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Tuesday, December 07 2021 - 16:50
Cambridge Quantum launches Quantum Origin – a quantum-enhanced cryptographic key generation platform to protect data from advancing threats
CAMBRIDGE, England, Dec. 7, 2021 /PRNewswire--AsiaNet/

    - Quantum Origin is the world's first commercial product built using 
quantum computers that delivers an outcome that classical computers could not 
    - Quantum Origin is the first platform to derive cryptographic keys using 
the output of a quantum computer to ensure data is protected at foundational 
level against evolving attacks 
    - It provides immediate protection to enterprises and governments from 
current security issues, arising from the use of weaker random number 
generators (RNGs) 
    - Quantum Origin also helps protect against 'hack now, decrypt later' 
attacks, which are already happening and will have future implications 
    - The quantum-enhanced cryptographic keys generated by Quantum Origin are 
based on verifiable quantum randomness and can be integrated into existing 
systems. The protocol relies on "entanglement", a unique feature of quantum 
    - Quantum Origin supports traditional algorithms, such as RSA or AES, as 
well as post-quantum cryptography algorithms currently being standardised by 
the National Institute for Standards and Technology (NIST)

    Cambridge Quantum (CQ)[], the global leader in 
quantum software, and a wholly owned subsidiary of Quantinuum, the world's 
leading integrated quantum computing company,  is pleased to announce that it 
is launching Quantum Origin – the world's first commercially available 
cryptographic key generation platform based on verifiable quantum randomness. 
It is the first commercial product built using a noisy, intermediate-scale 
quantum (NISQ) computer and has been built to secure the world's data from both 
current and advancing threats to current encryption.

    Randomness is critical to securing current security solutions as well as 
protecting systems from the future threat of quantum attacks. These attacks 
will further weaken deterministic methods of random number generation, as well 
as methods that are not verifiably random and from a quantum source.

    Today's systems are protected by encryption standards such as RSA and AES. 
Their resilience is based on the inability to "break" a long string from a 
random number generator (RNG). Today's RNGs, however, lack true, verifiable 
randomness; the numbers being generated aren't as unpredictable as thought, 
and, as a result, such RNGs have been the point of failure in a growing number 
of cyber attacks. To add to this, the potential threat of quantum attacks is 
now raising the stakes further, incentivising criminals to steal encrypted data 
passing over the internet, with a view to decrypting it later using quantum 
computers. So-called "hack now, decrypt later" attacks. 

    Quantum Origin is a cloud-hosted platform that protects against these 
current and future threats. It uses the unpredictable nature of quantum 
mechanics to generate cryptographic keys seeded with verifiable quantum 
randomness from Quantinuum's H-Series quantum computers, Powered by Honeywell. 
It supports traditional algorithms, such as RSA or AES, as well as post-quantum 
cryptography algorithms currently being standardised by the National Institute 
for Standards and Technology (NIST).  

    "We have been working for a number of years now on a method to efficiently 
and effectively use the unique features of quantum computers in order to 
provide our customers with a defence against adversaries and criminals now and 
in the future once quantum computers are prevalent," said Ilyas Khan, CEO of 
Quantinuum and Founder of Cambridge Quantum. He added "Quantum Origin gives us 
the ability to be safe from the most sophisticated and powerful threats today 
as well as threats from quantum computers in the future."

    Duncan Jones, head of cybersecurity at Cambridge Quantum, said: "When we 
talk about protecting systems using quantum-powered technologies, we're not 
just talking about protecting them from future threats. From large-scale 
takedowns of organisations, to nation state hackers and the worrying potential 
of 'hack now, decrypt later' attacks, the threats are very real today, and very 
much here to stay. Responsible enterprises need to deploy every defense 
possible to ensure maximum protection at the encryption level today and 

    Quantum-enhanced keys on demand

    With Quantum Origin, when an organisation requires quantum-enhanced keys to 
be generated, it can now make a call via an API. Quantum Origin generates the 
keys before encrypting them with a transport key and securely relaying them 
back to the organisation. To give organisations a high-level of assurance that 
their encryption keys are as unpredictable as possible, Quantum Origin tests 
the entire output from the quantum computers, ensuring that each key is seeded 
from verifiable quantum randomness. 

    These keys are then simple and easy to integrate within customers' existing 
systems because they're provided in a format that can be consumed by 
traditional cybersecurity systems and hardware. This end-to-end approach 
ensures key generation is on-demand and is capable of scaling with use, all 
while remaining secure. 

    Quantum Origin in practice

    Quantum Origin keys should be used in any scenario where there is a need 
for strong cybersecurity. At launch, CQ will offer Quantum Origin to financial 
services companies and vendors of cybersecurity products before expanding into 
other high priority sectors, such as telecommunications, energy, manufacturing, 
defence and government.

    The technology has already been used in a series of projects with launch 
partners. Axiom Space used Quantum Origin to conduct a test of post-quantum 
encrypted communication between the ISS and Earth — sending the message "Hello 
Quantum World" back to earth encrypted with post-quantum keys seeded from 
verifiable quantum randomness. Fujitsu integrated Quantum Origin into its 
software-defined wide area network (SDWAN) using quantum-enhanced keys 
alongside traditional algorithms.

    More information is available on:

    - The partners use cases of Quantum Origin 
    - The Cambridge Quantum/Dimensional Research global leaders survey 
    - Quantum Origin product specifications

    About Cambridge Quantum

    Founded in 2014, Cambridge Quantum is a global leader in quantum software 
and quantum algorithms, enabling clients to achieve the most out of rapidly 
evolving quantum computing hardware. It is part of the newly formed Quantinuum, 
the world's largest, integrated quantum computing company. Cambridge Quantum 
has offices in Europe, USA, and Japan. For more information, visit CQ at and on 
LinkedIn[]. Access the source 
code for lambeq, TKET, Python bindings and utilities on 

    The Powered by Honeywell trademark is used under license from Honeywell 
International Inc.  Honeywell makes no representations or warranties with 
respect to this product or service.

Source: Cambridge Quantum