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Wednesday, February 09 2022 - 17:30
AsiaNet beats its 4Q target with a 39% jump in turnover, and reaches 61% for the year 2021; Art NFTs and Web3 are at the heart of Artprice's growth plan for 2022.
PARIS, Feb. 9, 2022 /PRNewswire-AsiaNet/ --

For the period 2022-2025, Artprice by Artmarket intends to be at the heart of 
the Web3, NFT, cryptocurrency and the Metaverse revolution.

To understand the notion of Web3, a simple phrase: "Before, the world was on 
the Internet. With Web3, the world is in the Internet".

Artprice Metaverse 
(C) 'Alchemical Fractal 1' (collection of 999 works), raw steel, NFT sculpture 
and algorithm by thierry Ehrmann. 
Courtesy of Organe Museum / Abode of Chaos / La Demeure du Chaos 
Photo -
Photo - 

Regrettably the COVID-19 pandemic is entering its third year. But it has 
accelerated the movement towards dependence on the Internet. Nowadays a very 
significant portion of global GDP is generated via the Internet. 

According to the French economics newspaper, Les Echos, global sales on the 
Internet represented $26.7 trillion in 2019, with an expected increase for 2021 
of +44% according to UNCTAD, to around $38.45 trillion. For Artprice by 
Artmarket, world leader in art market information, this level of growth 
represents a guarantee of at least double-digit growth. 

To achieve four-digit growth, must take responsibility for the 
standardization and certification of Art NFT marketplaces.

As indicated in its previous press releases, during the second half of 2021, decided to use its history and its deep knowledge of the world of 
encryption, cryptocurrencies and NFTs to meet and scrutinize most of the 
credible players on Art NFTs market. 

Meanwhile, Artprice by Artmarket's constant monitoring of legislation, mainly 
in the USA, but also in Europe, India and Asia, has revealed that most legal 
frameworks have indeed already made provisions for the existence of 

Two main lines emerge. On the one hand, the entry and exit doors will be the 
Exchange Platforms (Binance, Coin Base Exchange, FTX, Kraken etc.), some of 
which are already listed on the stock exchange. These exchange platforms will 
identify incoming and outgoing flows of scriptural currencies converted into 
cryptocurrencies and vice versa. On the other hand, a 30% tax now seems to be 
the subject of a global consensus among the major economic powers.

Claire Balva, co-founder of Blockchain Partner and Director of Blockchain & 
Cryptos at KPMG summarized the rapidly emerging reality well when she said on 
BFM Business in January 2022: 'Today it is becoming more risky [for groups] not 
to go into crypto than to get into it'. For information, Feb 07, 2022, KPMG in 
Canada adds Bitcoin and Ethereum to its corporate treasury. (Source CISION:

As world leader in art market information, Artprice by Artmarket understood the 
necessity of scrutinizing the major players in the Art NFT market. It has 
concluded that all the major players, whether primary (galleries) or secondary 
operators (Christie's, Sotheby's, Phillips, Bonhams, etc.), as well as museums 
and cultural bodies consider that there will be an extremely rapid extension of 
the art market to NFTs. 

The first major problem is a lack of classification of Art NFTs on 
marketplaces. In response to this problem, Artprice plans the rapid deployment 
of a standardized classification linked to its databases, which are 
authoritative throughout the art world.

thierry Ehrmann, President and Founder of and its Artprice 
department: 'The disruptive NFT technology escapes the standard segmentation of 
the art market, organized by period, by medium, by movement, etc. Extremely 
inventive, the NFT sphere has fragmented into numerous intermingling paths; but 
Artprice is working on how to better inform players in this market about what 
is exchanged and what creates value: a clear and objective way of presenting 
information relating to NFTs (origin, edition, supply, demand, use, etc.), 
necessary to reassure the market'. 

As a result of its analyses and discussions, Artprice by Artmarket very quickly 
isolated a second major problem, which affects all the major Art NFT platforms 
like OpenSea, Rarible, LooksRare, Nifty Gateway, Superare, etc.

Take for example the global leader OpenSea, which handled 90% of the exchanges 
of NFTs traded in January 2022, posting a turnover of $5.517 billion on a 
global NFT market for the month of January 2022 at an all-time high of $6.13 
billion (according to The Block Data Dashboard). The company recently declared 
that 80% of the Art NFTs minted on its platform were likely to undermine the 
intellectual property rights of certain third parties. OpenSea has therefore 
announced that it is studying solutions to stop this type of activity in order 
to provide better protection for buyers and sellers.

Artprice by Artmarket, however, because it is the world leader in art market 
information with proprietary databases constructed over 25 years, and because 
it has global authority with the largest documentary collection in the world 
(notes, manuscripts and sales catalogs since 1700) guaranteeing the 
authenticity and historical veracity of its databases, believes it is precisely 
in the arena of primary issue Art NFTs that it can make a genuine contribution 
to the continuity and growth of this market and achieve an extremely 
substantial turnover and profit at the same time. Indeed, taking into account 
all the underlying market parameters and data, Artprice by Artmarket is the 
only player on the global market genuinely able to manage the certification of 
primary issue Art NFTs.

Through its reliability and its undisputed reputation within the art market, 
Artprice has the full capacity to become the 'Oracle' (source of reliable 
information that allows variables from the real world to be integrated into 
smart contracts) in's blockchain.

The core of Artprice's legitimacy as an Oracle is based on its centralisation 
of key auction data from 6,300 auction houses around the world.

In Web3 communities, the Oracle must be based on hundreds of different sources, 
which is exactly the status of Artprice, with its 6,300 public sources. 

As an Oracle, Artprice will allow key data from its databases to be added to 
smart contracts. This data would include auction results, historical data, 
indices and econometric data regarding the artist and his/her works, regarding 
the traceability of works, standardized technical data, prices in updated 
currencies, original language used, etc..

As an Oracle input, Artprice's data will serve as the market's primary 
reference and authority. In other words, the 'smart contract' will be 
triggered, or not, depending on information provided by Artprice.  

As Artprice has played a key role in the art market providing reliable and 
indispensable information for 25 years, there is no doubt that OpenSea, 
Rarible, LooksRare, Nifty Gateway and Superare, to name but a few, are among 
the NFT platforms that would immediately and fully benefit from an industrial 
collaboration with

Regarding its own capacity to issue Art NFTs, has identified 
several companies in the world that could accelerate and secure its legitimacy 
in the primary issuance of Art NFTs. 

In this context, Artprice by Artmarket is notably in discussion with the 
company  whose legal protection offers a 
global public blockchain, operated by a decentralized network of lawyers, 
offering legal protection for all digital assets and digital transactions. The 
Logion Blockchain offers digital asset escrow, the issuance of certificates, 
the protection and confidentiality of critical data and, of course, evidence 
that is time-stamped by a Ministerial Officer.

At the meeting with Elie Auvray, co-President and co-Founder of Logion, thierry 
Ehrmann, CEO of and Founder of Artprice, reminded Logion's 
co-President that in the 1990s Server Group and Artprice created the European 
Judicial Server (now a 100% subsidiary of which developed a 
similar decentralized legal network on a European scale (but not worldwide) 
using the X25 computer protocol.

In addition, Artprice by Artmarket plans to create two subsidiaries, one with a 
European leader in digitization, providing quality advice and appropriate tools 
such as GIS (geographic information systems), design software, photogrammetry, 
cartography, drone, LIDAR, etc. 

Artprice by Artmarket's R&D has also been working on non-intrusive interfaces 
in order to enhance its mastery of augmented and virtual realities (AR and VR).
 Artprice has of course once again attended the annual Consumer Electronics 
Show (CES) where it took a long look at Samsung's QLED 4K digital frames (The 
Frame) allowing the display of works of art like real paintings and which are 
already present in certain major museums. Artprice is considering a deal with 
Samsung because The Frame is the perfect embodiment of digital Art NFTs for 
collectors, with a very affordable end-user price.

The enthusiasm for Art NFTs is so strong that the first museum entirely devoted 
to them will be opening its doors in early February, the Seattle NFT Museum 
(SNFTM). In 2022/2023, we are expecting to see around 30 museums and 
contemporary art centers dedicated exclusively to NFTs on all 5 continents.

The second planned subsidiary, which will be created by Artprice Inc. USA with 
governance tokens and a specific DAO, is described in the paragraphs below: 
"New risks identified for 2022, in accordance with the recommendations of the 
AMF (France's Financial Markets Authority) is therefore studying each proposal (joint venture, capital 
investment, merger/acquisition, etc.) and will only give its approval if these 
proposals make good economic sense and perpetuate its ethics, namely, to 
enhance the information available on the art market as well as its overall 

As regards the various legislative frameworks in force in France and Europe, is studying the possibility of registering with the AMF as a 
digital asset service provider (DASP) with a view to its future quality as a 
FinTech company. At the same time, careful and constant monitoring of American 
and European legislation will allow and its American subsidiary 
to make the best choices as a future FinTech.

Lastly, the ultimate democratization of Art NFTs for the general public 
involves cryptocurrencies, which are now being linked to major credit card 
issuers such as Visa (source: CNBC).

Visa's CFO, Vasant Prabhu, expressed his optimism about the development in an 
interview with CNBC. 'To us, this (the fact that customers made $2.5 billion in 
payments with its crypto-linked cards in its fiscal first quarter of 2022) 
signals that consumers see utility in having a Visa card linked to an account 
at a crypto platform. There's value in being able to access that liquidity, to 
fund purchases and manage expenses, and to do so instantly and seamlessly...'.
Crypto-linked cards allow customers to spend cryptocurrencies (aka cry) 
anywhere Visa is accepted, without merchants having to familiarize themselves 
with the asset class. They receive real money transactions like typical Visa 
transactions, while the payment processor handles the conversions in the 

New risks identified for 2022, in accordance with the recommendations of the 
AMF (France's Financial Markets Authority)

In accordance with the recommendations of the AMF (France's Financial Markets 
Authority), and, specifically, with regard to the universal registration 
document (EU regulation 2017/1129), the issuing company must declare and 
continually update the potential risk factors.

The presentation of risks is the fruit of regular and proactive analyses within 
the framework of a formal and concerted risk management policy.

The future of is in the Web3 sphere (NFTs, cryptocurrencies, the 

Given its strategy, is therefore obliged to warn the market and 
its shareholders of the risk associated with the value fluctuations of 
cryptocurrencies, notably Ethereum (ETH), the most widely used cryptocurrency 
in the field of Art NFTs (with its dedicated smart contracts), and, to a lesser 
extent, Bitcoin (BTC). and its Artprice department will channel most of its R&D, 
operations and marketing of its NFT Standardized Marketplace through a 
subsidiary 100% owned by, and probably through its 100%-owned 
American subsidiary: Artprice Inc. As such, informs its 
shareholders and the financial markets that there is an identified risk that 
the share, in the eyes of fund managers, mostly Anglo-American 
will be closely indexed to the value of the Ethereum (ETH) and secondarily to 
that of the Bitcoin (BTC). 

A technical analysis over the last three months (from 9 November 2021 to 9 
February 2022) using a moving average confirms a constantly strong correlation 
between the stock market prices of and that of Ethereum, and to a 
lesser extent, those of Bitcoin and other major cryptocurrencies. The "Triple 
Halving" effect of Ethereum in particular can strongly influence the price 
(accretive effect).

Indeed, most of the development of Artprice by Artmarket's Standardized NFT 
Marketplace provides for a proprietary smart contract within the Ethereum 
blockchain, and notably through its future version, Serenity, that will allow 
all or part of the current mining process to be switched from Proof-of-Work to 
Proof-of-Stake mining in order to limit energy consumption, or stay with 
traditional carbon-free mining. wishes to point out that, to date, there is not yet a specific 
cryptocurrency for the group, but that its work groups, after intense 
reflection, projected different scenarios where French and/or European 
legislators and/or American legislators would start building workable 
legislative frameworks for a crypto-culture which already has a relatively long 
history and is currently practised by more than a billion people around the 

The development and implementation of these frameworks (i.e. the legal 
adjustment to an existing reality) is a process seen repeatedly throughout 
history, particularly in the fields of economics and science during the 20th 
century.'s global strategy has long included the creation of a specific 
cryptocurrency for the art market after regulatory approvals, as demonstrated 
by the filing date of the DNS (.net .org, etc. and its 
corresponding names).

][ ]
Copyright 1987-2022 thierry Ehrmann -
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About Artmarket: is listed on Eurolist by Euronext Paris, SRD long only and 
Euroclear: 7478 - Bloomberg: PRC - Reuters: ARTF.

Discover Artmarket and its Artprice department on video:
Artmarket and its Artprice department was founded in 1997 by its CEO, thierry 
Ehrmann. Artmarket and its Artprice department is controlled by Groupe Serveur, 
created in 1987.

See certified biography in Who's who (C):

Artmarket is a global player in the Art Market with, among other structures, 
its Artprice department, world leader in the accumulation, management and 
exploitation of historical and current art market information in databanks 
containing over 30 million indices and auction results, covering more than 
770,000 artists.

Artprice by Artmarket, the world leader in information on the art market, has 
set itself the ambition through its Global Standardized Marketplace to be the 
world's leading Fine Art NFT platform.

Artprice Images(R) allows unlimited access to the largest Art Market image bank 
in the world: no less than 180 million digital images of photographs or 
engraved reproductions of artworks from 1700 to the present day, commented by 
our art historians.

Artmarket with its Artprice department accumulates data on a permanent basis 
from 6300 Auction Houses and produces key Art Market information for the main 
press and media agencies (7,200 publications). Its 5.4 million ('members log 
in'+social media) users have access to ads posted by other members, a network 
that today represents the leading Global Standardized Marketplace(R) to buy and 
sell artworks at a fixed or bid price (auctions regulated by paragraphs 2 and 3 
of Article L 321.3 of France's Commercial Code).

Artmarket with its Artprice department, has been awarded the State label 
"Innovative Company" by the Public Investment Bank (BPI) (for the second time 
in November 2018 for a new period of 3 years) which is supporting the company 
in its project to consolidate its position as a global player in the market art.

Artprice's 2020/21 Contemporary Art Market Report by

Artprice by Artmarket's 2020 Global Art Market Report published in March 2021:
Index of press releases posted by Artmarket with its Artprice department:
Follow all the Art Market news in real time with Artmarket and its Artprice 
department on Facebook and Twitter: (over 5,4 million followers)
Discover the alchemy and universe of Artmarket and its artprice department headquartered at the famous Organe Contemporary 
Art Museum "The Abode of Chaos" (dixit The New York Times):

·  L'Obs - The Museum of the Future:
· (4.4 million 

Contact and its Artprice department - Contact: Thierry Ehrmann,

Logo - 
