Country for PR: China
Contributor: Xinhua News Agency
Friday, October 15 2021 - 02:03
Tangjiahe Area of Guangyuan Branch of the Giant Panda National Park is Home to 39 Wild Giant Pandas
GUANGYUAN, China, Oct. 14, 2021 /Xinhua-AsiaNet/--

At the 15th Conference of the Parties (COP15) of the Convention on Biological 
Diversity (CBD) held in Kunming, China announced the official establishment of 
the Giant Panda National Park on October 12. Tangjiahe National Nature Reserve, 
located in Qingchuan County, Guangyuan, Sichuan Province, is one of the 
components of the Giant Panda National Park. According to China's Fourth 
National Giant Panda Survey, there are 39 wild giant pandas in Tangjiahe.

Tangjiahe is renowned as the one of the few low-altitude areas on the planet 
with a high encounter rate of wild animals. In addition to the giant panda with 
stable population development, there are also rare animals such as golden 
snub-nosed monkey, Sichuan takin and Przevalski's parrotbill. In the reserve, 
takins roaming along the road are a great spectacle. At present, there are 23 
species of national first-class protected wild animals and 86 species of 
national second-class protected wild animals distributed in Tangjiahe National 
Nature Reserve. There are 327 species of birds belonging to 168 genera in 58 
families, with 46% of migratory birds, including 12 species of national 
first-class protected birds, such as Chinese monal and Chinese grouse.

Tangjiahe National Nature Reserve, established 43 years ago, remains focused on 
the protection and research of giant pandas, golden snub-nosed monkeys and 
takins, and adheres to resource protection, scientific research and community 
co-management to jointly protect the wildlife in its jurisdiction.

Tangjiahe is not only cooperating with the nearby town governments, animal 
epidemic prevention stations, adjacent protected areas and administrative 
villages to establish a synergy system for monitoring wildlife foci and 
diseases. At the same time, it is collaborating with wildlife research 
institutes such as Tsinghua University, Peking University and the Chinese 
Academy of Sciences, international organizations and public welfare 
institutions such as the World Wide Fund for Nature and Shan Shui Conservation 
Center to carry out daily patrol, scientific monitoring and wildlife 
protection, among others. At present, the reserve has conducted over 50,000 
monitoring activities of various wild animals, and helped more than 20 lost and 
sick wild animals.

For the corn, rape, soybean and other crop areas seriously endangered by wild 
animals such as takin, black bear and wild boar around the reserve, the reserve 
is poised to seek support from social capital such as special forestry funds. 
At the same time, technology, experience and subsidy funds will be offered to 
support farmers in developing low-risk ecological industries such as 
Phyllostachys praecox and traditional Chinese medicine, altering traditional 
farming methods, and actively avoiding wild animals.

Tangjiahe has also signed protection agreements with northern Minshan nature 
reserves such as Gansu Baishuijiang National Nature Reserve, established a 
cross regional monitoring and joint prevention system, and jointly carried out 
the protection and management of wild animal populations and habitats such as 
giant pandas. At the same time, we are taking efforts to crack down on illegal 
activities such as poaching and eating wild animals. Since Tangjiahe National 
Nature Reserve was established 43 years ago, no major cases such as hunting and 
killing of giant pandas and golden snub-nosed monkeys have occurred.

Source: Tangjiahe National Nature Reserve

