Country for PR: China
Contributor: PR Newswire Asia (China)
Saturday, November 13 2021 - 02:34
CGTN: How does CPC draw strength from history to embark on a new journey
BEIJING, Nov. 12, 2021 /PRNewswire-AsiaNet/ --

Since its founding 100 years ago, the Communist Party of China (CPC) has led 
China to enormous achievements at home and significant contributions to global 
peace and development.

Why was the Party successful in the past? How can it continue to succeed in the 
future? The CPC held a high-profile meeting from November 8 to 11 and answered 
those questions through a landmark resolution.

The resolution on the major achievements and historical experience of the CPC's 
100 years of endeavors was adopted at the sixth plenary session of the 19th CPC 
Central Committee on Thursday, according to the session's communique. On behalf 
of the Political Bureau of the CPC Central Committee, General Secretary of the 
CPC Central Committee Xi Jinping, also Chinese president, explained the draft 
of the resolution during the session.

Why now is time for CPC to review its history 

When visiting an exhibition on CPC history in June, Xi stressed that "the 
Party's history is the most vivid and convincing textbook."

He said it is necessary to study and review the Party's history, carry forward 
its valuable experience, bear in mind the course of its struggles, shoulder the 
historic mission, and draw strength from its history to forge ahead.

Thursday's resolution is the third on historical issues of the Party, after the 
Resolution on Certain Issues in the History of the CPC released in 1945 and the 
Resolution on Certain Questions in the History of the CPC since the Founding of 
the People's Republic of China (PRC) adopted in 1981.

Speaking at a press conference on Friday morning on introducing the guiding 
principles of the plenum, Wang Xiaohui, executive deputy director of the 
Publicity Department of the CPC Central Committee, said the Party and the 
country have greatly developed especially over the past 40 years and the 
Party's theory and practice have also greatly developed, requiring the review.

He also pointed that as the major issues of right and wrong in the Party's 
history were basically solved by the first two historical resolutions, the new 
resolution with its focus on summarizing the major achievements and historical 
experience of the CPC's 100 years of endeavors is in line with reality, is 
conducive to promoting the growth of wisdom, unity, confidence and motivation 
of the Party and is necessary before embarking on a new journey to fully build 
a great modern socialist country.

What is highlighted?

Seeing from the communique of the session, apart from words and phrases like 
"China" and "Communist Party of China," "socialism with Chinese 
characteristics" stood out with 28 mentions.

The Chinese president has called "socialism with Chinese characteristics" the 
only correct path to realize national rejuvenation.

"As we have upheld and developed socialism with Chinese characteristics and 
driven coordinated progress in material, political, cultural-ethical, social, 
and ecological terms, we have pioneered a new and uniquely Chinese path to 
modernization, and created a new model for human civilization," Xi said at a 
ceremony marking the centenary of the CPC on July 1.

"Development" appeared 55 times, remaining a core of the communique. China's 
economic development has become much more balanced, coordinated, and 
sustainable, and the Party has consistently promoted broader and deeper reform 
across the board, as the communique summarized.

Xi has reiterated that China will not change its resolve to open wider at a 
high standard, will not change the determination to share development 
opportunities with the rest of the world and will not change its commitment to 
economic globalization that is more open, inclusive, balanced and beneficial 
for all.

According to the communique, the resolution also noted the Party has also 
actively developed whole-process people's democracy and made comprehensive 
efforts to improve the institutions, standards, and procedures of China's 
socialist democracy.

The concept of developing "whole-process people's democracy" was first used by 
President Xi when he visited a civic center in Shanghai in 2019. The idea 
called for enabling the Chinese people to broadly and continuously participate 
in the day-to-day political activities at all levels, including democratic 
elections, political consultation, decision-making and oversight. 

What's next for CPC?

The session also reviewed and passed a resolution on convening the 20th 
National Congress of the CPC in the second half of 2022 in Beijing.

Wang explained on Friday that this congress, which is to be held at an 
important time when the Party has embarked on a new journey to build a modern 
socialist country in all respects and to realize the Second Centenary Goal, 
will be a highly important meeting and an event of great political significance 
for both the Party and the country. 

Source: CGTN