Country for PR: China
Contributor: PR Newswire Asia (China)
Friday, October 22 2021 - 03:51
CGTN: Yellow River: A Chinese tale of ecological protection, high-quality development
BEIJING, Oct. 22, 2021 /PRNewswire-Asianet/ --

Deemed China's "Mother River" and "the cradle of Chinese civilization," the 
Yellow River basin has seen remarkable improvements in its ecological 
environment over the last few years as the Chinese government attaches 
increasing importance to the conservation of China's second-longest watercourse.

Hailing the Yellow River's importance as an ecological barrier, an economic 
zone and a cultural heritage site in China, Chinese President Xi Jinping has 
reiterated efforts to promote its ecological protection and high-quality 

On Wednesday, President Xi inspected the estuary of the Yellow River in the 
city of Dongying, east China's Shandong Province. He visited a dock at the 
estuary, an ecological monitoring center and a national-level nature reserve of 
the Yellow River Delta.

National strategy

"The protection of the Yellow River is critical to the great rejuvenation and 
sustainable development of the Chinese nation," President Xi said. This 
explains why China has set the ecological protection and high-quality 
development of the Yellow River basin as a major national strategy.

Starting from Qinghai Province, the Yellow River runs through nine provinces 
and autonomous regions before emptying itself into the Bohai Sea in Shandong.

As an "ecological corridor," the Yellow River, linking the Qinghai-Tibet 
Plateau, the Loess Plateau and plains in northern China with severe water 
scarcity, plays an important role in improving the ecological environment, 
combating desertification and providing water supply.

The 5,464-kilometer-long waterway feeds about 12 percent of China's population, 
irrigates some 15 percent of the arable land, supports 14 percent of the 
national GDP, and supplies water to more than 60 cities.

Since the 18th Communist Party of China (CPC) National Congress, the Chinese 
president has visited all of the basin's provinces and autonomous regions, 
sharing his concerns about China's "Mother River." In less than a year from 
August 2019 to June 2020 alone, he inspected the Yellow River basin four times.

What are the challenges?

President Xi pointed out difficulties and problems in protecting the Yellow 
River during his inspection tours, such as the fragile ecological environment, 
the severe condition of water resources preservation and the need to improve 
development quality.

According to Xi, the peace of the Yellow River is significant to the stability 
of China. Although the river has not seen major dangers for many years, Xi has 
repeatedly told the nation not to relax its vigilance.

The river's natural and geological conditions have led to frequent flooding 
since ancient times. Over the past 2,500 years, the Yellow River has broken its 
dikes more than 1,500 times and made 26 major changes in its course on the 
lower reaches.

Still, busy industrial activities along the Yellow River once put it on the map 
as one of the world's most polluted rivers about 10 years ago, which also 
resulted in ecological degradation.

Turning a blueprint into practice

To deal with major challenges facing the Yellow River basin, the central 
government and the local governments along the river have taken a series of 
measures, exemplifying how a national strategy is transforming from a blueprint 
into concrete practice while showing China's determination to purse 
high-quality development.

Over the past 70 years, China has carried out four large-scale embankment 
projects, built water conservancy projects, implemented two phases of flood 
control projects on the lower reaches of the waterway and completed the 
standard levee construction. By 2019, the accumulated amount of silt and sand 
into the Yellow River has been reduced by nearly 30 billion tonnes and the 
sediment of the downstream river has been reduced by 11.2 billion tonnes.

High-quality development of the Yellow River basin started with adjustment and 
transformation of old industrial cities on the upper stream, developing modern 
agriculture in major grain-producing regions as well as exploring ways to help 
the impoverished residents along the riversides.

The country has also built more than 400 wetland nature reserves and national 
parks in the basin. The Yellow River Delta National Nature Reserve, the one 
President Xi visited on Wednesday, is one of the examples.

The Reserve spanning about 153,000 hectares, with wetlands making up over 70 
percent of its total area, is an important wintering and stopover site for 
migratory birds, including oriental storks, an endangered bird species.

Earlier in October, China released an outline for the Yellow River Basin's 
protection and development through 2030, serving as a guide for policymaking 
and engineering project planning in the basin to address challenges. The 
country is also speeding up its legislation to advance ecological conservation 
and high-quality development in the Yellow River basin. 

Source: CGTN
