Country for PR: United Kingdom
Contributor: PR Newswire Europe
Tuesday, November 09 2021 - 00:28
G999, Lydian World virtual World Game, Lydian Escrow Protocol, decentralised Excange, decentralised Finance Platform: Everyone can be part of success
STOCKHOLM, Nov. 8, 2021 /PRNewswire-AsiaNet/ --

GSB Gold Standard Pay KB, Sweden: The future of the financial sector is 
currently being explored worldwide against the backdrop of the fabulous digital 
hype! Decentralised digital networks, which are summarised under the term 
"DeFi", promise a more transparent and, above all, more efficient financial 
system. DeFi" stands for "decentralised finance" and is based on the database 
technology blockchain.

An essential component here are automatically executed contracts, so-called 
"smart contracts". The goal is a decentralised system that works without 
intermediaries. In so-called DeFi applications, this task is taken over by the 
network of participants, which follows the "rules of the game" in the protocol. 
As a rule, this is a blockchain protocol that enables a decentralised 
organisation through so-called smart contracts.Smart contracts are digital 
contracts that are embedded in programme code and can thus replace human or 
manual transactions.

These decentralised applications, abbreviated as dApps, make it possible to 
present the same services in the financial sector as we are used to from 
classic financial intermediaries. This can be, in particular, the trading of 
securities or the granting and drawing down of loans. Most DeFi applications 
are currently based on the best-known smart contract platform Ethereum. Tokens 
are used so that such a decentralised ecosystem can control itself. These 
tokens can be used to coordinate network decisions as well as to set incentives 
for operating the decentralised service.

DeFi protocols have one thing in common: their main use case is based on 
lending and borrowing. Specifically, tokens are lent in exchange for profits. 
So instead of doing a transaction in the traditional way, the network itself 
handles the transactions based on the decentralised credit protocol.

The standard case here is that you "log in" tokens that you own for allocation. 
This means that you make your tokens available to other participants. In 
return, you receive profits on your loaned tokens.

In contrast to centralised crypto exchange platforms, decentralised exchange 
platforms, so-called DEX, never have access to the assets of the traders. Since 
there is no central instance which can be hacked or whose prices can be 
manipulated, the virtual assets are particularly safe!

Like any new market, "Decentralised Finance" offers special opportunities in 
this sector.

For this purpose, the latest development "Lydian World" will be presented 
shortly as a completely decentralised exchange, but also as a game, with many 
possibilities for the participants.

Decentralised games play an important role in the future as well as Facebook 
CEO Mark Zuckerberg wants to develop it to drive the future of the "Metaverse" 
- as well as "LydianWorld" as an NFT market place similar to "opensea" which 
surprised with Axie-Infinity revenue figures of 190 million US dollars in only 
30 days.

With even more technological possibilities, "Lydian-World" will take up its 
premium game in the coming days as an NFT marketplace/exchange platform where 
rewards are possible via cryptocurrency - this in particular to lead the 
blockchain tech sector.

It should be noted that these new technologies are already a gigantic sector 
worth billions, examples of which are the gaming industry, decentralised 
exchange platforms such as PancakeSwap (which was capitalised with 15 billion 
US dollars in a very short time) and the expectations of the "Lydian World" as 
a virtual decentralised platform.

Josip Heit, explains that many applications of different blockchain technology 
ecosystems will be accessed - here the reward process of the game will be 
carried out via different bridges, here for example on Ethereum blockchain, 
Binance blockchain, Polkadot blockchain, G999 blockchain technology and many 
others, in order to thus obtain the broad adaptation and possibility of the 
worldwide blockchain community via swipe (exchange) or versa in the virtual 


G999, Josip Heit, Lydian World, PancakeSwap, NFT, NFT-Marketplace, GSB Gold 
Standard, G999 blockchain , G999 blockchain technology, Ethereum blockchain, 
Binance blockchain, Polkadot blockchain, Blockchain, Financial Sector , 
Blockchain Technology, Facebook, Token, Lydian Escrow Protocol, Decentralised 
Finance, Lydian World virtual World Game, DeFi, Cryptocurrency, Smart Contract, 
Swipe, Blockchain Community


Press Contact:
GSB Gold Standard Pay KB
Ms Svenson Gustav III:s Boulevard 34, 4tr
169 73 Solna, be Stockholm
Kingdom Sweden
Phone: +46 8-655-2626
Fax: +46 8-5051-6899
Email: Media@GSB.Gold

Source: GSB Gold Standard Pay KB (Sweden)