vertex modules tests:

Three rounds of assessment of Trina Solar's Vertex series by DNV GL, a leading 
international third-party organization.

The Way to Best LCOE (I)

The Way to Best LCOE (II)

The Way to Best LCOE (III)

For more information, please contact Trina Solar's local sales representatives. 
Or Mailto: 

SOURCE  Trina Solar Co., Ltd

Image Attachments Links:


   Caption: Figure I: Calculation results of CAPEX


   Caption: Figure II: Calculation results of LCOE


   Caption: Figure III: Comparison of items of CAPEX research results

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