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Contributor: PR Newswire Asia (Hong Kong)
Friday, October 08 2021 - 16:15
Tencent Cloud Highlights Cloud-Based Game Solutions and Services in Melbourne International Games Week
MELBOURNE, Australia, Oct. 8, 2021 /PRNewswire-AsiaNet/ --

Tencent Cloud's secure, high-quality and high-performance solutions showcased 
in Asia Pacific's largest digital games convention 

Tencent Cloud, the cloud business of global technology company Tencent, today 
celebrates its participation in Melbourne International Games Week 2021, having 
highlighted its solutions and capabilities that address gamers' and game 
developers' demands and needs in the annual event. Melbourne International 
Games Week( (MIGW) is Asia Pacific's largest 
digital games convention attended by practitioners from the game industry, 
games enthusiasts, the general public and educators.

Backed by Tencent's years of experience in the game industry, underlined by its 
publishing of some of the most popular video games worldwide, Tencent Cloud on 
October 8 puts the spotlight on its commitment to providing game developers and 
publishers the much-needed tools to build and operate a high-quality, stable 
and secure game environment. 

With the goal of addressing common gaming-related challenges, such as cheaters 
and gold farmers that ruin gamers' experience; lags, delays and poor sound 
quality, and high difficulty for global release and testing, Tencent Cloud 
showcased its high-quality, reliable and secure solutions that will benefit the 
gaming community in Australia, including: 

-Game Server Elastic-scaling( (GSE), 
a solution that provides dedicated game server hosting services for the 
deployment and scaling of stateful games. It supports service discovery, 
flexible server scaling, and optimal resource scheduling. GSE helps developers 
quickly build a stable and low-latency deployment environment for multiplayer 
games while reducing OPS costs, and is ideal for games that need to remember 
data such as battle servers and push notifications in FPS, MOBA, turn-based 
games, MMORPG, table games, and more. 
-Game Multimedia Engine( (GME), 
which allows for a one-stop gaming voice solution. It features in-depth 
optimization for different gaming scenarios and types such as casual, social, 
MOBA, MMORPG and FPS, and supports multi-player voice chat, 3D location voice, 
voice messaging and speech-to-text conversion and can be easily accessed with a 
simple SDK, meeting game developers' various gaming voice needs. 
-Anti-Cheat Expert( (ACE) with 24/7 
security protection capabilities, supporting comprehensive multi-dimensional 
protection and detection and helping mobile game providers quickly cope with 
game security issues such as cheating and tampering. It also guards the game 
client from malicious tampering, debugging and injection, invalidates vicious 
modifiers and protects game memory data integrity. 
-Global Application Acceleration 
Platform( (GAAP), which lets users 
access the origin server through a high-speed connection with the aid of the 
nearest node to use Tencent Cloud's backbone interconnection, helping eliminate 
the stutters and latency experienced by global users when accessing businesses. 
Equipped with a graphical configuration interface, GAAP allows game developers 
to create and use high-speed connections on their business' origin server 
within minutes and view connection operational conditions in the console. 
-TcaplusDB(, enabling games on 
global and regional servers to scale and merge with no downtime, making it 
suitable for sustaining rapid business growth and long-tail OPS. It also comes 
equipped with a comprehensive set of features including high availability, 
disaster recovery, backup and rollback, ensuring 24/7 data storage with 99.999% 

Poshu Yeung, Senior Vice President, Tencent Cloud, said, "Tencent Cloud's game 
solutions are ready, available and capable to address all challenges faced by 
game developers in Australia. Thus, we ultimately aim for an improved and 
unparalleled experience for all gamers across the continent. We hope that 
through our participation and by introducing our wealth of gaming ecosystem 
resources and capabilities, we can further our mission of making game 
development easier around the world." 

Tencent Cloud is a secure, reliable and high-performance public cloud service 
provider that fuses Tencent's infrastructure-building capabilities with the 
advantages of its massive user platform and ecosystem. Tencent Cloud provides 
global access and a rich array of services to governments and organizations 
that need advanced infrastructure and a resilient environment, such as those in 
the online games, live broadcast and financial services sectors.

As a strong testimony to Tencent Cloud's top-notch security standard and 
competitive services in the global cloud computing industry, Tencent Cloud was 
recently named Frost & Sullivan's 2020 Best Practice Competitive Strategy 
Leadership Award in Global Cloud Industry. It has also earned more than 20 
international certifications, including but not limited to ISO22301, ISO27001, 
ISO20000, ISO9001, Trusted Cloud Services, CSA STAR, the Outsourced Service 
Provider Audit Report (OSPAR) standard and the Multi-Tier Cloud Security 
Standard (MTCS SS).

SOURCE:  Tencent Cloud