Country for PR: United Kingdom
Contributor: PR Newswire Europe
Thursday, December 09 2021 - 00:12
International Research Reveals Expectations And Fears Surrounding Technology In Education
DOHA, Qatar, December 8, 2021 /PRNewswire-AsiaNet/--

New research published today by Economist Impact 
[], and commissioned by Qatar Foundation, has 
revealed that most education leaders are making personalized learning a 
priority for their schools – and that COVID-19 has accelerated adoption. 
However, to ensure personalized learning can reach its full potential, there 
needs to be further work to develop new forms of performance metrics, enhance 
collaboration between classrooms and ed-tech firms, and secure buy-in from 
students and parents.

The report and international survey of hundreds of educators and EdTech 
executives, launched at the 2021 WISE Summit in Doha, Qatar, explores how 
Covid-19 has impacted attitudes towards personalized learning in the UK and the 
US. The report examines how technology can support personalized education, what 
its adoption could mean for teachers, and whether it can lead to better 
learning outcomes for students. 

Its findings also show that while educators feel an increase in ed-tech is 
inevitable, funding could affect the quality and effectiveness of the solutions 
that schools and universities are able to use, while concerns also surround 
student privacy, data usage, and ethical considerations.

"The lockdowns experienced during the COVID-19 pandemic have created an 
unprecedented reliance on education technology," said Abeer Al-Khalifa, 
President of Qatar Foundation's Pre-University Education, which oversees 13 
mainstream and specialized schools.

"This new research commissioned by Qatar Foundation confirms what has been an 
almost universal expectation – that the use of technology within education 
systems will increase – but that concerns about funding remain. It also 
demonstrates a need to ensure that technology is designed around teaching and 
learning, rather than the other way round, to avoid adopting tools that are 
low-cost but fail to bring us closer to achieving the end goal: improving the 
learning experience of students.

"We hope this report is just the start of a conversation about how we can 
ensure the EdTech tools that are ultimately used most broadly are designed to 
make learning more personalized, rather than an attempt to use software as a 
way of increasing productivity."

The report finds that 92% of those surveyed are making the provision of 
personalized learning experience a priority in their schools, with almost all 
feeling that COVID-19 has accelerated EdTech adoption, and a widespread belief 
that school budgets for personalized learning will increase.

The majority of survey participants also feel personalized learning will 
benefit low-achieving students more than their high-achieving peers, and those 
with disabilities more than those without, while 95% are confident that 
personalized learning technologies will help ensure teaching methods are 
tailored for the needs of more marginalized students.

However, students and parents are less supportive of personalized learning than 
teachers and school administrators, and a quarter of participants said student 
pushback has been a prime obstacle to introducing EdTech-enabled personalized 
learning. Meanwhile, 98% feel the sudden shift to remote learning during the 
pandemic has created too great a focus on the technology aspect of personalized 
education, with nearly half of educators being concerned about students 
becoming over-reliant on technology, and 61% fearing increased personalized 
learning may reduce student-teacher interaction and stunt social development.

The full report is available free for download at

Qatar Foundation is a non-profit organization established in 1995 that supports 
the sustainable development of Qatar through programs and initiatives in 
education, research and innovation, and community development.

SOURCE: Qatar Foundation

