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Friday, February 11 2022 - 01:00
Leading organizations form the Carbon Call to address reliability and interoperability in carbon accounting for the planet
SAN FRANCISCO, Feb. 11, 2022 /PRNewswire-AsiaNet/ --

-- Participating organizations and signatories to focus on solving companies' 
carbon emissions and removal accounting challenges for a net zero future

Over 20 leading organizations on Thursday announced an initiative to accelerate 
the development of reliable and interoperable carbon emissions accounting, 
which is necessary to help the world reach net zero by midcentury. The Carbon 
Call mobilizes collective action, investment and resources from scientific, 
corporate, philanthropic and intergovernmental organizations to enable access 
to data and science that is reliable and up to date and can be easily exchanged 
among carbon accounting systems.

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Reliable measurement and accounting of greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions is 
critical to climate accountability and attribution. According to an analysis ( 
) by The Washington Post, the gap in underreported GHG emissions "ranges from 
at least 8.5 billion to as high as 13.3 billion tons a year." Today, carbon 
accounting suffers from data quality issues, measurement and reporting 
inconsistencies, siloed platforms, and infrastructure challenges. This makes it 
difficult to compare, combine and share reliable data, particularly for 

The Carbon Call uncovers and addresses gaps in existing global carbon 
accounting systems, focusing on carbon removal and land sector, methane and 
indirect emissions. The Carbon Call will work collectively to identify where 
more accurate information is needed to improve reliability and advance 
interoperability by design -- both in carbon accounting reports (or ledgers) 
and the data ecosystems that support them.

The Carbon Call is hosted by ClimateWorks Foundation ( 
), and participating organizations include Capricorn Investment Group, Climate 
Change AI, Corporate Leaders Group Europe, Global Carbon Project, Global 
Council for Science and the Environment, International Science Council, LF 
Energy, Linux Foundation, Microsoft, Mila, Skoll Foundation, Stanford Woods 
Institute for the Environment, United Nations Environment Programme 
(collaborating organization), and United Nations Foundation. Participating 
organizations of the Carbon Call work to advance the development of universal 
accounting methodological standards, enable expanded access to reliable GHG 
emissions and removal data, and strengthen the interoperability of digital 
accounting infrastructures.

Signatories to the Carbon Call support the enabling conditions needed for a 
more reliable global system of interoperable carbon accounting reports (or 
ledgers). To that end, signatories commit to report GHG emissions and offset 
information comprehensively, including all scopes and classes of GHG emissions, 
annually and transparently. Signatories include Capricorn Investment Group, EY, 
GSK, KPMG, Microsoft, and Wipro.

The outputs of the coalition will be widely available, and organizations are 
encouraged to learn more and sign on by visiting

What participating organizations and signatories are saying about the Carbon 

Capricorn Investment Group
Ion Yadigaroglu, managing partner at Capricorn Investment Group, said, "We 
invest billions of dollars into climate solutions, and we are now deploying 
significant capital into carbon removal in order to meet our net zero 
commitment. But this only registers at the scale of the climate crisis if we 
can keep track of the global balance between greenhouse gas emissions and 
removals. We are joining the Carbon Call to support the creation of a 
transparent and science-based ledger for carbon accounting. This will be an 
important building block for net zero investing."

Climate Change AI
David Rolnick, co-founder and chair of Climate Change AI and assistant 
professor and Canada CIFAR AI Chair at McGill University, said, "The mission of 
Climate Change AI is to catalyze impactful work at the intersection of climate 
change and machine learning. Machine learning has already proved helpful in 
gathering data on emissions and carbon stock and may be of use in supporting 
verification and assessment of progress on emissions reductions. We are excited 
to collaborate with the Carbon Call to advance the interoperability and 
reliability of carbon accounting systems in the service of climate action." 

ClimateWorks Foundation
Surabi Menon, vice president of global intelligence at ClimateWorks Foundation, 
said, "To avoid the worst impacts of climate change, we must deliver on 
effective infrastructure this decade that supports credibility of net zero 
targets. Accurate carbon accounting is fundamental to holding polluters 
accountable and knowing where focus on climate action is most needed. The 
Carbon Call will build on existing efforts by bringing together civil, business 
and philanthropic actors to accelerate the development of more reliable and 
interoperable systems for tracking emissions."

Corporate Leaders Group Europe
Eliot Whittington, director of Corporate Leaders Group Europe, said, "As action 
on climate change scales up and becomes mainstream, we're seeing a growing 
trust gap as new promises are made without the tools and systems to track 
delivery. The Carbon Call is a much-needed rallying point for efforts to 
improve the accountability, transparency and readability of data on carbon 
emissions across the economy — an indispensable tool in closing that trust gap. 
Better collaboration for more transparent, more clear and more useful data will 
help the world keep track of climate pledges and give insights into how to 
improve and accelerate delivery of the Paris Agreement. CLG Europe is proud to 
support the Carbon Call and join efforts to enable the development of more 
reliable global carbon data and consequently faster climate action."

Steve Varley, global vice chair, sustainability at EY, said, "As businesses 
realize their role in tackling climate change, pledges and promises must be 
evidenced by progress and performance. A global, reliable and interoperable 
system for improved GHG accounting is critical for our efforts to accelerate 
action and track progress at scale. EY is excited to be joining this 
collaboration across a broad range of stakeholders that will help create value 
for all."

Global Carbon Project
Rob Jackson, chair of Global Carbon Project, earth scientist at Stanford 
University, and senior fellow of the Stanford Woods Institute for the 
Environment and the Precourt Institute for Energy, said, "As scientists, we 
track increasing concentrations of methane and other greenhouse gases in the 
atmosphere that are warming the earth. But because of incomplete and 
inconsistent emissions reporting and a scarcity of monitoring stations, it is 
difficult for us to track where emissions originate and whether they are being 
cut sufficiently in a given country or region. We are pleased to be part of the 
Carbon Call, which cuts across science, civil society and the private sector to 
develop more comprehensive and integrated emissions reporting."

Global Council for Science and the Environment
Michelle Wyman, executive director of the Global Council for Science and the 
Environment, said, "Collaborations, partnerships and accountability between 
scientists and decision makers are vital to advance the use of science to 
address environmental challenges. The Carbon Call seeks to collaborate and 
facilitate various industries and organizations from local, national and global 
levels to develop a reliable global carbon accounting system. The Global 
Council for Science and the Environment is pleased to support the Carbon Call 
initiative to strengthen an interoperable global system of GHG accounting for 
the planet."

International Science Council
Leena Srivastava, deputy director general for science at the International 
Institute for Applied Systems Analysis, said, "The world needs to limit warming 
to no more than 1.5 degrees. Staying within this goal requires accelerating 
decarbonization through strategies that incentivize inclusive green growth. 
Many of these strategies rely on carbon accounting, which is still in its 
infancy. The Carbon Call's focus on interoperability and transparency is 
critical to building a reliable carbon accounting system. Science has a key 
role to play. Science is needed not only to expand availability to reliable 
emissions and removal data but also to design strategies that ensure trusted 

Bill Thomas, global chairman and CEO of KPMG International, said, "Progress on 
climate action demands all of us working together to achieve positive change on 
a vast scale. That's why KPMG is excited to be a founding signatory of the 
Carbon Call. Together, we can help build a more sustainable future for all."

LF Energy
Shuli Goodman, executive director of LF Energy, said, "Open source and 
interoperable data and technologies are critical to accelerating 
decarbonization of our economies. LF Energy provides a neutral, cooperative 
community that is building those shared investments that will help the world to 
meet the urgency of climate change. This is why we are excited to be part of 
the Carbon Call's mandate to enable interoperability within the carbon 
accounting infrastructure."

Linux Foundation
Jim Zemlin, executive director of the Linux Foundation, said, "At Linux 
Foundation, we help grow open technologies ecosystems to transform industries. 
A key part of our work is enabling collaboration for building protocols 
interoperability. We are excited to be part of the Carbon Call to support and 
expand collaboration in building interoperability in the carbon accounting 
infrastructure to help accelerate climate action."

Lucas Joppa, chief environmental officer at Microsoft, said, "With so many 
organizations now committing to net zero, one key piece is still missing: a 
transparent and interoperable system to track, report and compare GHG emissions 
and removals. The Carbon Call is a collaboration to enable reliability among 
the multiple, different GHG accounting ledgers — from the corporate to the 
national to the planetary. We encourage all organizations committed to net zero 
to join us." 

Mila, the Quebec Artificial Intelligence Institute
Yoshua Bengio, founder and scientific director of Mila, said, "A key challenge 
to addressing the climate crisis globally is effectively accounting for carbon 
so a price can be put on it. Machine learning has the potential to offer a 
solution, but this requires that data from multiple sources be interoperable so 
they can be aggregated and used in analysis. MILA is pleased to be part of the 
Carbon Call collaboration to build a road map to ensure interoperability of 
carbon data and improve carbon accounting."

Skoll Foundation
Bruce Lowry, senior advisor at Skoll Foundation, said, "Climate change requires 
urgent, collective and coordinated action, including protecting forests and 
managing land use better. But accounting data for emissions and carbon removal 
by forests and other sectors remains siloed, making it difficult for countries 
and companies to plan and take action. By catalyzing a more robust, 
interoperable global accounting system, the Carbon Call will enhance carbon 
accountability broadly. Having forest data integrated into a reliable global 
accounting system will give local communities, companies and countries stronger 
evidence of the value of preserving forests."

Stanford Woods Institute for the Environment
Christopher Field, Perry L. McCarty director at Stanford Woods Institute for 
the Environment, said, "Natural climate solutions can be important contributors 
to solving the climate crisis; at the same time they provide valuable 
co-benefits for communities, economies and ecosystems. Getting the accounting 
right is a critical foundation for building Natural Climate Solutions into a 
comprehensive strategy for decarbonization. Stanford Woods Institute is pleased 
to be collaborating on the Carbon Call to support efforts that enable more 
reliable, transparent and integrated approaches to accounting for nature-based 
carbon dioxide emissions and removals." 

United Nations Environment Programme (collaborating organization)
Sheila Aggarwal-Khan, director of the United Nations Environment Program's 
economy division, said, "With the scaled-up engagement the private sector saw 
at COP 26 and the large number of new commitments and pledges, it is crucial 
that we have a more transparent reporting system, one that builds confidence in 
the reported reductions of financial institutions, industries and cities. The 
Carbon Call will build on existing reporting initiatives in creating a coherent 
and transparent common reporting format, once that ensures comparability of 

United Nations Foundation
Elizabeth Cousens, president and CEO of the United Nations Foundation, said, 
"The science is clear: the pathway to 1.5°C is rapidly narrowing. To meet our 
climate goals and save our planet for future generations, we need to slash 
emissions significantly — and immediately. The Carbon Call is a welcome step 
toward ensuring greater accountability and credibility for climate commitments 
made across sectors."

Wipro Ltd. 
Narayan P.S., VP and global head of sustainability and social initiatives at 
Wipro Ltd., said, "In the run-up to COP26, we have seen an encouraging increase 
in commitments from countries on emissions reductions, adding up to an 
estimated two-thirds of the global economy. We are also seeing a concomitant 
increase in corporate commitments with more than 2,000 companies that have set 
science-based targets. While these are very positive developments, it is 
absolutely critical that carbon accounting used to calculate GHG emissions is 
transparent and based on science-based methods. We are happy to support the 
Carbon Call's objectives of building a reliable system of GHG accounting with a 
focus on some of the less understood areas like land use change and carbon 

SOURCE  Microsoft Corp. 

CONTACT: The Carbon Call,

