Country for PR: China
Contributor: PR Newswire Asia (China)
Monday, December 06 2021 - 14:54
CGTN: Democracy should not be decided by 'self-appointed judges,' China says in white paper
BEIJING, Dec. 6, 2021 /PRNewswire-AsiaNet/ --

"There is no fixed model of democracy," China said in an official document 
published on Saturday detailing its democratic endeavors, and whether a country 
is democratic "should be acknowledged by the international community, not 
arbitrarily decided by a few self-appointed judges."

Democracy, the white paper titled "China: Democracy That Works" said, is "an 
ideal" that has always been cherished by the Communist Party of China (CPC) and 
the Chinese people.

"Over the past hundred years, the Party has led the people in realizing 
people's democracy in China. The Chinese people now truly hold in their hands 
their own future and that of society and the country," the paper read.

China has termed its system "whole-process people's 
cess-democracy--14BX3wxFJCg/index.html> after President Xi Jinping proposed the 
concept two years ago in the city of Shanghai. That principle legitimates the 
people's participation in day-to-day political activities at all levels, 
combining democratic elections, political consultation, decision-making and 

The people's status as masters of the country is the essence of people's 
democracy, said the document released by China's State Council Information 

'China's democracy has concrete, pragmatic practices'

"In China, the standard practice is to hear people's voices, act on their 
needs, and pool their ideas and strength," the document said.

According to official data, China has held 12 direct elections to people's 
congresses at the township level and 11 direct elections to those at the county 
level, with a current participation rate of about 90 percent, since the 
initiation of reform and opening up.

Democratic consultation is a special feature of democracy in China. The Chinese 
people widely exercise their right to vote in elections and undertake extensive 
deliberations before major decisions are made. 

The paper also stressed that the abuse of power for personal gain is eradicated 
by sound and effective democratic oversight. 

Supervision of power extends across every area and into every corner, it said.

China's own model of democracy

Instead of just simply copying others' democratic models, China takes its 
"national conditions and realities" into consideration and manifests its own 

"China draws on each and every political achievement of other countries, but 
does not imitate any of their models of democracy," the document said. "The 
model that suits best is always the most appropriate."

Whole-process people's democracy stands in line with the country's distinctive 
features, reflecting at the same time "humanity's universal desire for 

Humanity's quest for and experiments with greater democracy will never end, the 
paper said.

The true barrier to democracy lies not in different models of democracy, but in 
arrogance, prejudice and hostility towards other countries' attempts to explore 
their own paths to democracy, and in assumed superiority and the determination 
to impose one's own model of democracy on others, it added.