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Wednesday, September 29 2021 - 17:00
MiZ Company Limited Publishes Review Article on Discovery of Diatomic Molecule That Overcomes Diseases Caused by Chronic Inflammation, Incurable by Modern Medicine
KAMAKURA, Japan, Sept. 29, 2021 /Kyodo JBN-AsiaNet/ --

-Parkinson's Disease, Viral Pneumonia, Pancreatic Cancer, Chronic Kidney 
Disease, Artificial Dialysis-

A paper titled "The overlooked benefits of hydrogen-producing bacteria. -Super 
beneficial Bacteria-," submitted by MiZ Company Limited (MiZ Co., Ltd.) and 
co-authored by the University of California, Berkeley, and Keio University, was 
accepted in Medical Gas Research (STM Publishing Group Ltd.) on August 30, 
2021. In addition, a paper on substances that inhibit chronic inflammation 
before the onset of disease was published on July 4, 2021 ("Molecular Hydrogen 
as a Novel Protective Agent against Pre-Symptomatic Diseases," International 
Journal of Molecular Science). In order to achieve a long and healthy life, 
chronic inflammation, the cause of all diseases, must be quelled. The prolonged 
state of chronic inflammation is called "Mibyou" in Oriental medicine, but 
modern medicine has no means to cure Mibyou. MiZ Co., Ltd. has recently 
discovered a method to suppress this chronic inflammation and has published a 
comprehensive review. The viewpoints of MiZ Co., Ltd.'s review articles and 
other papers are as follows. 

-Super beneficial bacteria
While intestinal bacteria can be classified into "beneficial bacteria" and 
"harmful bacteria," it is difficult to clearly explain the mechanisms by which 
"beneficial bacteria" bring benefits to human health. This issue can be 
addressed by focusing on hydrogen produced by hydrogen-producing bacteria in 
the intestines. Since the concentration of hydrogen in exhaled air is high in 
Japanese centenarians, hydrogen produced by hydrogen-producing bacteria is 
thought to contribute to their longevity. In addition, patients with 
Parkinson's disease and dementia have a low percentage of hydrogen-producing 
bacteria, Bacteroides, which suggests that hydrogen protects the brain. 
Hydrogen may contribute to the longevity of naked mole rats because 
hydrogen-producing bacteria predominate in the intestinal bacteria of the 
animal that Calico LLC is studying.

1. Yusuke Ichikawa et al. The overlooked benefits of hydrogen-producing 
bacteria. -Super beneficial Bacteria-. Medical Gas Research, in press.

-Transcending the Limits of Modern Medicine
Modern medicine is rushing to develop a single drug or treatment for a single 
disease. MiZ Co., Ltd. would like to argue loudly that modern medicine based on 
such "elemental reductionism" has reached its limits. 
The causes of Parkinson's disease, cancer, and mental disorders, including 
dementia, which modern medicine cannot alleviate, can be attributed to hydroxyl 
radicals (-OH) generated inside mitochondria. MiZ Co., Ltd. has discovered a 
molecule that converts hydroxyl radicals (-OH), the causative agent of all 
intractable diseases, into water molecules (H2O) inside the mitochondria where 
they originate. That molecule is molecular hydrogen (H2).

1. Shin-ichi Hirano et al. A "Philosophical Molecule," Hydrogen May Overcome 
Senescence and Intractable Diseases. Medical Gas Research 2020, vol 10, (1) 
Pages 47-49 (URL:

-Overcoming chronic inflammation and pre-symptomatic diseases
Mibyou, or pre-symptomatic disease, refers to a state of health in which a 
disease is slowly developing in the body, yet the symptoms are not apparent. In 
modern medicine, a typical example of an undiagnosed disease is an inflammatory 
disease caused by chronic inflammation. Since chronic inflammation is involved 
in many diseases, it is not an exaggeration to say that "chronic inflammation 
is the root of all diseases." Modern medicine can control acute inflammatory 
diseases, but it cannot control chronic inflammatory diseases.
Molecular hydrogen (H2) has been shown to be effective in treating chronic 
inflammation by removing hydroxyl radicals (-OH), a reactive oxygen species in 
mitochondria. Although modern medicine cannot detect or treat "Mibyou," H2 can 
inhibit the pathogenesis of untreated diseases, and is therefore expected to be 
a new protective agent.

1. Shin-ichi Hirano et al. Potential Therapeutic Applications of Hydrogen in 
Chronic Inflammatory Diseases: Possible Inhibiting Role on Mitochondrial 
Stress. International Journal of Molecular Science, 2021, 22, 2549. (URL:
2. Haru Yamamoto et al. Molecular Hydrogen as a Novel Protective Agent against 
Pre-Symptomatic Diseases. International Journal of Molecular Science, 2021, 22, 
7211 (URL:

-The safety of hydrogen
Hydrogen does not have any of the side effects of pharmaceuticals, but the only 
thing to be aware of is its explosive nature. Although it is dangerous to use 
explosive materials in hospitals and homes, MiZ Co., Ltd. has discovered that 
hydrogen does not explode if the concentration is less than 10%. Although there 
are hydrogen gas inhalers with explosive concentrations on the market, such 
potentially explosive hydrogen gas inhalers should be removed from the market.

1. Ryosuke Kurokawa et al. Preventing explosions of hydrogen gas inhalers. 
Medical Gas Research, 9 (3):160-162, 2019. (URL:

YouTube: Hindenburg Disaster and Hydrogen Medicine - YouTube

-Challenges for neurological diseases
Parkinson's disease is also caused by hydroxyl radicals generated in the 
mitochondria. Parkinson's disease is particularly troublesome because the 
substantia nigra of the midbrain, the focal point of Parkinson's disease, is 
located in the center of the brain. It is difficult to deliver drugs to the 
center of the brain because of the blood-brain barrier and the invasive nature 
of stem cell transplantation. Molecular hydrogen solves all of these problems. 
In the substantia nigra of the midbrain, the neurotransmitter dopamine is 
produced, but in the midbrain of Parkinson's disease patients, iron ions that 
catalyze hydroxyl radicals accumulate in the substantia nigra, and the hydroxyl 
radicals produced by the Fenton reaction destroy dopamine. Molecular hydrogen 
quickly reaches the substantia nigra due to its excellent diffusivity, and 
converts the hydroxyl radicals generated there into water molecules. 
Metabolites of drugs that have completed their role as medicines require drug 
design to eliminate them from the brain, but this is not necessary for 
molecular hydrogen. However, this is not necessary with molecular hydrogen, as 
excess hydrogen is naturally released by diffusion, and the metabolites of 
hydrogen and hydroxyl radicals are water molecules. There are many famous 
people, such as movie actors, who suffer from Parkinson's disease, and hydrogen 
could be of help to them.

1. Yusuke Ichikawa et al. Provisional title: Realizing Brain Therapy with 
"Smart Medicine" (in preparation)

-About MiZ Company Limited (MiZ Co., Ltd.)
For 30 years, MiZ Co., Ltd. has been conducting research and development in 
Kamakura, Kanagawa Prefecture, Japan, on ways to fundamentally treat diseases 
caused by chronic inflammation, with the theme of "healthy longevity." In April 
2021, MiZ Inc. was established as a new base in Silicon Valley. MiZ Co., Ltd. 
focused on molecular hydrogen as a molecule that has the potential to cure 
diseases caused by chronic inflammation. In the first place, primitive life on 
the ancient earth was born from hydrogen and used hydrogen as an energy source. 
The chemical structure of molecular hydrogen is the simplest diatomic molecule, 
but MiZ Co., Ltd. has discovered that this simplicity can be a substance that 
can break the conventional wisdom of modern medicine. 

Official website:
MiZ Co., Ltd.:
MiZ Inc.:

Source: MiZ Company Limited