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Contributor: PR Newswire Europe
Tuesday, November 09 2021 - 20:00
Industry Leader in Sustainability, Arcelik Pushes for More Ambitious Scope 1, 2 and 3 GHG Emissions Reduction Targets at COP26
ISTANBUL, Nov. 9, 2021 /PRNewswire-AsiaNet/ --

Leading home appliance manufacturer Arcelik highlights the importance of energy 
efficiency in products and the reduction of Scope 3 emissions in driving 
decarbonization at COP26 

Arcelik A.S. (ARCLK: IST, "Arcelik"), the global leading consumer durables and 
electronics manufacturer, has announced their commitment to the Paris Agreement 
goals, by re-submitting more ambitious science-based targets for their Scope 1, 
2 and 3 emissions, pushing for a 50.4% reduction across all three scopes.

Arcelik's initial targets in line with a well-below 2C degree scenario were 
approved by the Science Based Targets initiative (SBTi) in November 2020, 
however, Arcelik has chosen to be bolder submitting a 1.5C degree target in 
August 2021, which is being reviewed by the SBTi for final approval. This 
coupled with the decision to introduce a net-zero target throughout the value 
chain by 2050, which will serve to limit the global temperature increase to 
1.5°C above pre-industrial levels, highlights Arcelik's ever-growing commitment 
to a sustainable future and the company's pledge to the Paris Agreement.

Analysis from the International Energy Agency (IEA) states that bold actions 
need to be taken to achieve global net-zero targets. Too often overlooked, 
energy efficiency offers high-impact emission savings at low marginal abatement 
costs. If the world is to have any chance of meeting net-zero goals, energy 
efficiency needs to be prioritized. 

This comes in tandem, with Hakan Bulgurlu, CEO of Arcelik joining The World 
Economic Forum Alliance of CEO Climate Leaders. A group of 70 global chief 
executives, who are driving cross-sector collaboration to accelerate the 
transition to a net-zero economy.

On Friday 5th November at 11.15am GMT, Arcelik CEO and climate activist Hakan 
Bulgurlu was joined by Dr Fatih Birol (Executive Director, IEA) on a panel 
moderated by Mai-Britt Poulsen (Managing Partner, BCG). Together, they 
discussed the importance of energy efficiency in the reduction of Scope 3 
emissions. The panel focused on how businesses must lead net-zero ambitions 
through science-based decarbonization roadmaps, and the critical role Scope 3 
emissions play in achieving them. As well as discussing the Paris Agreement, 
clean energy transitions and what manufacturers can do to lower emissions.

Commentating on the announcement, Hakan Bulgurlu said "Two-thirds of global 
emissions are now coming from developing countries, but only one-fifth of 
investment in clean energy is occurring there. Manufacturers like Arcelik, and 
our partners in these countries, have a collective responsibility to lead the 
way in energy transformation. We continue to innovate and create ways – to not 
only transform our products and services but every household that our products 
enter. Arcelik consistently strives to do more to support the fight against 
climate change and our recent commitment to go even further to reduce our Scope 
1, 2 and Scope 3 emissions from use of our sold products by 50.4% is something 
we are extremely proud of. Now, we are calling on other businesses to join us 
in this fight and recognise how they can effect change and stop environmental 

Dr Fatih Birol, said: "IEA analysis shows the importance of immediate and 
sustained progress on energy efficiency over the next ten years on the path to 
net zero. Improving energy efficiency across sectors ensures that consumers and 
governments can also access a range of wider benefits. This is no more apparent 
than in the case of product efficiency, which has already halved the energy 
consumption of major appliances in many markets, reducing electricity demand 
while allowing households to enjoy lower costs."



-- ArCelik has revised its initial science-based targets, to contribute to the 
worldwide efforts to limit global warming to 1.5°C, compared to pre-industrial 
-- The business has committed to reduce its absolute Scope 1 and Scope 2 
emissions, and absolute Scope 3 emissions from the use of its sold products by 
50% by 2030, compared to the base year of 2018. The Scope 3 is often overlooked 
by businesses as it requires them to reduce the carbon emissions generated in 
the entire value chain, including emissions generated from the extraction of 
raw materials, logistics, transportation, product use phase as well as end of 
life of the products. 
-- A global leader in sustainability, Arcelik has successfully become 
carbon-neutral in global production plants1 (Scope 1 and 2) in 2019 and 2020, 
and was named the Industry Leader of the Household Durables category for the 
2nd year in a row in the Dow Jones Sustainability Index. Arcelik was also 
recognized as an Industry Mover in the 2021 S&P Sustainability Yearbook and 
received a Gold Class Sustainability Award. In addition, Arcelik was selected 
as the most sustainable white goods company to enter Corporate Knights Global 
100 World's Most Sustainable Companies ranking. Through its leadership position 
in sustainability and credible decarbonization roadmap for achieving net zero, 
Arcelik became the first and only company from its industry to receive the 
Terra Carta Seal by HRH Prince of Wales.


-- Arcelik priorly committed to reduce its absolute scope 1 and 2 GHG emissions 
by 30% by 2030 from a 2018 base year. 
-- Arcelik also commits to reduce absolute scope 3 GHG emissions from the use 
of sold products by 15% over the same timeframe. 
-- The targets covering GHG emissions from company operations (scopes 1 and 2) 
are consistent with reductions required to keep global warming to "Well-below 


With over 40,000 employees throughout the world, Arcelik's global operations 
include sales and marketing offices in 48 countries, and 28 production 
facilities in 9 countries and 12 brands (Arcelik, Beko, Grundig, Blomberg, 
ElektraBregenz, Arctic, Leisure, Flavel, Defy, Altus, Dawlance, Voltas Beko). 
As Europe's second-largest white goods company by market share (based on 
volumes), Arcelik's consolidated revenue reached US$4.3 Billion in 2020. 
Arcelik's 30 R&D and Design Centers & Offices across the globe, are home to 
over 1,700 researchers and hold more than 3,000 international patent 
applications to date. In 2020, Arcelik is named the "Industry Leader" in the 
Household Durables category for the 2nd year in a row in Dow Jones 
Sustainability Index and, in accordance with PAS 2060 Carbon Neutrality 
Standard, became carbon-neutral in Scope 1 and 2 in global manufacturing in 
2019 and 2020 with its own carbon credits. Through its leadership position in 
sustainability and credible decarbonization roadmap for achieving net zero, 
Arcelik became the first and only company from its industry to receive the 
Terra Carta Seal by HRH Prince of Wales. Arcelik's mission is 'Respecting the 
World, Respected Worldwide.' 

1 Singer Refrigerator Plant and TV & AC Plant in Bangladesh acquired in 2019, 
Voltbek in India which started production in 2020, and Arcelik-LG A/C joint 
venture plant in Turkey are excluded from calculations.

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SOURCE: Arcelik
